The Gay Genius |Chapter 8阅读笔记

The Gay Genius |Chapter 8阅读笔记

作者: 木羽子 | 来源:发表于2017-12-14 21:42 被阅读16次

1. 中文感悟


2. guiding task

Q: What's the nature of the political battle between the party strife?

A: It's a fight between "reactionaries" and "progressives". The reactionaries were those who Wang Anshih disliked or who disagreed with him and they would be cashiered or degraded while the progressives, in another word, his followers, would get promoted. Su Tungpo didn't agree with Wang Anshih so he was cashiered.

interesting sentence:

A tree dries up when its roots are cut; the lamp goes out when the oil is gone; fish die when they leave the water; farmers starve when deprived of their rice fields, and merchants go bankrupt when they have no more capital. And when an emperor loses the support of the people, it spells his ruin.

This sentence which uses the parallel construction is very beautiful and picturesque.

3. 词汇学习

Su Tungpo was getting hot under the collar.

hot under the collar

very annoyed 非常生气/愤怒

eg: She got hot under the collar after seeing the messy room.

A man is condemned by his acts and not by what he professes to do...

condemn      v.

If you condemn something, you say that it is very bad and unacceptable. 谴责; 责备

eg: The boy was condemned because he told a lie.

In consequence of its position, the censorate had tremendous powers and responsibilities and could overthrow an administration when the censors attacked it hard enough.

overthrow      v.

When a government or leader is overthrown, they are removed from power by force. 颠覆,推翻

eg: The government was overthrown by people because of tyranny.

Lu Huai was dismissed from his post, and the purge began.

purge      n. & v.

To purge an organization of its unacceptable members means to remove them from it.  (从组织中) 清除 (异己成员)

eg: The purge lasted for half a year and many people got involved.

He trusted that the Emperor would be able to see clearly for himself that there was dissension and strife in the country.

dissension      n.

disagreement and argument. 争辩[正式]

strife    n.

strong disagreement or fighting. 冲突[正式]

eg: Their marriage broke after continual dissension and strife.


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