L5-U2-P3 Quitting a job放弃一份工作

L5-U2-P3 Quitting a job放弃一份工作

作者: Darren321 | 来源:发表于2019-08-11 15:51 被阅读1次

Good morning, Lisa.What was it you wanted to see me about?早上好,丽莎 你想见我关于什么事

Eh, good morning.Thanks for seeing me on such short notice I know it's a busy time for you.早上好,谢谢你这么快见我,我知道这个时间你很忙

That's okay, Lisa.I can see that you're upset about something.没关系,丽莎 我能看出你有什么事和沮丧

Is something wrong?出什么事了吗?

Yes, actually there is, and I've been thinking about it a lot.是,事实上有,我一直在考虑这个问题

To make it short, I've decided to leave the company.长话短说,我已经决定离开公司了

You are going to leave?你想离开

Yes, I think it's best, I'm really not happy here anymore.是的,我认为这是最好的,在这里我真的一点不高兴

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.我很抱歉听到这

Have you found another job?你已经找到另一份工作了吗?

No, it isn't that.My husband and I have just decided that I really don't need to work.不,不是那样的.我丈夫和我刚已决定,我真的不需要工作

She has decided to quit because she's not happy working there .她已决定离职,因为在那里工作不开心

Well, I'm sorry to hear that you want to leave.But I really want you to reconsider.很好,很抱歉听到你想要离开,但是我真的想你重新考虑一下

You've only been here for a year.That isn't very long, and it won't help your resume if you decide to look for a job in the future.你仅仅在这里一年,并不是很长,如果你决定在未来找一份工作的话,这对你的简历没有帮助

Yes, that may be true, but staying here is really stressful.是的,那是真的,但在这里真的太有压力

You may not be aware of it, but I have real problems with my supervisor, Bill.你可能你没有注意,但我与我的管理人比尔真的有问题

She's been working there for about a year.她在这里工作大约1年

Bill is her supervisor,so he supervises her work .比尔是她的管理人,因此他监督她的工作

She has some serious problems working with her supervisor.她与他的管理人一起工作有严重的问题

Oh, what kind of problems?噢,什么样的问题?

He takes on projects and assigns them to me with no regard for my other responsibilities.他承接项目并分配给我 并没有考虑我其它的责任

It's just too much.Then he takes all the credit for my work.Maybe I'm just too sensitive.太多了,然后他把我的工作全部归功于他,或许只是我太敏感了

Yes, I know he can act that way, and I have told him it's an area he needs to improve.是的,我知道他能那样做,我已经告诉过他,这是他要改善的地方

Anyway, there are people like that in every organization.不管怎样,每个人组织里有很多人像那样

I know it's difficult, but you need to learn how to deal with people like him.我知道,这很难,但你必须学习,怎样去处理像这样的人

Well, I don't know.It's really stressful.很好,我不知道,这真的太有压力了

It isn't easy for me to talk to him.对我来说与他谈话太难了

Listen, Lisa.You have great potential, and I don't want to lose you.听着,丽莎你有很大的潜力,我不想失去你

If you already had a job offer, I wouldn't stand in your way.如果你已经有了工作机会我不会阻止你的路的

But since you don't, I really want you to stay.但由于你没有,我真的想你留下

I appreciate your saying that.It means a lot.我感激你说的这些,这意义很大

So will you please reconsider your decision?那么你将重新考虑你的决定

Yes, I'll talk to my husband.是的我将和我丈夫谈谈

As for Bill, please try to work with him for a bit longer.关于比尔,请试着与他工作长一点时间

This is part of your learning experience.这是你学习经验的一部分

Thanks, I really appreciate your advice.You are a great sales person.I'm feeling better already.谢谢,我真的感激你的建议,你是一个很棒的销售者,我已经好多了

You are welcome, Lisa.I need you to stay.不客气,丽莎,我需要你留下

Please give it at least another year.请至少再给他一年时间

She has sold Lisa on the idea of staying for another year.她已经说服丽莎再待一年



    本文标题:L5-U2-P3 Quitting a job放弃一份工作
