【道德经】英译 第九章

【道德经】英译 第九章

作者: 发明其道 | 来源:发表于2021-08-25 11:15 被阅读0次

    持 而 盈 之 , 不 如 其 已 ﹔

    揣 而 锐 之 , 不 可 长 保 。

    金 玉 满 堂 , 莫 之 能 守 ﹔

    富 贵 而 骄 , 自 遗 其 咎 。

    功 遂 身 退 , 天 之 道 也 。


    Stretch (a bow) to the very full,

    And you will wish you had stopped in time.

    Temper a (sword-edge) to its very sharpest, 

    And the edge will not last long.

    When gold and jade fill your hall,

    You will not be able to keep them safe.

    To be proud with wealth and honor

    Is to sow seeds of one's own down-fall.

    Retire when your work is done,

    Such is Heaven's way.

    许渊冲 译本

    Don’t hold your fill

    But refrain from excess

    A whetted and sharpened sword

    Cannot be sharp for ever

    A houseful of gold and jade

    Cannot be safeguarded

    Arrogance of wealth and power

    Will bring ruin

    Withdrawal after success

    Conforms to the divine law

    英国汉学家 James legge 译本:

    It it better to leave a vessel unfilled, than to attempt to carry it when it is full. If you keep feeling a point that has been sharpened, the point cannot long preserve its sharpness. When gold and jade fill the hall, their possessor cannot keep them safe. When wealth and honors lead to arrogance, this brings its evil on itself. When the work is done, and on’e name is becoming distinguished, to withdraw into obscurity is the way of heaven.



          本文标题:【道德经】英译 第九章
