- 流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 2
- 流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 2
- 流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 2
- 流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 2
- 流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 2
- 流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 2
- 流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 2
- 流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 2
- 流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 2
- 流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 2
Gospel of Doubt 2
But planning time was over now. It was 11:50 pm.
We had 10 minutes left, and my pastor called us out of the pews and down to the altar because he wanted to be praying when midnight struck.
minutes分钟; 分; 一会儿; 一会儿的工夫; 时刻; 将写进会议记录; minute的第三人称单数和复数
out of从…里面;离开; 从…的状态中; 越出…之外
pews教堂长椅; pew的复数
down to一直到
wanted受通缉的; 要; 想要; 希望; 需要; 需要…在场; want的过去分词和过去式
praying祈祷; 祷告; 企盼; 祈望; pray的现在分词
midnight午夜; 子夜
struck撞; 碰; 撞击; 碰撞; 打; 击; 击打,踢; strike的过去分词和过去式
So every faction of the congregation took its place.
every每一个,每个; 所有可能的; 完全可能的; 每,每逢,每隔
faction派系,派别,小集团; 派系斗争; 内讧; 纪实与虚构相结合的电影
congregation会众; 教堂会众
took携带; 拿走; 取走; 运走; 带去; 引领; 使达到,把…推向,把…带到; take的过去式
place位置; 地点; 场所; 地方; 城镇; 有某用途的建筑; 放置,安放; 使处于某位置; 安置; 安顿; 以某种态度对待
The choir stayed in the choir stand, the deacons and their wives -- or the Baptist Bourgeoisie as I like to call them --took the first position in front of the altar.
choir唱诗班; 合唱团,歌唱队; 唱经楼,唱诗席
stayed停留; 待; 保持; 继续是; 暂住; 逗留; stay的过去分词和过去式
stand站立; 立; 直立; 站起来; 起立; 使直立; 竖放; 使站立; 态度; 立场; 观点; 保卫; 捍卫; 维护; 抵抗; 货摊; 售货亭
deacons执事,会吏; 助祭; deacon的复数
took携带; 拿走; 取走; 运走; 带去; 引领; 使达到,把…推向,把…带到; take的过去式
in front of在…前面
You see, in America, even the Second Coming of Christ has a VIP section.
And right behind the Baptist Bourgeoisie were the elderly , these men and women whose young backs had been bent under hot suns in the cotton fields of East Texas, and whose skin seemed to be burnt a creaseless noble brown, just like the clay of East Texas, and whose hopes and dreams for what life might become outside of East Texas had sometimes been bent and broken even further than their backs.
bent弯曲的; 驼背的,弯腰的; 不诚实的; 不正派的; 天赋,爱好; 倾斜,偏向; 弯曲; 把…弄弯; bend的过去分词和过去式
suns太阳; 日; 太阳的光和热; 阳光; 日光; 恒星; 晒太阳; sun的第三人称单数和复数
noble崇高的; 品质高尚的; 宏伟的; 壮丽的; 贵族的; 高贵的; 出身高贵的人; 贵族成员
Yes, these men and women were the stars of the show for me.
They had waited their whole lives for this moment, just as their medieval predecessors had longed for the end of the world, and just as my grandmother waited for the Oprah Winfrey Show to come on Channel 8 every day at 4 o'clock.
for this为此
just as正像; 正在…的时候
predecessors前任; 原先的东西; 被替代的事物; predecessor的复数
longed渴望; long的过去分词和过去式; longe的过去分词和过去式
end of结尾; 为某事物的结尾; 末尾
grandmother祖母; 奶奶; 外婆
come on来吧; 快点儿; 加把劲; 开始; 进展; 进步; 开始工作,开始运转; 到来
And as she made her way to the altar, I snuck right in behind her,because I knew for sure that my grandmother was going to heaven.
her她; 她的
snuck美国英语中 sneak 的过去式和过去分词之一
right in【体】好球
behind在…的后面; 在…的背面; 落后于; 支持; 赞成; 在后面较远处; 留在原地; 拖欠; 积压; 义同bottom,委婉说法,即屁股
knew知道; 知悉; 了解; 认识到; 懂得; 意识到; 确信; 确知; 肯定; know的过去式
for sure确实
grandmother祖母; 奶奶; 外婆
going离去; 去; 离开; 进展速度; 难度; 地面状况; 常去…的; 走; 移动,旅行,行走; go的现在分词
heaven天堂; 天国; 极乐之地; 极乐; 天空
And I thought that if I held on to her hand during this prayer, I might go right on with her.
So I held on and I closed my eyes to listen, to wait.
And the prayers got louder.
And the shouts of response to the call of the prayer went up higher even still.
shouts大声说; 叫; 嚷; 斥责; 怒骂; 呼叫; 喊叫; 请人喝饮料; 呼喊,喊叫声; 轮到某人请客; shout的第三人称单数和复数
response to对…的反应
prayer祷告,祈祷; 祈祷文; 经文; 祈祷
went up上升; 上大学; 腾贵; 烧起来
higher高等级的; 级别较高的; 较重要的; 在高处; 向高处; 高; 大; 音调高; high的比较级
even甚至,连,即使; 甚至更,愈加,还; 甚至可以说,其实,实际上; 平滑的; 平的; 平坦的; 变化不大的,均匀的,平稳的; 相等的; 均等的; 平; 相等; 变平
still还; 还是; 仍然; 依旧; 但; 不过; 还要,更; 静止的; 平静的; 安静的; 寂静的; 无风的; 不含碳
And the organ rolled on in to add the dirge.
rolled翻滚,滚动; 原地转圈,原地打转; 翻身,翻转; roll的过去分词和过去式
add增加; 加添; 加; 补充说; 继续说
dirge哀歌; 挽歌; 惨兮兮的歌曲
And the heat came on to add to the sweat.
heat热; 温度; 炎热天气; 高温,热的环境; 加热; 变热; 变暖
came来; 来到; 到达,抵达; 来做; 来取; 来拿; come的过去式
on to到…之上; 向…之上; 到,上; 朝向,转向
add to增加,是对…的增添,加强
sweat汗; 出汗; 流汗; 一身汗; 繁重的工作; 艰苦的劳动; 累活儿; 艰苦努力; 渗出水分,结水珠; 辛苦地干
And my hand gripped firmer, so I wouldn't be the one left in the field.
hand手; 用…手的; 用…只手的; 帮助; 协助; 交; 递; 给
gripped紧握; 紧抓; 使感兴趣; 使激动; 吸引住的注意; 对…产生强有力的影响; grip的过去分词和过去式
firmer稳固地; 坚固的; 坚硬的; 结实的; 坚定的; 确定的; 坚决的; 牢固的; 稳固的; firm的比较级
the one【电影】救世主; 平行歼灭战
left左边的; 左边; 左方; 左; 左边的第一条路; 左转弯; 离开; 离开居住地点; 遗弃; 丢弃; leave的过去分词和过去式; 向左; 在左边
in the field在实地;在野外
My eyes clenched tighter so I wouldn't see the wheat being separated from the chaff.
eyes眼睛; 有…眼睛的; 有…只眼的; 视力; 眼力; 注视; 审视; 细看; eye的第三人称单数和复数
clenched捏紧,攥紧,咬紧; 握紧; 抓牢; 攥住; clench的过去分词和过去式
tighter紧紧地; 牢固地; 牢固的; 紧的; 不松动的; 难解开的; 紧身的; 紧贴的; 严密的; 严格的; 严厉的; tight的比较级
see看见; 见到; 看出; 看得见; 看; 有视力; 观看; 主教教区; 主教权限; 牧座
being存在; 生存; 生物; 思想感情; 身心; are的现在分词; be的现在分词
chaff谷壳; 糠; 麦秸,干草; 开玩笑,取笑,打趣
And then a voice rang out above us: "Amen."
And then然后
voice嗓音; 说话声; 歌唱声; 有…嗓音的; 嗓音…的; 发言权; 发表意见的权利; 影响; 表示,表达,吐露; 发浊音; 发嗓音
rang包围; 环绕; 给…戴上金属环; 绕…画圆; 把…圈起来; 给…打电话; 发出铃声; 发出钟声,响起铃声; ring的过去式
out出来; 不在家; 不在工作地点; 外出; 出去; 离开边缘; 回避的方法; 托词; 出路; 揭露,公布
above在…上面; 超过,多于,大于; 超过,胜过; 在上面; 在较高处; 超过,更多,更大; 上文; 前文; 前文述及的; 上述的
1.What does Gerald suggest by in America even the Second Coming of Christ has a VIP section?
American society is obsessed with class and social status.
2.The idiom" separate the wheat from the chaff" means...
to sort out something valueable from something worthless.
3.Gerald believed that if he held onto his grandmother's hand as she prayed...
he would go to heaven.
Fill in the blanks:
It was 11:50 pm.We had 10 minutes left, and my pastor called us out of the pews and down to the altar because he wanted to be praying when midnight struck.So every faction of the congregation took its place.The choir stayed in the choir stand, the deacons and their wives -- or the Baptist Bourgeoisie as I like to call them --took the first position in front of the altar.You see, in America, even the Second Coming of Christ has a VIP section.
It was over.
I looked at the clock.
It was after midnight.
I looked at the elder believers, whose savior had not come, who were too proud to show any signs of disappointment, who had believed too much and for too long to start doubting now.
looked看; 瞧; 寻找; 寻求; 注意; 留心; 留神; look的过去分词和过去式
elder年纪较长的; 年长者; 年龄大的一个; 长者; 长辈; 元老; 比…年长的人; 长老
believers信徒; believer的复数
savior救世主; 拯救者
proud骄傲的; 自豪的; 得意的; 满足的; 引以为荣的; 令人自豪的; 傲慢的; 骄傲自大的; 细看;钻研;凝视
signs迹象; 征兆; 预兆; 招牌; 标牌; 指示牌; 标志; 示意的动作; 手势; 签; 署; 签字; 签署; 和…签约; 示意; 打手势; sign的第三人称单数和复数
disappointment失望; 沮丧; 扫兴; 使人失望的人; 令人扫兴的人
believed相信; 认为真实; 把当真; 认为有可能; 认定; 看作; believe的过去分词和过去式
too much过分
too long太长,太久
But I was upset on their behalf.
upset使烦恼; 使心烦意乱; 使生气; 打乱; 搅乱; 使不适; 难过; 不高兴; 失望; 沮丧; 肠胃不适; 腹泻; 混乱,困扰,麻烦; 意外的结果; 爆冷门; 肠胃病
their他们的; 她们的; 它们的; 在提及性别不详的人时,用以代替his或her
They had been duped, hoodwinked, bamboozled, and I had gone right along with them.
They他们; 她们; 它们; 用以代替he或she,指性别不详的人; 人们,人人,众人
been曾经到过; are的过去分词; be的过去分词
duped诈骗; 哄骗; 欺骗; dupe的过去分词和过去式
hoodwinked欺诈,欺骗; hoodwink的过去分词和过去式
bamboozled迷惑; 哄骗,欺骗; bamboozle的过去分词和过去式
gone用完了; 用光了; 走了; 离开了; 不在; 不复存在; 一去不复返; 晚于; 已过; 去; 走; 移动,旅行,行走; go的过去分词
them他们; 她们; 它们; 指性别不详的人时,用以代替him或her
I had prayed their prayers, I had yielded not to temptation as best I could.
prayed祈祷; 祷告; 企盼; 祈望; pray的过去分词和过去式
their他们的; 她们的; 它们的; 在提及性别不详的人时,用以代替his或her
prayers祷告,祈祷; 祈祷文; 经文; 祈祷; prayer的复数
yielded出产; 产生; 提供; 屈服; 让步; 放弃; 缴出; yield的过去分词和过去式
not(构成动词be、do和have及情态动词can或must等的否定形式,常缩略为n't)不,没有; 不; (用于hope、expect、believe等动词后,作为否定的回答)不
temptation引诱; 诱惑; 煽诱人的事物
best最好的; 最出色的; 最优秀的; 最愉快的; 最幸福的; 最合适的; 最恰当的; 最; 最高程度地; 最出色地; 最高标准地; 最适合地; 最恰当地; 最好的事物; 最高标准; 最合乎要求的事物; 打败; 胜过; good的最高级; well的最高级
could用于can的过去时; 能,可以; 能; 把装罐保存; 让…卷铺盖走人; 炒…的鱿鱼; can的过去
I had dipped my head not once, but twice in that snot-inducing baptism pool.
dipped蘸; 浸; 下降,下沉; 把远光调为近光; dip的过去分词和过去式
head头; 头部; 头脑; 脑筋; 一头长,一头高; 朝行进; 领导; 主管; 位于排行之首; 排在前头
not(构成动词be、do和have及情态动词can或must等的否定形式,常缩略为n't)不,没有; 不; (用于hope、expect、believe等动词后,作为否定的回答)不
once仅一次; 一次; 曾; 曾经; (用于否定句、疑问句和if后)曾,根本; 一…就; 一旦; 当…时候
twice两次; 两遍; 两倍
in that因为;原因是
pool水坑,水塘,池塘; 一滩; 一小片; 共用的资源; 集中资源
I had believed.
Now what?
I got home just in time to turn on the television and watch Peter Jennings announce the new millennium as it rolled in around the world.
It struck me that it would have been strange anyway, for Jesus to come back again and again based on the different time zones.
And this made me feel even more ridiculous -- hurt, really.
But there on that night, I did not stop believing.
I just believed a new thing: that it was possible not to believe.
It was possible the answers I had were wrong, that the questions themselves were wrong.
And now, where there was once a mountain of certitude, there was, running right down to its foundation, a spring of doubt, a spring that promised rivers.
certitude确信; 确定; 确实的事
running跑; 跑步; 管理; 操纵; 操作; 走私; 偷运; (置于数字和year、day或time等名词后,表示同样的事一再重复)连续; 活的,流淌的,流动的; 持久的; 连续不断的; 奔跑; 做跑步运动; run的现在分词
right down非常,无限
foundation地基; 房基; 基础; 基本原理; 根据; 基金会
spring春天; 春季; 弹簧; 发条; 弹性; 弹力; 跳; 跃; 蹦; 突然猛烈地移动; 突如其来地做; 冷不防地问; 突然说
doubt疑惑; 疑问; 不确定; 不相信; 无把握; 不能肯定; 认为…未必可能; 怀疑; 不信任
promised许诺; 承诺; 答应; 保证; 使很可能; 预示; promise的过去分词和过去式
rivers河; 江; 涌流; river的复数
I can trace the whole drama of my life back to that night in that church when my savior did not come for me; when the thing I believed most certainly turned out to be, if not a lie, then not quite the truth.
drama戏; 剧; 戏剧文学; 戏剧艺术; 戏剧; 戏剧性事件; 戏剧性情节
my life我的生活; 我的生命; 情深到来生
in that因为;原因是
savior救世主; 拯救者
did not没有; 未; 的缩写
come for上门找,带走
believed相信; 认为真实; 把当真; 认为有可能; 认定; 看作; believe的过去分词和过去式
turned out…装束的; …打扮的
if not要是不;即使不
And even though most of you prepared for Y2K in a very different way.
I'm convinced that you are here because some part of you has done the same thing that I have done since the dawn of this new century, since my mother left and my father stayed away and my Lord refused to come.
convinced坚信; 深信; 确信; 坚信不移的; 有坚定信仰的; 使确信; 使相信; 使信服; 说服,劝说; convince的过去分词和过去式
part of部分
done完毕; 了结; 结束; 煮熟; 熟了; 合乎礼仪; 合乎规矩; 得体; 行,好; 做,干,办; 做; 行动; 表现; 进展,进行; do的过去分词
have done现在完成时; 所做的每一件事; 表示做了不必做的事
dawn黎明; 拂晓; 破晓; 开端; 曙光; 萌芽; 开始; 变得明朗; 开始清楚
century100年; 百年; 世纪; 100分
father父亲; 爸爸; 祖先; 创始人; 奠基者; 先驱; 鼻祖; 成为…的父亲; 做…的父亲; 创立; 创造,发明
stayed停留; 待; 保持; 继续是; 暂住; 逗留; stay的过去分词和过去式
refused拒绝; 回绝; 推却; 拒绝给; refuse的过去分词和过去式
And I held out my hand, reaching for something to believe in.
1.How did he believe change after the night of the church?
he started to look for something new to believe in.
2.Why does Gerad say that the elderly in his church were duped?
They believed in something that wasn't true.
3.Why did Gerald tell his church story at the beginning of the talk?
to show the first time his beliefs changed.
4.What would have been strange if Jesus had actually come back?
He would have had to come back several times.
Put the sentences into correct order:
I got home just in time to turn on the television and watch Peter Jennings announce the new millennium as it rolled in around the world.It struck me that it would have been strange anyway, for Jesus to come back again and again based on the different time zones.And this made me feel even more ridiculous -- hurt, really.But there on that night, I did not stop believing.I just believed a new thing: that it was possible not to believe.
Read and repeat the sentences:
1.My eyes clenched tighter so I wouldn't see the wheat being separated from the chaff.
2.It was possible the answers I had were wrong, that the questions themselves were wrong.
3.I looked at the elder believers who were too proud to show any signs of disappointment.
4. it would have been strange for Jesus to come back again and again based on the different time zones.