流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 2

流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 2

作者: 羲之大鹅video | 来源:发表于2020-04-11 13:53 被阅读0次

    Experience vs Memory 3

    Now, the experiencing self lives its life continuously. 


    experiencing经历; 经受; 遭受; 感受; 体会; 体验; experience的现在分词

    self通常的行为方式,本来面目,惯常心态; 个性; 自我; 个人利益; 一己的享乐; 私心

    lives住; 居住; 生存; 活着; live的第三人称单数和life的复数

    life生命; 人命; 性命; 人的存活; 生物; 活物


    It has moments of experience, one after the other. 

    And you can ask: What happens to these moments? 

    And the answer is really straightforward: They are lost forever. 

    I mean, most of the moments of our life, and I calculated, you know, the psychological present is said to be about three seconds long;  that means that, you know, in a life there are about 600 million of them; in a month, there are about 600,000 -- most of them don't leave a trace. 


    most of大多数

    moments片刻; 瞬间; 准确时刻; 正是时候; 时机; 机遇; 时光; 做某事的时刻; moment的复数

    calculated精心策划的; 蓄意的; 计算; 核算; 预测; 推测; calculate的过去分词和过去式

    you know你知道; 你知道的; 你知道吗

    said to be据告称

    seconds秒; 片刻; 瞬间; 支持,赞成; 附议; 临时调派; 短期调任; second的第三人称单数和复数

    there are有; 可数名词的复数形式; 许多重要事情要谈

    Most of them are completely ignored by the remembering self. 

    And yet, somehow you get the sense that they should count, that what happens during these moments of experience is our life. 

    It's the finite resource that we're spending while we're on this earth. 


    finite英 [ˈfaɪnaɪt] 美 [ˈfaɪnaɪt] adj.有限的;有限制的;限定的

    And how to spend it would seem to be relevant, but that is not the story that the remembering self keeps for us.

    So we have the remembering self and the experiencing self, and they're really quite distinct. 

    The biggest difference between them is in the handling of time. 

    From the point of view of the experiencing self, if you have a vacation, and the second week is just as good as the first, then the two-week vacation is twice as good as the one-week vacation. 

    That's not the way it works at all for the remembering self. 

    For the remembering self, a two-week vacation is barely better than the one-week vacation because there are no new memories added. 

    You have not changed the story. 

    And in this way, time is actually the critical variable that distinguishes a remembering self from an experiencing self; time has very little impact on the story.


    in this way用这个办法

    actually的确,真实地,事实上; 居然,竟然; 实际上

    critical批评的; 批判性的; 挑剔的; 极重要的; 关键的; 至关紧要的; 严重的; 不稳定的; 可能有危险的

    variable多变的; 易变的; 变化无常的; 可更改的; 可变的; 可变情况; 变量; 可变因素

    distinguishes区分; 辨别; 分清; 成为…的特征; 使具有…的特色; 使有别于; 看清; 认出; 听出; distinguish的第三人称单数

    remembering回想起; 记得; 记起; 想起; 记住; 把…牢记在心; remember的现在分词

    self通常的行为方式,本来面目,惯常心态; 个性; 自我; 个人利益; 一己的享乐; 私心

    experiencing经历; 经受; 遭受; 感受; 体会; 体验; experience的现在分词

    very little寸;半;无几;微乎其微

    impact on影响; 对…冲击,碰撞; 对…之影响


    1.Why does the remembering self feel one-week vacation and two-week vacation is equally enjoyable? 

    The remembering self isn't influenced by time.

    2.to disappear without a trace means to...

    suddenly vanish without any explanation.

    3.In what way do people mistakenly view lives moments?

    People think they're all significant but can only remember a few of them.

    4.If something is finite, it...

    has an end or limit.

    5.A variable is...

     something that can change.

    Fill in the blanks:

    And in this way, time is actually the critical variable that distinguishes a remembering self from an experiencing self; time has very little impact on the story.

    Now, the remembering self does more than remember and tell stories. 

    It is actually the one that makes decisions, because, if you have a patient who has had, say, two colonoscopies with two different surgeons and is deciding which of them to choose, then the one that chooses is the one that has the memory that is less bad, and that's the surgeon that will be chosen.


    the one【电影】救世主; 平行歼灭战

    decisions决定,抉择; 决断; 果断; 作决定; 决策; decision的复数

    patient接受治疗者,病人; 病人; 受动者; 有耐心的; 能忍耐的

    surgeons外科医生; surgeon的复数

    deciding对…作出抉择; 决定; 选定; 裁决; 判决; 影响…的结果; decide的现在分词

    chooses选择; 挑选; 选取; 宁愿; 情愿; 决定; choose的第三人称单数

    that is即; 用于纠正之前说过的内容

    and that而且,并且


    The experiencing self has no voice in this choice. 

    We actually don't choose between experiences, we choose between memories of experiences. 

    And even when we think about the future, we don't think of our future normally as experiences. 

    We think of our future as anticipated memories. 


    think of想起

    future将来; 未来; 未来的事; 将来发生的事; 前景; 前途; 前程; 将来的; 未来的; 将来发生的

    anticipated受期待的,令人期盼的; 预料; 预期; 预见,预计; 期盼; 期望; anticipate的过去分词和过去式

    memories记忆力; 记性; 记忆所及的时期; 回忆所及的范围; 回忆; 记忆; memory的复数

    And basically you can look at this, you know, as a tyranny of the remembering self, and you can think of the remembering self sort of dragging the experiencing self through experiences that the experiencing self doesn't need.


    basically大体上; 基本上; 总的说来; 从根本上说

    look at看; 考虑

    you know你知道; 你知道的; 你知道吗

    tyranny暴虐; 专横; 苛政; 专政; 暴君统治; 暴君统治的国家

    remembering回想起; 记得; 记起; 想起; 记住; 把…牢记在心; remember的现在分词

    think of想起

    sort of有几分;近似;有那么点儿

    dragging拖,拉,拽,扯; 缓慢而费力地移动; 生拉硬拽; 劝勉强来; drag的现在分词

    experiencing经历; 经受; 遭受; 感受; 体会; 体验; experience的现在分词

    experiences经验; 实践; 经历; 阅历; 经历,体验; 经受; 遭受; 感受; 体会; 体验; experienc

    I have that sense that when we go on vacations this is very frequently the case; that is, we go on vacations, to a very large extent, in the service of our remembering self. 


    sense感觉官能; 感觉,意识; 理解力; 判断力; 感觉到; 意识到; 觉察出; 检测出

    go on继续; 进行; 发生; 持续; 流逝,过去; 进而,接着; 继续前往; 继续说下去; 唠叨,没完没了地说(英国英语中作go on at); 赶紧,来吧; 凭…作出判断; 以…作为判断的依据; 开始运转,开启

    vacations假期; 休庭期; 度假; vacation的第三人称单数和复数

    frequently频繁地; 经常

    case具体情况; 事例; 实例; 实情; 事实; 特殊情况; 奏爵士乐,跳爵士舞; 游荡; 使活泼

    that is即; 用于纠正之前说过的内容

    extent程度; 限度; 大小; 面积; 范围

    remembering回想起; 记得; 记起; 想起; 记住; 把…牢记在心; remember的现在分词

    self通常的行为方式,本来面目,惯常心态; 个性; 自我; 个人利益; 一己的享乐; 私心

    And this is a bit hard to justify I think. 

    I mean, how much do we consume our memories? 

    That is one of the explanations that is given for the dominance of the remembering self. 


    That is即; 用于纠正之前说过的内容

    one of…之一

    explanations解释; 说明; 阐述; 解释性说法; 说明性文字; explanation的复数

    given已经安排好的; 规定的; 指定的; 所述的; 特定的; 考虑到; 鉴于; 假设事实; 给; 交给; 赠送; 赠与; 送给; 提供,供给,供应; give的过去分词


    remembering回想起; 记得; 记起; 想起; 记住; 把…牢记在心; remember的现在分词

    self通常的行为方式,本来面目,惯常心态; 个性; 自我; 个人利益; 一己的享

    And when I think about that, I think about a vacation we had in Antarctica a few years ago, which was clearly the best vacation I've ever had,  and I think of it relatively often, relative to how much I think of other vacations. 

    And I probably have consumed my memories of that three-week trip, I would say, for about 25 minutes in the last four years. 


    probably几乎肯定; 很可能; 大概

    consumed沉迷…的; 充满…的; 消耗,耗费; 吃; 喝; 饮; 使充满; consume的过去分词和过去式

    memories记忆力; 记性; 记忆所及的时期; 回忆所及的范围; 回忆; 记忆; memory的复数

    trip旅行,旅游,出行; 幻觉,迷幻感受; 绊; 绊倒; 将…绊倒; 使跌倒; 脚步轻快地走

    would(will的过去式,用于转述)将,将会; 带出想象的结果; 就会; 想要; 希望; 愿意; 喜欢; 立定志向; 决心; 决意; 立遗嘱将赠与; 立遗嘱赠与; will的过去式

    say说; 讲; 告诉; 念; 朗诵; 背诵; 表达,表述; 决定权; 发言权; 嘿,啧啧; 喂,我说

    minutes分钟; 分; 一会儿; 一会儿的工夫; 时刻; 将写进会议记录; minute的第三人称单数和复数

    in the last在最后;在终审时

    four四; 四个; 第四四的; 四个一组之物

    Now, if I had ever opened the folder with the 600 pictures in it, I would have spent another hour. 


    Now现在; 目前; 此刻; 从现在开始; 表示厌烦; 既然; 由于

    ever(用于否定句和疑问句,或与if连用的句子)在任何时候,从来; 以往任何时候,曾经; 不断地; 总是; 始终

    opened开; 打开; 开启; open的过去分词和过去式

    folder文件夹; 纸夹

    with和…在一起; 和; 同; 跟; 有; 具有; 带有; 用; 使用; 以; 借

    pictures图画; 绘画; 相片; 照片; 电视图像; 想象; 设想; 忆起; 描述; 描写; 显示在照片上; 用图片显示; picture的第三人称单数和复数

    would(will的过去式,用于转述)将,将会; 带出想象的结果; 就会; 想要; 希望; 愿意; 喜欢; 立定志向; 决心; 决意; 立遗嘱将赠与; 立遗嘱赠与; will的过去式

    have有; 持有; 占有; 由…组成; 显示出,带有; 与过去分词连用构成完成时

    spent用过已废的; 失效的; 筋疲力尽的; 用,花; 花; 度过; 花费,消耗,用尽; spend的过去分词和过去式

    another又一; 再一; 另一; 不同的; 类似的

    Now, that is three weeks, and that is at most an hour and a half. 

    There seems to be a discrepancy. 


    seems好像,似乎,看来; 感到好像,觉得似乎; 看来好像; seem的第三人称单数

    discrepancy英 [dɪsˈkrepənsi] 美 [dɪsˈkrepənsi] n.差异;不符合;不一致

    Now, I may be a bit extreme, you know, in how little appetite I have for consuming memories, but even if you do more of this, there is a genuine question.


    may be多半

    a bit一会儿,片刻(英国英语中亦用for a bit); 稍微; 稍稍; 有点儿

    extreme极度的; 极大的; 异乎寻常的; 严重的; 严厉的; 极端的; 偏激的; 过分的; 极端不同的感情; 完全相反的事物; 极端; 极度; 极限

    you know你知道; 你知道的; 你知道吗

    appetite食欲; 胃口; 强烈欲望

    consuming强烈的; 重要的; 令人着迷的; 消耗,耗费; 吃; 喝; 饮; 使充满; consume的现在分词

    memories记忆力; 记性; 记忆所及的时期; 回忆所及的范围; 回忆; 记忆; memory的复数

    even if即使; 尽管; 纵然

    there is

    genuine真的; 名副其实的; 真诚的; 诚实的; 可信赖的

    Why do we put so much weight on memory relative to the weight that we put on experiences?

    So I want you to think about a thought experiment. 

    Imagine that for your next vacation, you know that at the end of the vacation all your pictures will be destroyed, and you'll get an amnesic drug so that you won't remember anything. 


    Imagine想象; 设想; 误以为; 胡乱猜想; 猜测; 料想; 认为

    vacation假期; 休庭期; 度假

    you know你知道; 你知道的; 你知道吗

    at the end of在…末端; 在…的结尾


    drug毒品; 药; 药物; 使服麻醉药; 用药麻醉; 使服兴奋剂; 在投放麻醉药,下麻醉药

    so that因此; 以便

    won获胜,赢; 赢得,夺取,获得,挣得; 取得; win的过去分词和过去式


    Now, would you choose the same vacation? 

    And if you would choose a different vacation, there is a conflict between your two selves, and you need to think about how to adjudicate that conflict,  and it's actually not at all obvious, because if you think in terms of time, then you get one answer,  and if you think in terms of memories, you might get another answer. 


    there is

    conflict冲突; 争执; 争论; 战斗; 抵触; 矛盾; 不一致; 冲突,抵触

    selvesself 的复数

    think about思考; 探讨; 为…费心思; 想像

    adjudicate判决,裁决; 裁判,评判; 判决; 宣判; 裁判员

    at all全然; 一点; 全然,根本,究竟

    obvious明显的; 显然的; 易理解的; 公认的; 当然的; 平淡无奇的; 无创意的; 因显而易见而不必要的

    think in terms of考虑

    in terms of在…方面;从…角度看;根据…来说

    Why do we pick the vacations we do is a problem that confronts us with a choice between the two selves.


    Why为什么,为何; 何必; 为什么,…的原因; 哎呀,呦,哟,嗨; 原因;理由;说明;难解的问题

    pick选择; 挑选; 采; 摘; 摘掉,剔除,掐去; 选中的人; 精品; 精华; 最好的东西

    vacations假期; 休庭期; 度假; vacation的第三人称单数和复数

    problem棘手的问题; 难题; 困难; 逻辑题; 数学题; 找麻烦的; 成问题的; 惹乱子的

    confronts使…无法回避; 降临于; 处理,解决; 面对; 对抗; 与对峙; confront的第三人称单数

    with和…在一起; 和; 同; 跟; 有; 具有; 带有; 用; 使用; 以; 借

    choice选择; 挑选; 抉择; 选择权; 选择的可能性; 入选者; 被选中的东西; 优质的; 上等的; 优选的; 中上级的; 字斟句酌的; 仔细推敲过的

    selvesself 的复数


    1.Why does Kahneman offer the scenario about choosing a surgeon?

    to show that people don't choose between experience, but memories of experiences

    2.According to Kahnman, what is the biggest reason people go on vacation?

    they want to enjoy the memories of it later.

    3.Why does Kahneman thought experiment about taking a vacation show?  

    Decision making often involves a choice between the two selves.

    4.What does Kahneman's example of his trip to Antarctica show?

    the flaw in emphasizing memory over experience when making a decision.

    5.A discrepancy is...

    an inconsistency between two things.

    6.What does Kahneman mean when he says the remembering self drags the experiencing self through experiences it doesn't need? 

    People often do things for the memories rather than the experience.

    7.Why is that hard to justify going on vacation for memories? 

    People spend more time enjoying the trip than their memories of it.

    Read and repeat the sentences:

    1.An amnesic drug makes you forget what happened.

    2.It's the finite resource that we're spending while we're on this earth. 

    3.Why do we put so much weight on memory relative to the weight that we put on experiences?



          本文标题:流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 2
