

作者: 龙凤中文 | 来源:发表于2016-05-27 08:17 被阅读207次

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2016年4月底,全美中文大会在芝加哥召开。刘新华老师与所在学区的领导一起在大会上做了一次题为“Support Chinese Guest Teachers to Build a Chinese Program”的报告,取得了很好的反响。会上刘老师分享了自己在美国的经历,以及怎样让中文项目取得成功。

2016年5月23日哈蒙德市的The Times报纸的头版头条对于刘老师的中文课进行了报导。


(刘老师和学生以及他们的word wall。)

Hammond Clark students learn to speak Chinese, appreciate the culture

(Clark Chinese teacher Xinhua Liu watches as students use chopsticks to pick up beans.)

If you walk into Xinhua Liu's classroom each morning at Clark Middle/High School, the students are standing respectfully as they greet their teacher.

Shàngkè! Qǐlì! Tóngxuémen hǎo! Lǎoshīhǎo! Qǐng zuò! Xièxiè!

Essentially that means: Class begins! Stand up! Hello my students! Hello Miss Liu! Please sit down! Thank you!

This is the third year that Liu has taught Chinese at Clark in the School City of Hammond. Liu is one of five Chinese teachers in Hammond.

The College Board — in collaboration with Hanban/Confucius Institutes Headquarters — launched the K-12-focused Confucius Institutes and Classrooms program to support the development of K-12 Chinese language and cultural education in the U.S. The program provides funding, resources and guidance to participating institutions.

Many of the Clark students say Chinese is difficult, but Liu makes it easier by using games to help them understand the culture and language.

Freshman Faith Johnson said she enjoys taking Chinese because she and her classmates get a chance to learn new things and do a variety of activities.

"I plan to take the next level of Chinese next fall," Johnson said. "There are so many little details to learning how to write in Chinese. There are many different strokes. It's difficult, but it's still fun to do. Ms. Liu also plays a lot of games and I've learned a lot about Chinese culture. We did some research on older leaders in China like Confucius."

Exchanging ideas

Liu said she enjoys sharing her language and culture with American students.

Liu went to Hunan University in 2000 at age 18 and majored in English. She earned her master's degree in Chinese eight years later; she began learning English in middle school.

"Now in China, even the kindergarten level has to take English," she said. "We were not as lucky as the students at Clark, we didn't have an English native speaker to teach us English. I taught English in a college for five years before I came to the U.S.A."

Liu said her colleagues at Clark are like family and have helped her tremendously.

"With their support, we have made a great environment for the students to learn Chinese," Liu said. "I love the students’ smile when they come into my class. They work very hard; they're working to learn new things and using what they’ve learned in daily life.

"They love the Chinese culture. They've done a very good job in our school-wide activities," Liu said. "We have been involved in community. We donated cans for a food drive, went to fundraising activities, taught children how to use chopsticks in a program at Purdue Calumet, went to a church to help people, and have brought Chinese food and Chinese culture to students, teachers and our neighborhood."

Liu and the students visited Chinatown in Chicago and the students shopped, communicating in Chinese.

"My former student, Rice Shawn, who graduated last summer and attends Indiana University now, earned a scholarship to study in China in his senior year," Liu said. "This year we have an Advanced Placement Chinese class for the first time. The feedback from Hanban and College Board makes me proud."

Different attitudes

Liu said her American students are different from her former Chinese students in that they are more outspoken.

"The attitude is totally different from Chinese students," she said. "In China, the students sit and are silent the whole day. Here the students speak. They give you their ideas and opinions and they are very creative."

Late last month, Liu accompanied Hammond Assistant Superintendent Theresa Mayerik to the 2016 National Chinese Language Conference in Chicago.

Liu said they gave a presentation titled, “Support Chinese Guest Teachers to Build a Chinese Program,” adding that it was well received.

Mayerik said she was excited to showcase the school district on a national level, and its successful Chinese language program.

Freshman Jacob Meier said he is trying to become more fluent in Chinese. "I'd love to go over there someday and share my culture with them as my teacher has shared her culture with us," he said.

As the bell rang and the students prepared to leave for their next class, they stood and said:

Xiàkè! Qǐlì! Tóngxuémen zàijiàn! Lǎoshīzàijiàn!

Essentially that means: Class is dismissing! Stand up! See you my students! See you Miss Liu!


More information or pictures, please see the "Clark Chinese Class" facebook page link.https://www.facebook.com/Clark-Chinese-Class-598690006910430/



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