Beauty and police?
Yes,你没有看错,就是美女与警察,并不是《Beauty and Beast》。当人们看到这个题目的时候,可能会本能地想到是不是《美女遇上警察》呢?还是《美女成为了警察》呢?
[1] “THEY want to strike fear into the hearts of their opponents!” remarked an onlooker, tapping his chest. Fighting words, perhaps, for a staff fund- raiser—but hyperbole is the name of the game at the Liberia National Police (LNP) Queen Contest. Trading their uniforms for ball gowns and flanked by raucous entourages raining confetti and cash, a half-dozen policewomen peacocked to their seats under a balloon-lined marquee. They vogued, cat-walked and delivered impassioned speeches.
strike fear into the hearts of sb 使.....从心底里害怕
opponent [ə'pəʊnənt] n. 对手 敌手 反对者
He beat his opponent in this election.
onlooker ['ɒn‚lʊkə] n.旁观者 观众
A crowded onlookers had gather at the scene of the accident.
raucous ['rɔːkəs] adj.刺耳的,粗声的,沙哑的
I heard sounds of raucous laughter upstairs.
Trading their uniforms for ball gowns and flanked by raucous entourages raining confetti and cash, a half-dozen policewomen peacocked to their seats under a balloon-lined marquee.
主句是 a half-dozen policewomen peacocked to their seats under a balloon-lined marquee
[2] This was no normal beauty pageant. The contestants were chosen for their professional ambitions, their appearances almost incidental. For all its pomp, the contest is a practical affair to raise money to send policewomen to Australia for training. Guests and officers of all ranks put banknotes into the basket of the nominee they support. The winner is not the queen judged most beautiful, but the one who raises the most cash.
pageant ['pædʒ(ə)nt] n. 盛会;游行;虚饰;露天表演
professional ambitions 职业抱负
nominee [nɒmɪ'niː] n. 被任命者;被提名的人;代名人