
作者: 妥爷斯基 | 来源:发表于2017-09-10 23:21 被阅读39次
Oolong tea has a range of health benefits. 原文配图 ©

原文|Megan Metropulos from medicalnewstoday



今日主角| 乌龙茶 oolong tea

Health benefits of oolong tea


There is a record of tea being used as a beverage in China since 2,000 B.C.E. Besides water, it is consumed more than any other drink around the world. The four main types of tea are black, green, white, and oolong.


All four varieties come from the Camellia sinensis plant. Herbal teas are not considered true tea because they do not come from the Camellia sinensis plant. Oolong tea accounts for only 2 percent of tea consumption around the world. Although less popular, oolong tea still has a variety of benefits.


What is oolong tea?


Oolong tea is commonly consumed in China and Taiwan. In Asian countries, drinking tea is a large part of the culture and social gatherings. Friends and business associates often meet over tea.


Although all true tea comes from the same plant, the differences occur in the harvesting and processing. Oolong tea is partially fermented, while black tea is fully fermented. Tea can also differ in amounts and types of antioxidants. Green tea is high in a class of antioxidants known as catechins. Antioxidants in black tea are theaflavins and thearubigins. Oolong tea falls in the middle, regarding the antioxidant amounts.


Oolong tea and green tea contain similar amounts of caffeine, approximately 10 to 60 milligrams (mg) per 8-ounce cup. For comparison, coffee contains approximately 70 to 130 mg of caffeine per 8-ounce cup. Unsweetened brewed tea is considered a zero-calorie beverage. It contains no fat, carbohydrates, or protein.


Potential health benefits of oolong tea


There are a number of health benefits that are thought to derive from drinking oolong tea, as with other types of tea.


Oolong has been shown to have protective effects on the heart. 原文图片©

Heart disease


Researchers in China studied the relationship between drinking oolong tea and cholesterol levels, as high cholesterol levels can be associated with an increased risk for heart disease. They found that people who drank at least 10 ounces of oolong tea per week had lower risks of having high total cholesterol, triglyceride, and LDL or "bad" cholesterol levels. The same was also true of people who drank similar amounts of green and black teas. People who had been consuming oolong tea for the longest time had lower total cholesterol, triglyceride, and LDL cholesterol levels.


In another study, Japanese men and women were studied for the impact of consuming coffee, green tea, black tea, and oolong tea on their risk of heart disease. Researchers found that men who drank 1 or more cups of oolong tea per day had a lower risk of heart disease.


Weight loss


A study in mice showed that the animals receiving oolong tea extract while being fed a high fat, high sugar diet, gained less abdominal fat than mice on the same diet that did not receive the tea extract. Green tea and black tea extracts also resulted in less abdominal fat gain. The mice that received the green tea extract also consumed fewer calories. A study in overweight and obese Chinese adults looked at the effect of oolong tea consumption on body weight. Study participants drank 300 milliliters (mL) of oolong tea four times per day. After 6 weeks, more than half of the participants had lost more than 1 kilogram.




Researchers in Taiwan examined the association between drinking tea and the risk of head and neck or throat cancer. Each cup of oolong tea consumed per day equated to a 4 percent lower risk, but the result was not significant. Each cup of green tea consumed per day equated to a 6 percent lower risk for head and neck cancer, which was more significant. Another study in Chinese women found that drinking green, black, or oolong tea was linked to a decreased risk of ovarian cancer. However, according to the National Cancer Institute, there is not currently enough research to say for certain that drinking tea decreases cancer risk.




Some studies have shown that drinking 3 or more cups of tea per day is associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. However, studies specifically looking at oolong tea have had varied results. In one study, healthy men drank almost 6 cups per day of oolong tea. At different times, they drank oolong tea that contained supplemental antioxidants, which were in the form of catechins or polyphenols. Each of the teas was consumed for 5 days. Researchers found that drinking oolong tea did not improve blood sugar or insulin levels. Interestingly, one study found that working men who drank 2 or more cups of oolong tea per day had a higher risk of developing diabetes than men who consumed 1 cup of oolong tea per day or no oolong tea.

某些研究证明,日饮三杯或三杯以上茶,有助于降低患T-2糖尿病(type 2[T-2]糖尿病病因复杂,从基因遗传到后天因素无所不包,这种病在西方很常见,甚至有在青少年人群中蔓延的趋势,关键是要控制体重!少摄入糖!总归来说病因太专业了,江湖郎中解释不清楚。)当然,本文主角是乌龙茶,那么研究人员对乌龙茶的研究就更为具体。有一项研究似乎是“唱反调”的,常饮乌龙茶并不会提高血糖或胰岛素含量,但有些人喝了茶反倒出了毛病——2小杯就可能诱发糖尿病——简直有些说不过去。

Dental health


Fluoride is an element that is often added to drinking water, toothpaste, and mouthwash to help prevent dental cavities. Tea leaves naturally contain fluoride, so drinking oolong tea could help prevent cavities. Excess fluoride can be harmful, but drinking less than 1 liter of oolong tea per day is safe for most adults.


Other possible benefits:


While there is not enough current research to support the following benefits, drinking tea has also been associated with:

healthier gut bacteria;lower risk of Alzheimer's disease;lower risk of Parkinson's disease;natural defense from the sun's ultraviolet rays;stronger bones.

Studies that examined long-term consumption of oolong tea showed the greatest results. Although it is not a cure for any condition, drinking tea regularly appears to have numerous health benefits.




Risks and considerations


Although oolong tea contains less caffeine than coffee, people who are sensitive to caffeine should still limit their intake. Tea can decrease the amount of iron absorbed from plant foods. Also, some researchers found that young children who drank tea were more likely to have lower iron levels. It may, therefore, be better to drink tea outside of meals to limit its impact on iron absorption. When consumed together at meals, eating foods rich in vitamin C can increase the amount of iron absorbed from plant foods.


Takeaway message


Tea is a healthy beverage that has been consumed by people around the world for centuries. Oolong tea is a lesser known variety that may also provide health benefits. However, from some of the research reviewed above, drinking green tea may offer the most health advantages. Bottled tea contains smaller amounts of beneficial polyphenols and may have excessive amounts of added sugar. If buying bottled teas, it may be better to look for ones that are unsweetened or to brew tea at home and sweeten it with a small amount of honey. Oolong tea should be steeped for as long as possible to increase flavonoids, and people can consume 2-3 cups per day.


Too much oolong can affect the absorption of iron into the blood. 原文配图


大家看乌龙茶的英文名就知道,这是地道的中国货。乌龙茶需用沸水冲泡,喝完泡好的再续水泡新茶才不会影响口感;头泡叫“洗茶”或“醒茶”,不但自己不能喝,更不能倒给客人喝——这是常识,有说法也有讲究,此处不啰嗦。中国人养生顺应“天意”,乌龙茶等青茶是半发酵茶,因顺应“天时”而很适合秋季饮用,降火解困,除油解腻。中国最好的乌龙茶是铁观音和大红袍,原产地中国福建,后传入台湾岛,因此善饮乌龙茶者,非闽人和台湾岛人莫属。鬼佬常说中国人有强烈的民族意识和“大中华思想”,因此原文中把台湾岛说得好像是个什么神奇的区域似的,我有点嫌弃的意思;我就是有这种意识和思想的中国人——甭管台湾岛跟我八竿子打着打不着。姥姥(京腔儿),台湾岛再怎么嘚瑟,它始终跟大陆是打断了骨头连着筋的!台湾岛的高山乌龙茶,说到底还是福建岩茶的延伸。这篇文字原文是洋人的,一看就不大懂茶,只是为乌龙茶做了个简单的小广告,我们不对此品头论足;洋人不懂,我们不怪。这也难怪,中国是茶的故乡,这是地球人都知道的事实。别看岛国人茶道整得三迷五道的,再怎么说成是岛国文化,它毕竟没有《茶经》可拿出来炫耀!但我们需要感谢岛国人,茶道的传承和发扬,得亏了人家。茶道现在也是世界的,不分民族和种族,洋人都知道tea ceremony是个啥玩意儿。




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