Startup School 2019 - 017 Kevin

Startup School 2019 - 017 Kevin

作者: 最爱可乐 | 来源:发表于2019-10-15 09:52 被阅读0次

SUS2019 YC创业课 如何清晰简洁的表达

Your problem should be pretty big, pretty pervasive, have a lot of these characteristics to make it feel like there's a very big market that a lot of people have the problem.

How do I package up my idea and present them to an investor?

Just be CLEAR.

Do I understand idea?
Am I excited by idea?
Do I like the team?

Marketing and advertising, it's a tax, I believe, companies pay because they did not make something remarkable.

Before anyone can remember, they have to understand.

I have very simple rules for how to make things easy to understand.
I make it legible.
I make it simple. conversational
I make it obvious. reproducible

A legible idea can be understood by people who know nothing about your business.

It's got to be conversational, and that's really good for word of mouth because we talk in normal conversational speak.

Being reproducible. When I hear your idea, can I imagine it in my mind? Can I see what I would have to build to create your company?

What are you making?
What is the problem?
Who is the customer?

Airbnb is the first online marketplace that lets travelers book rooms with locals, instead of hotels.

Dropbox synchronizes files across your/your team's computers.

Lumineye is building x-ray vision for soldiers and first responders.

Vahan is building LinkedIn for the next billion internet users.

That X for Y is super useful because it allows you to shortcut business model and some kind of complex behavior and then attach it to some other vertical or something that you're trying to make work.

Should I use X for Y?
• X is household name
• Does Y want X?
• Y should be a huge market

Please be CONCISE.

We create affordable medical devices for Sub-Saharan Africa.

The best way to help investors evaluate your idea is the be CLEAR and CONCISE.

How do I balance this talking to the right people so I can use jargon and who understand the complexity versus making a version of the idea that everybody can sort of understand. The answer is you have to do both.



    本文标题:Startup School 2019 - 017 Kevin
