20190713 hobble

20190713 hobble

作者: chinmanjay | 来源:发表于2019-07-13 14:11 被阅读0次

1. 这是个什么词?


英英释义:restrict the activity or development of

例句:The scarcity of talent hobbles the economy in many developing countries.

2. 为什么选这个词?

“hobble”是及物动词,本意是“跛行”,可以引申为“限制”“阻碍”,今天我们来学习它的引申义。hobble 是个非常高频的词,形象地道,也是《经济学人》中的常客,在口语和写作中可以用它来替换 restrict。下面通过几个具体例子来掌握它。


Many start-ups are hobbled by a lack of capital.


The scarcity of talent hobbles the economy in many developing countries.


Corruption, red tape, and incompetence have hobbled the land reform in this African country.

《经济学人》最近在一篇介绍中国稀土元素的文章中就用到了 hobble:

America can hobble Chinese tech giants by stopping American firms from selling them components such as semiconductors. But China could, in return, cut off their supplies of rare-earth products.

另一篇写网络黑客的《经济学人》文章在摘要中也用到了 hobble:

A wave of internet attacks points to an attempt to hobble foreign websites.

《经济学人》在写印度经济政策的文章中再次用到了 hobble:

Planned changes to e-commerce rules could hobble foreign firms operating in the country, such as Amazon and Walmart.

3. 怎样学会使用这个词?

1)翻译下面的句子: 僵化的教育机制限制了学生的创造力。

The rigid education system has hobbled the creativity of students.

(参考翻译:The rigid education system has hobbled the creativity of students.)


例子: 暴雨阻碍了营救行动。

场景:The heavy rain hobbled the rescue operation.


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