美国语文 5-10课

美国语文 5-10课

作者: 夜深未眠 | 来源:发表于2016-11-26 07:01 被阅读52次


    lesson 6
    Nat's cap
    A fat dog
    Has the lad a dog?
    The lad has a fat dog.
    The dog has Nat's cap.
    Nat and Rab ran.
    Rab ran at a cat.

    Nat's 人名后加 's 表示某人的……
    Has the lad a dog? 译成:少年有条狗么?

    lesson 7
    See the frog on a log
    Rab sees the frog
    Can the frog see Rab?
    The frog can see the dog.
    Rab ran at the frog.

    on 表示某物置于某物上(接触)
    log 日志、记录、木头

    lesson 8
    A mat
    The stand
    See the lamp
    It is on a mat.
    The mat is on the stand.
    The lamp is Nat's.
    And the mat is Ann's.

    mat 垫子、 stand 看台、站立
    The lamp is Nat's. 译为:灯是奈特的。Nat's 表示某物属于某人

    lesson 9
    See the nag
    It is Tom's nag.
    Can tom catch his nag?
    He can not catch him.
    The dog ran at the nag.
    And the nag ran.

    nag 抱怨、找茬、老马、挑剔的人

    lesson 10 review
    Tom's nag is fat
    his dog is not fat.
    Nat is on tom's nag
    Nat's dog, Rab, can not catch the rat.
    See the frog on the log.
    a Lad sees the frog.
    The lad can not catch it
    A cat is on the mat.
    the cat sees a rat.
    Ann's fan is on the stand.
    The man has a lamp.
    A dog ran at the man.
    Ann sat on a log.
    Tom sees Nat's dog.
    A fat frog is on the log.
    Can not Rab catch it?

    Nat's dog Rab can not catch the rat.



          本文标题:美国语文 5-10课
