美国语文 11-15 课

美国语文 11-15 课

作者: 夜深未眠 | 来源:发表于2016-11-26 08:53 被阅读15次


Lesson 11
This is a fat hen.
The hen has a nest in the box.
She has eggs in the nest.
A cat sees the nest,
and can get the eggs.


hen nest
老母鸡、女人 巢、雀巢、嵌套

lesson 12
Can this old fox catch the hen?
The fox can catch the hen,
and get the eggs in the nest.
Run, Rab, and catch the fox.
This nest has eggs in it.

get 得到、抓到、到达、获得

lesson 13
Nell is by the pond.
I see ducks on the pond.
Nell sees the ducks,
and will feed them.
She can not get the ducks.

pond 池塘
in 在什么什么里面

lesson 14
This old man can not see.
He is blind.
Mary holds him by the hand.
She is kind to the old blind man.

blind 失明的、盲目的
by 表示通过什么手段、在附近
holds 表示拿住、握住

lesson 15 review
I see ducks on the pond.
Tom will feed them.
Tom is blind.
he holds a box in his hand.
Nell is kind to him.
This old hen has a nest.
Mary will run and get the eggs



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