Let’s face it. We are all going to eventually grow older. However how we face the golden years of our life will be determined by how well we take care of ourselves. Here are four things that medical doctors typically recommend.

1 Get Physical
First, regular physical activity is extremely important. You are never too old to participate in moderate exercise which can reduce the likelihood of falling and fracturing bones. In fact, maintaining your fitness is one of the major keys to being able to live independently. Just walking a little bit everyday goes a long way.
2 Diet And Nutrition
Second, pay more attention to your diet and nutrition. Controlling how much you eat and the quality of your food is extremely important. Before each meal, decide the serving size that you need even if it means that you leave food on your plate. Now you don’t have to clean your plate. Pay more attention to the FDA nutrition facts that are printed on the side of most packaged foods by controlling your calories, fat carbohydrates, sodium and other nutrients you can have a major impact on health.
3 Active Mind
Third, keep your mind active. Don’t get overly concerned about a little memory loss here and there. You might even find it it takes a little longer to learn new things. By constantly learning and stimulating your mind you can help your mind retain much of its youth.
4 Strength Training
You may have never look at yourself as a weightlifter but spending a little time improving your strengths can help you compact Arthur restore your sense of balance strengthen your bones and maintain a healthy weight. Enjoying your senior years can be much more fun independent if you addressed these simple ideas.