How to live on 24 hours a day

How to live on 24 hours a day

作者: 华白螭 | 来源:发表于2017-06-27 22:26 被阅读0次


So let us begin to examine the budget of the day's time. You say your day is already full to overflowing. How? You actually spend in earning your livelihood--How much? Seven hours, on average? And in actual sleep, seven? I will add two hours , and be generous . And I will defy you to account to me on the spur of the moment for the other eight hours.


Only those who have lived at the full stretch seven days a week for a long time can appreciate the full beauty of a regular recurring idleness. Moreover, I am aging. And it is  a question of  age. In cases of abounding youth  and exceptional energy  and desire for effort I should say  unhesitatingly: Keep going, day in, day  out.


People say:“One can't help one's thoughts.” The control of the thinking machine is perfectly possible.And  since nothing happens to us  outside our own brains; since nothing hurts us or gives us pleasure except within the brain, the supreme importance  of  being able to control what  goes  on in  that  mysterious  brain is patent. When  you leave  your house, concentrate your  mind  on a  subject(no matter what, to begin with). You  will not have gone ten yards before your mind  has skipped  away under  your  very eyes and is  larking round  the corner with another object. Bring  it  back by the scruff of the  neck. Ere you have reached the station you will have  brought  it back  about  forty  times. Do not despair. Continue. Keep it up. You will succeed. Get your mind  in hand. And see how the process cures half the evils of  life ——especially worry, that miserable, avoidable, shameful disease——worry.


Man, know thyself.I am entirely convinced that what is more than anything else lacking in the life of  the  average well-intensioned man of  today is the reflective  mood. But men have attained it(happiness). And they have attained it by realising that happiness does not spring from the procuring of physical or mental pleasure, but from the development of reason and the adjustment of conduct to principles. All I urge is that a life in which conduct does not fairly well accord with principles is a silly life; and  that conduct can only be made to accord with principles by means of daily examination, reflection, and resolution. As for reason, it plays a far smaller part in our lives than we fancy. We are supposed to be reasonable but we are much more instinctive than reasonable. And the less we reflect, the less reasonable we shall be.

能掌控自己想法集中注意力,就有了 有效 的空闲。这段时间做些什么?首先是从反思认识自己。快乐来于保持理性和知行合一。我认为世上没有知行不一的人,认知和信念决定了人的行为。如果说某人知行不一,大概是我们对这人的 知  和  行 的理解出了差错。

Many people pursue a regular and uninterrupted course of  idleness in the evenings because they think that there is no alternative to idleness but the study of literature; and they do not happen to have a taste for literature. Now, if you have read, say, Mr. Krehbiel's “How to listen to music”, you would next go  to a promenade concert with an astonishing intensification of interest in it. You would “live” at a promenade concert, whereas previously you had merely existed there in a state of beatific coma, like a baby gazing at a bright object. At the end of a year of forty-eight weeks of three brief evening each, combined with a study of programmes and attendances at concerts chosen out of your increasing knowledge, you would really know something about music. What applies to music applies to the other arts.


The most important of all perceptions is the continual perception of cause and effect-in other words, the perception of the continuous development of the universe-in still other words, the perception of the course of evolution. When one has thoroughly go imbued into one's head the leading truth that nothing happens without a cause, one grows not only large-minded, but large-hearted.Nothing is humdrum. You need not be  devoted to the arts, not to literature, in order to live fully. The whole field of daily habit and scene is waiting to satisfy the curiosity which means life,and the satisfaction of which means an understanding heart.


Novels are excluded from “serious reading.” The best novels involve the least strain. Imaginative poetry produces a far greater mental strain than novels. If poetry is  what is called “a sealed book” to  you, begin by reading Hazlitt's famous essay on the nature of “poetry in general.” If you are finally assured that  there is something in you which is  antagonistic to poetry, you must be content with history or philosophy. I have two general suggestions of a certain importance. The first is to define the direction and scope of your efforts. The second suggestion is to think as well as to read.



The first(danger) is the terrible danger of becoming that most odious and least supportable of persons——a prig. It will be found, ultimayely, that in taking care of one's self one has quite all one can do. Another danger is the danger of being tied to a programme like a slave to a chariot. And still another danger is the danger of developing a policy of rush, of being gradually more and more obsessed by what one has to do next. The last, and the chiefest danger which I would indicate, is the risk of a failure at the commenment of  the enterprise.



Finally, in choosing the first occupationof those evening hours, be guided by nothing whatever but your taste and natural inclination.







    本文标题:How to live on 24 hours a day
