

作者: 明睿周一方 | 来源:发表于2017-02-27 20:00 被阅读0次

Last year I went home , when I bought something in supermarket which stay at town's intersection . Their landlady is a fat middle-aged woman , she was lower her head and cast accounts .

I was picked things and enquired price at the same time . When us saw other person involved eyes , she smiles , SuXin , is it really you ? Haven't seen you for a long time , I am pretty missing you . I felt a little doubt . She saw I was doubt , hastily say , I am LingZi . I sit behind on your when we at school .

I recognize her finally . We talk about our once classmate . Who became a doctor ? Who became a teacher lecturer ? Who became agovernment stay at army ....

She was a little lose when we talk about herself . She was really regret leaving school so young . She regret didn't be strict with herself . Now she just still watch this shop . She said , now everyone want stay at city , I also want buy a house stay at city . My family don't own a lot of money , my twin boys senior high school entrance examination this year , their grade is not good , but I must let they go to college whatever , even their college is a junior school , they must watch this world .


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