

作者: 随机运动 | 来源:发表于2019-01-23 09:12 被阅读15次

I made it yesterday. I was very productive. After the get together dinner with about 24 old friends at a nice restaurant with a lot of drinks, I went to my father in law’s home and used their WiFi to connect with my company server and signed in the live seminar. I finished the seminar at midnight, answered all the quiz questions. I even called one of my friends their via WeChat to verify my answers. He sent my the results. I was all correct. I then emailed my sign in sheet and my quiz answering sheet back to the office. I’m all set for my PE renewal now. One thing checked off of my mind to my to do list.

I have to go back to take care of other things before the end of February. How? I don’t know. But I have to figure it out. There are things that I can sacrifice, and there are things that I can’t because they are out my control. The important thing is keeping calm with a clear mind.


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