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作者: 快乐有你_1ec8 | 来源:发表于2019-04-08 02:48 被阅读0次


Hey,did you grab the red packet?

Yes, I got 2 yuan.

I got 50 yuan.

Wow,that was a big one.

Yeah,I am going to send one too.

You are so generous.

Just for fun. It's not a big deal.

Send it now, l am ready to grab it.

Here we go.

I can't believe it ! I got the luckiest draw.

40 yuan,not bad!

2 跟朋友寒暄

Hi,how 's everything going ?

Not bad. What about you?

I just got a cold.

Have you seen the doctor ?

No, I just took some medicine.

By the way,I like your new shoes.

Thanks, I bought them online .

I like shopping online ,too .

Who doesn't? Same things but lower prices.

Nice talking to you. But I have to go.

All right. See you then.

3 聊聊梦想

I like your painting.

Thanks. I wanted to be an artist when I was a kid.

You had big dreams !

Yeah, but now I just want to become rich.


I want to become rich too.

By the way,what was your childhood  dream

I wanted to run a supermarket.

Interesting, but why?

So that I could have all kinds of snakes every day.

You  have always been such a foodie.


4 晚饭吃什么

I'm hungry.


Shall we cook at home ?

Let's go out and grab some food.

What do you want for dinner?

I have no idea.

I 'd like fried chicken.


That has many calories .

Oh,how about Japanese food

I've always wanted to try it.





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