

作者: Clairelalune现象级 | 来源:发表于2018-10-27 00:09 被阅读221次



    2、不断发掘自己的兴趣:一直喜欢文学,而晨读帮助我读下了金博士的I have a dream并且结合着高中的课文(语文课本在演讲单元节选了金博士的这个打动人心的演讲)和社群的帮助交流,为优美的语句而惊喜,为玄妙的韵律而高兴,并且在晨读中获得了快乐。平时赶着去上课的时候也时不时看着I have a dream并旁若无人地朗读背诵。(PS:熬夜肝学习肝了一周后一天在路上突然着魔地自说自话:I can’t seek to satisfy my thirst for knowledge by staying up late!哈哈,当时自己忍不住笑了,然后又开始朗读演讲原文)










    5)一定要贯彻执行less is more的原则,学习索诺和路人丁等。





    1)One hundred years later, the life of the Negro(↑) is still sadlly crippled(↑) by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination(↓).


    3)This noto was a promise that(强调) all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed(强调) /the unalinable rights of/ life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

    4)Negro ['nigro] gro的音需要发全

    5)but [bʌt] 应该发出ʌ的声音,而不是a的声音 而且感觉是有一种爆破的感觉,t是要轻声读出来的,而我全部读得都很用力。must 不要“码死特”,两个是一样的问题。

    6)一个长主语可以停顿,the Constitution / and the Declaration, to which,从主句到从句断句 that略读过去

    一些明显是要强调的地方要重读: the Negro STILL is not free

    7)the emancipation and preclamation & the Consititution and the Declaration 名字要读得快一些 比较顺

    8)guarante the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit /pɚ'sut/ of happiness.

    9)as well as 连读听起来像as welless

    10)长句子中(尤其是有一堆从句的句子中),在 to, in, as, for 等词前面稍作停顿,通过节奏使表意更清晰。An exile 连读 前一词语n&后一词语首字母e的连读很常见。

    11)(观察所得)to which 在后面是较长的结构时要弱读,重点是后面的内容

    12)men man ten when 读法我一直是错误的 基本上是拼音的发音了

    unalienable的读音需要注意 以及一些专有名词(Emancipation Preclamation等)都需要读得流畅。

    比较长的名词主语(前面带各种修饰的)读完要读到动词前 停顿一下(肯定的,因为说话肯定要图顺口、图自己方便)

    13)refuse (s要读到 但不要强调着)


    15)give us upon demand the riches of freedom /and the security of injustice.

    the manacles of segregation /and the chains of descrimination. 断句都是类似的

    16)Martin(读起来像Maten 后面tin要读得很低沉的感觉) Luther KING Jr 

    17)We have also come to this hallowed(想到Halloween  sacred 那种神圣的……) spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of now.

    不要读成:hollow['hɑlo]hallow[ˈhæləʊ]ɑ和æ的发言不同 要注意

    18)children(chill的读法 有一个环绕舌头?动舌头的感觉 不是平着出“秋准”)l要特别注意

    19)inalienable:读起来 aneilianable

    legitimate 重音注意 It's legitimately incredible. 口语中这样使用也很实用。


    20)关于语调的经典例子:not an end(↓),but a beginning.(↑)

    dripping with the words of interposition(↑) and nullification(↓)


    21)who  have that老是读得很重很硬 实际上大多数都是轻一点读过去的。一个句子的有需要重读的部分,一些关键的名词和动词、形容词(如content)要重读,其他的就要稍轻地连读过去。

    22)But there is something that I (连读 tha(t)—i t的轻读我目前还处理不好,理论上来讲是有T的口型但是轻声)must say to my people who stand on the warm threshold (门槛)which leads into the palace of justice.


    24)tied up(重读强调)with our destiny

    25)Mississippi (mizzy sipi)

    Alabama (el le bama)

    Louisiana (luyiz anna)

    Carolina(karo laina)

    ghetto (getall) slum dogs and millianaires

    northern (nor zen)


    25)on[wən]&son[sʌn] on的发音一致(?) song[sɔŋ] sun [sʌn]

    26)as sisters and brothers(要连读一下)

    27)cooked places(读慢)will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord(↑) shall be revealed(↓)and (读快)all flesh(连读,配合前面的读快) shall see it(see it 读慢一点 强调) together(语调↓).

    28)the hall that I(连读t&I)

    29)with this faith(气势达到了顶峰)

    9个I have a dream 3个with the faith 气势的逐渐上升

    30)we will be able to... we和will中间分开点 会更清楚

    31)allow ow发音要注意(我的常见问题)


    1)momentous 重大的

    2)decree 颁布;裁定;注定

    3)sear    使……干枯

    4)wither 使……枯萎


    6)抽查 spot-check

    7)Rhetorical figures(修辞意象), tropes(比喻、修辞), motif(母题)

    8)In the midst of 在……中间

    9)a vast ocean of material prosperity 物质财富的广阔海洋

    10)langushi=suffer 文学类的词语

    11)find himself an exile (发现自己被放逐)

    12)dramatize 使引人注目,与 the elephant in the room (装看不见)一起记忆

    minimize:to reduce sth, especially sth bad, to the lowest possible level/ to try to make sth seem less important than it really is/ to make sth small, especially on a computer screen.

    capitalize:to write or print a letter of the alphabet as a capital; to begin a word with a capital letter.

    realize critize idolize(崇拜:to admire or love sb very much) demonetize(使通货废止使用) demonize (妖魔化) monetize (变现)

    ex:He monetizes his reputation.

    weaponize (蚁人电影)把……作为武器

    ex: The ISIS weaponized women and children to be human bomb.

    Finalize:to complete the last part of a plan, trip, project,etc.

    Socialize:to meet and spend time with people in a friendly way, in order to enjoy yourself/ to teach people to behave in ways that are acceptable to their society.

    Paralyze:使瘫痪 to make sb unable to feel or move all or part of their body/ to prevent sth from functioning normally

    ex:She stood there, paralysed with fear.

    13)architect 某种活动的发起人

    ex: Dengxiaoping—the architest of the reform and opening up

    The architect of an idea, event, or institution is the person who invented it or made it happen. [oft N of n] [Formal] 想法、事件或组织的发起者,创立者

    ex:Deng Xiaoping is one of the founding revolutionaries of Communist China and the architect of economic modernizations that transformed the world's most populous nation.

    14)fall heir to 成为继承人 一般to放在前面了

    15)sacred obligation 神圣的责任、义务

    16)insufficient funds 不足的

    17)NSF no sufficient funds

    18)capture 囚禁 captivity

    19)go down in history:take your place in history, to be remembered by many people for being done sth.

    20)cheesy (原义:奶酪味道的)

    ex:If you describe something as cheesy, you mean that it is cheap, unpleasant, or insincere(not true)廉价的;劣质的,虚伪的

    mushy 肉麻的 cheesy 觉得有点假

    21)cold call 抽查 Cold calls are made to people who have not been contacted before and have not asked to be called.

    22) textbook example:教科书般的例子

    23)the elephant in the room 装看不见 (房间里的大象;比喻大家都看得到,只是假装,或者习惯性看不到)

    24)Being bedded by the emperor 被皇帝翻牌(TE中)

    25)worthy of religious worship : very holy

    Certain animals were regarded as sacred.

    26)insofar: to such extent or degree

    27)defaulted on 连起来一起记  default作默认时,重音不一样。

    28)heir: a person who has the legal right to receive the property of someone who dies  fall heir“继承”

    ex:At the age of twenty he fell heir to a large estate.

    29)to give or get cash for (a check)  cash(兑现)的主语可能是持票人,也可能是银行职员。

    30)in a sense “在某种意义上”

    ex:In a sense, she is right.

    31)cash a check  在这里cash是动词,显然可以知道是“兑现”的意思。

    32)bankrupt:破产 注意比喻义:cripple,bankrupt,loom

    33)in the great vaults(银行的钱库) of opportunity (opportunedy的读音)


    ex: a brake in demand for cars in China 同样生动形象 brake的情况我已经见到至少三回了,要用起来。

    35)a hard act to follow

    36)pinnacle 顶峰、顶端

    ex:He has reached the pinnacle of British politics.

    37)make real the promises of democracy 后面the promise of democracy比较长

    factor in sth 与之类似

    Only reading the book doesn't suffice, you should put into practice what you read.

    38)the quick sands of racial injustice

    the solid rock of brotherhood (坚实的、靠谱的等等 就是从“坚硬的“引申出的形象化内涵)

    My father is my rock.(爸爸是我的靠山。)

    39)make justice a reality 和前面make real一个意思

    40)blow off the steam 生气发火 发泄怒火

    41)have a rude awakening 猝不及防、突然的觉察、认识 a rude PDA (Public display  of affection)

    42)return to business as usual

    43)One night,however,our vicar work up with a start:the clock was striking the hours! 新概念3 第二课

    44)rightful place & wrongful deeds 成对 记住! 正当的-不正当的

    45)Physical force/violence 仔细体味意义 非暴力/ soul force

    46)majestic height: meet with

    47)previous protest/ marvelous new military 有白人参与……的新战斗(正向)

    48)engulf: gulf海湾 engulf 情感涌上心头 形象准确

    49)evidenced by ………体现。

    50)come to realize/get to know

    51)high plane of dignity and discipline

    52)is inextricably bound to our freedom和 tied up with 息息相关

    53)walk the walk

    54)make the pledge pledge: a serious promise/ a sum of money or sth valuable that you leave with sb to prove that you will do sth or pay back money that you owe.

    a pledge of support/ take the pledge

    ex:Management has given a pledge that there will be no job losses this year.

    55)devotees(a person who admires and is very enthusiastic with sb/sth)of civil rights

    56)march ahead, not turning back 想到shawn Mende 的英文歌 there’s nothing holding me back

    57)heavy with=filled with 文学用法 充满/ 口味重 heavy with salt

    58)brutal brutality

    59)light on ice 少放冰

    60)social/basic mobility 社会流动性……

    61)ghetto/slum 贫民窟

    62)request for freedom left you battered by the storms of persucution.

    batter 连续击打 a battered car/house 破旧的/   battered & staggered(蹒跚、犹豫、动摇)

    63)fresh off board 初来乍到

    64)Betty bought a bit better butter.


    66)trials(审判) and tribulations(苦难)

    67)have come fresh from narrow jail cells 刚从监狱里出来了

    68)veterans 老兵

    69)creative suffering 

    70)wallow(沉迷、打滚) in the valley of despair(p都成b bier的感觉) 沉浸在绝望的山谷(陷入这种绝望的情绪)

    wallow in mud/sorrows

    71)It's a dream deeply rooted in(根植在) the American dream.

    72)Sally v. 突围出发

    73)pastor(消遣娱乐 ['pæstɚ]) priest(神父)

    74)on the spot 在现场


    76)make it up as he went along

    77)crytal clear/ clear cut

    78)golden stage

    79)fair(肤色较浅的) fair-complexioned 肤色白皙的

    pale(苍白的) dark(黑的) tanned(黝黑的) light(浅色的) →形容人的肤色 black&white是说人种,不能表达黄种人(某一种族中)比较白/黑的人的肤色

    80)wired to(联结 连接)

    81)It sticks(流传).→想到余音绕梁

    82)racist(种族歧视者) sexist(性别歧视者)

    83)crooked teeth 牙不整齐

    84)hew out of the mountion of despair,a stone of hope (hew B out of A)走出绝望的山谷,看到希望的石头

    take out of the bag

    take out of the bag a book 同理

    85)stand up for it 为……发表自己的观点,去维护自己

    LGBTs stand up for their equal rights.

    86)prodigious 文学 巨大的 常出现在圣经

    prodigal son浪子回头、迷途知返

    87)hyphen:连字符号 How-go know-how go-getter


    barely clad 没穿什么衣服

    bullet-riddled 充满子弹的

    89)molehill:make a mountain out of a molehill 小题大做。

    90)take everything with a garin of salt/ any takers?(/在复盘中多表示分割)

    91)It has been bugging me. 困扰我很久了。

    92)village&hamlet 都是村庄

    93)Jews, Protestant and Gentiles 犹太教&新教&异教徒(摩门教徒)

    94)almighty 全能的:have complete power


    1)演讲中的独立宣言:We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that they are among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

    2)...has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her crtizens of color are concerned. 银行类的词语使用,整体是一个形象的描述。

    3)a bad check, a bad check which has come back marked "insufficient funds" 的用法

    4)Five scores years ago 是向林肯的葛底斯堡演说致敬:Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

    5)But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. 美国有富裕的物质资源却给黑人开了一张余额不足的空头支票。

    The society is morally bankrupt (信用不足) 特别形象生动。后面的desolate valley(诗歌中常见的意象) sunlit(阳光照射的) path也是。

    6)So we have come to cash this check—//a check(这个我在Good bye Mr.Chips里也老看到这种,就是口语常用的表达) that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom /and the security of injustice. riches(财富) of freedom and the security(正确) of justice 承接上文的银行的比喻。

    7)This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing(镇静的) drug of gradualism.




    老师的理解:首先语法上 to engage in the luxury of cooling off 和 to take the tranquilizing drug of gradulism 是平行的。这段想表达的意思是时间紧、人物急,我们要的是彻底的变化,大家不要只是三分钟热血。Cooling off 其实是更舒服的,大热天的在家吹空调喝果汁比出来游行要舒服,视而不见、安于天命比为维护自己的权益而搞点事情要舒服,这就是 the luxury of cooling off。

    8)关于重复的经典例子:(除了金博士的"Now is the time...")

    林肯:But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate—we can not consecrate—we can not hallow—this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.

    丘吉尔:We will fight in the end. We will fight in France, we shall fight in the ocean, we will be growing confidence and growing strength in the air war, we will defend the homeland at all costs, we will be beach operations, we will fight the enemy's landing point, we will fight in the fields and streets, we will fight in the mountains. We will never surrender, even if we or the island was conquered most of the island, and trapped in hunger -- I never do not believe will happen.

    9)seek to satisfy our thrist for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.

    Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. ——罗素 《我为何而生》 why I have lived for

    当时自己偶然看到的一句名言:This may be a great fire in our hearts, yet no one ever comes to warm himself at it, and the passers-by see only a wisp of smoke.   ——Vincent van Gogh

    10)unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. That’s why right temporarily defeated is stronger that evil triumphant.

    11)层次 police brutality-our children are strippers of selfhood and robbed of their dignity by sighs stating that “for Whites only”

    be robbed of be stripped of的对应 类似的有Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in Newyork……相对应

    12)justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream

    13)continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering(突然降临的苦难) is redemptive(救赎的,可挽回的).





    1)I am happy to join with you today 亲和力更强

    2)a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves

    3)a joyous daybreak

    4)end the long night of their captivity


    5)When the song ends, people scatter.曲终人散

    6)Negro still is not free.(is siill&still is 都可以)

    7)lonely island of poverty 形象化的描述

    8)A as well as B 强调A 不仅是B,还有A



    11)And there will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights.


    13)he has nothing for which to vote 没什么可以为……投票

    14)It goes without saying.

    15)We are conditioned to dream.


    17)5 words sentence(也是一种韵律感)但是句子根据长短 韵律是要有变化的



    看了《The art of thinking》,听了TED中建立自信心、拥有成功事业的两个演讲,结合自己所看见的榜样,我真的是越来越感觉到,永远不要低估自己的潜力,也不要太把自己的能力当回事(眼高手低),真正自信、有实力傍身的人不会装作自己都会、不寻求别人的帮助(在必要的时候),他们会承认自己的不懂,然后很快弄懂。






