How to pronounce Artist's Na

How to pronounce Artist's Na

作者: 木木山豆 | 来源:发表于2015-07-25 06:01 被阅读153次

By Andrew M. Goldstein

The art world isn't really as snobbish as depicted in movies and TV shows like Bravo's Gallery Girls, and it's apt to be liberally forgiving of most uncouth behavior… with one notable exception: you can't get away with mispronouncing artists' names. Imagine you're jetting with Dakis Joannou (pronounced: Dock-is Zho-nu) off to his Deste (pronounced: Des-tay) Foundation on the Greek island of Hydra (pronounced: Hee-dra), and former Venice Biennale (pronounced: bee-a-nah-le) curator Bice Curiger (pronounced: Bee-chay Courage-er) brings up French neoclassical portraiture-if you say your favorite painter is Jean Dominique Ingres and pronounce it "Ing-gres" instead of "Aang," you're sure to be met with icy silence. No one wants that. To ensure you avoid such embarrassments, consult our handy guide to pronouncing some of the thorniest artist names out there.

Albert Oehlen - UR-lin

Alexandre Singh - SING

Allora & Calzadilla - a-LO-ra & cal-za-DEE-ya

Anh Duong - AHN DWONG

Anish Kapoor - Ah-NEESH Kah-POOR

Annette Messager - MESS-ah-ZHAY

Anselm Kiefer - ann-selm KEE-fur

Apichatpong Weerasethakul - a-PEE-shaat-pong We're-ASS-it-a-cool (he also goes by "Joe")

Aziz + Cucher - a-ZEEZ + KUTCHER

Berthe Morisot - BEAR-t More-RI-zoh

Cai Guo-Qiang - TSAI gwo-CHIANG

Cao Fei - TSOW fay

Christian Jankowski - yang-COUGH-skI

Claes Oldenburg - KLOSS

Cyprien Gaillard - SIP-rien GAY-yar

Dan Flavin - FLAY-vin

Daniel Guzman - DAH-niel GUZE-mann

David Salle - SALLY

David Wojnarowicz - voy-nah-ROW-vitch

Diane Arbus - DEE-ahn

Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster - Gon-ZA-lez FORE-ster

Donald Baechler - BATCH-ler

Eadweard Muybridge - Edward MY-bridge

Ed Ruscha - Roo-SHAY

Edvard Munch - ED-vard MOOnk

Edward Burtynsky - bur-TIN-skee

El Anatsui - El ah-nah-TSOO-eee

Elle Muliarchyk - MOO-lee-ar-chick

Emily Jacir - jah-SEER

Enoc Perez - E-knock

Eva Hesse - AY-va HESS-uh (though in the U.S. she chose to pronounce it "Hess")

Fang Lijun - FONG lee-JUNE

Fischli/Weiss - FISH-lee/VICE

Francesco Clemente - fran-CHESS-ko kle-MEN-te

Gabriel Kuri - GAH-bree-elle KOO-ri

Gabriel Orozco - GAH-briel Or-ROZ-co

Ghada Amer - GAH-da ah-MARE

Gillian Wearing - JILL-ian WE'RE-ing

Glenn Ligon - LIE-gone

Guido van der Werve - GEE-do VAN der VAIRVE

Guillermo Kuitca - gee-YERR-mo KWEET-ka

Hermann Nitsch - HAIR-man NEE-tch

Hernan Bas - BAAS

Jackson Pollock - PAH-luck

James Nares - NAH-res

James Winogrand - Winn-o-grand

Jem Southam - GEM SUTH-um

Jenny Holzer - HOLE-zer

Jenny Saville - SAH-ville

Jesper Just - YES-per YOOST

Joan Miró - WAHN Me-ROH

John Baldessari - ball-de-SAH-ree

Jonas Mekas - JOE-nas MEE-kass

Joseph Beuys - BOYS

Josephine Meckseper - MEK-se-per

Juergen Teller - YUR-gen

Julie Mehretu - MARE-eh-too

Kalup Linzy - KAY-lup LIN-zee

Karen Kilimnik - kill-LIMN-nick

Käthe Kollwitz - KAY-tuh KOLL-vitz

Kehinde Wiley - keh-HIN-day WHILE-ey

Keren Cytter - ker-REN TSEE-ter

László Moholy-Nagy - Mo-HA-lee NADGE

Lawrence Weiner - WHEE-ner

Leon Golub - GO-lube

Liam Gillick - LEE-am GILL-ick

Lisa Yuskavage - you-SKA-vidge

Marcel Broodthaers - BROT-hairs

Marina Abramovic - ah-BRA-mo-vitch

Mark Dion - Mark DIE-on

Marlene Dumas - mar-LANE doo-MAH

Mircea Cantor - Meer-TCHA CON-tour

Nam June Paik - Nahm June PAKE

Nathan Mabry - MAY-bree

Olaf Breuning - BRUNE-ing

On Kawara - Own Ka-WA-ra

Os Gemeos - OSE ZHEM-e-os

Pae White - PAY White

Pat Steir - Pat STEER

Paul Klee - CLAY

Philip Taaffe - TAYF

Pierre Huyghe - HWEEG

Rachel Whiteread - White-REED

Ragnar Kjartansson - RAG-nar KYAR-tans-son

Raymond Pettibon - PEH-tee-bahn

Rineke Dijkstra - REEN-eh-kuh DIKE-stra

Rirkrit Tiravanija - RIRK-writ tee-RAH-va-nit

Rivane Neuenschwander - ri-VAN-knee NOY-un-shwunder

Romare Bearden - Roam-MARE

Salvador Dalí­ - da-LI

Sarah Sze - ZEE

Sebastião Salgado - Se-BASS-tee-ah-oh sal-GAA-do

Tavares Strachan - ta-VAH-res STRAWN

Théodore Géricault - tay-oh-DOOR jay-ree-KO

Thomas Demand - DAY-mond

Thomas Eakins - AY-kins

Tom Nozkowski - Nahzz-COW-ski

Tomma Abts - TOE-ma Abts

Tony Feher - FAY-her

Udomsak Krisanamis - ooh-DUM-sack chris-ANNA-miss

Ugo Rondinone - OO-go Ron-di-NO-nay

Ursula von Rydingsvard - RIDINGS-vard

Valeska Soares - Su-A-res

Vija Celmins - VEE-ya Sell-muns

Vik Muniz - MOO-knees

Wangechi Mutu - Wang-GAY-she Moo-too

Warren Neidich - Warren NIGH-dic

Wayne Thiebaud - TEE-bo

Willem de Kooning - Vill-hem de KOON-ing

Wolfgang Staehle - VOLF-gahng SCHTEH-luh

Xaviera Simmons - Zai-VEER-ria

Xu Bing - SHOO Bing

Yinka Shonibare - YEEN-ka show-knee-BAH-reh

Yutaka Sone - yoo-TAH-kah SOH-neh

Zhang Huan - JHANG HOO-ahn

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  • 木木山豆:@ChronosTartaro 而且作品名也千奇百怪的。还是Untitled 对大家都好!
  • LostAbaddon:突然在想如果克林贡星人的艺术家来地球,这个名字怎么发音的问题大概就足够闹腾了。。。
  • 木木山豆:@好吃de夹饼 英文也就算了关键好多德语意大利语法语
  • 一本泛黄的二手书:说实话,英文名字太难记了,上次我买书可尴尬了,不会说英文的名字,只知道书名。

本文标题:How to pronounce Artist's Na
