

作者: diplomaticoffic | 来源:发表于2019-03-23 07:21 被阅读0次

6th day!Today due to some changes,we swap classes with our classmates.Some people don,t change their schedule.I change with Bieber HuangHaotian .So I had three computer class including one computer science class and one Maths class.The first class we do a report about China.I quickly searched China in Wikipedia and find out what I want.It was a pity that I didn,t write Ming and Qing Dynasty due to the form limited at ppt,I discovered that I improved a lot at computer and that gave me some confidence. The next class ,we learnt the difference between inmediate and direct addressing,different types of operation code like data transfer,arithmetic operation and CISC(complex instruction set),RISC(reduced instruction set) and so on.Maths question is so easy,onlyALevel  quafratics,the time is givenso less and lack of calculator,we can,t work out the problem really well.At lunch,I poured some lemon juice on my pants and some Cappotino on my pullover,which was really awkward.But the most interesting or one of the most interesting class I,ve listened for these few days is the computer class in the afternoon.When I first came into the room,he welcomed me with pleasure and ask my name jason.Then he says there are two jason in the class and showed me the other guy.He then kneeling  to me and say today first we are going to do a quiz about China with 6 questions.He says maybe you are more familiar with it.He then asked me if I used kahoot.it,I said I used it yesterday in business class.He then set up a password again and we log in.The first two question was very easy ,about flags and capital.He says it was too easy for you.At the final one, it tested the instant news which I didn,t know,a woman sit at the back helps me to click Chang,E 4 ,which was correct and make sure I was in the 3rd place.Then Oliver came over from his seat and 10 people in3 groups started to design 4 questions.I set up who is RONNIE OSULLIVAN and chose a photo.It was lucky that a guy who know Ryan Day,one of the snooker players. At last, the teacher say it,s great to see me and hope to see me tomorrow.He looks like a man in BBC documentary who talks about mathmetics.



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