Nowadays self-employment has been increasingly favored by young people.
Voted in favor of Decide in favor of pairing with An Amer...
favor 1. Many graduates favor metropolis such as Beijng, ...
curry favor 拍马屁eager to curry favor with superiors by rep...
造句:Nowsadays,staying in the big cities, such as Beijing, ...
Many graduates in China favor big cities like Beijing, Sh...
Nowadays self-employment has been increasingly favored by...
很多中国大学生毕业后都会选择留在北上广这样的大城市。 Many Chinese graduates will fa...
1.翻译 Many graduated chinese students favor big cities suc...
很多中国大学生毕业后都会选择留在北上广这样的大城市。 Many college students in China...
【翻译】 Many chinese graduates favor big cities such as Beij...