

作者: 野生的萱 | 来源:发表于2017-04-23 17:08 被阅读0次

In this passage author is introducing two kinds of theories about how living is forming.One is that people believe living needs energy from photosynthesis.The other believes living can use just energy from the chemical.The author is inclined to support the later,and points out  if the theory is confirmed,there maybe other livings in elsewhere planet.

Why primitive livings could survive without photosynthesis?Because scientist found preserved fossil which shows having creatures living in the hydrothermal vents.Such kind of creatures ,they just utilize the mineral spurring out  from seabed or the chemical of the crust.

Further, recent movement excavates rocks from Quebec and find out that has passing resemblance to the bacteria in hydrothermal.More,the age of rocks date back to between 3.8 and 4.8 billion years ago which is earlier than the existent discovering photosynthesizing bacteria from 3.7 billion years old.So the only we have to prove is whether the rocks are real biochemical business or just a non-living geological process.If it confirmed,we could say hydrothermal theory form the very early creatures than any others.

And then science group analysis the rocks,and find it similar to younger pillow-shaped basalt from Hudson Bay formed when micro-organisms decayed. So we could believe the rocks from Quebec is fossil of bacteria.All above prove hydrothermal theory is convincing.

This article,author stands from three main aspects to talk about cyber-security:conditions,reasons,solution.For conditions,the author delineates a pictures of baleful cyber problems such as cyber thieves,data breaches ,computer extortion,hacking-foe-hire,digital stolen ect. As for reasons,the author points out both from inner and exterior.In subjectives,the essential is  people not take it seriously.And further,author explains why it not being paid much attention.Due to botnets the attacked just accounts minority,large amounts of people won’t able be vicarious .In objectives,one is that computerization trend is irresistible and infiltrate into every corner of life.The other is that law has defects so firms are capable disclaim liability.Turning to resolutions,from the beginning author gives despair counsel, he says anything is possible but to make computer completely safe.Because software is complex and the weakness is compounded by the history.But he still casts positive attitude to future.Two ways can alleviate the situation as follows:government strengthens regulation and cyber-security insurance could get incentives far.


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