精读29:Funny or not?||是否可笑?(完结)

精读29:Funny or not?||是否可笑?(完结)

作者: 42ac8dd652df | 来源:发表于2019-05-01 07:10 被阅读0次


















    ①A man who had broken his right leg was taken to hospital a few weeks before Christmas.②From the moment he arrived there, he kept on pestering his doctor to tell him when he would be able to go home.③He dreaded having to spend Christmas in hospital.④Though the doctors did his best, the patient's recovery was slow.⑤On Christmas Day, the man still had his right leg in plaster.⑥He spent a miserable day in bed thinking of all the fun he was missing.⑦The following day, however, the doctorconsoled him by telling him that his chances of being able to leave hospital in time for New Year celebrations were good.⑧The man took heart and, sure enough, on New Year's Eve he was able to hobble along to a party.⑨To compensate for his unpleasant experiences in hospital, the man drank a little more than was good forhim.⑩In the process, he enjoyed himself thoroughly and kept telling everybody how much he hated hospitals. ⑪He was still mumbling something about hospitals at the end of the party when he slipped on a piece of ice and broke his left leg.


    pester/'pestə/:to annoy someone, especially by asking them many times to do something不断烦扰,纠缠〔尤指不断要求某人做某事〕,如:She’d been pestered by reporters for days. 几天来她一直受到记者们的纠缠。搭配:pester sb for sth./pester sb to do sth.

    keep on doing sth.:表示在一段时间内“不断做某事”,如:Then trust God and keep on doing what's right. 然后信靠神,并继续做你应该做的。

    【写作推荐】dread/dred/:to feel anxious or worried about something that is going to happen or may happen畏惧,惧怕;担心,搭配:dread doing/to do sth,如:I’m dreading going back to work. 我害怕回去工作。

    recovery /rɪ'kʌvərɪ/:the process of getting better after an illness, injury etc康复,痊愈,如:Ann made a quick recovery from her operation. 手术后安康复得很快。

    plaster /'plɑːstə/: a white powder that is mixed with water and becomes very hard when it dries, used especially for making copies of statues or holding broken bones in place熟石膏,如:She broke her leg a month ago and it's still in plaster . 她一个月前腿骨骨折,至今仍打着石膏。

    【难句解析】He spent a miserable day in bed thinking of all the fun he was missing. ①thinking of all the fun he was missing为现在分词短语作方式状语;②(that)he was missing:定语从句,省略关系代词that

    【词汇精析】console/kən'səʊl/:to give comfort or sympathy to sb who is unhappy or disappointed安慰;抚慰;慰藉,如:Nothing could console him when his wife died. 他妻子去世后,什么事情也不能使他感到宽慰。搭配:console yourself with sth./console yourself that。


    两者区别:console:比较正式,侧重缓解痛苦和悲伤;如:No one could console her when Peter died. 彼得去世时没人能够安慰她。comfort:普通用词,指用行文或言语安抚令其得到安慰,如:Ned put his arm around her, trying to comfort her.内德搂着她,试图安慰她。

    take heart:gain courage,如:All you struggling artists and writers out there take heart. 诸位苦苦求生的艺术家们、作家们! 振作一点!反义词:lose heart:丧失信心

    sure enough:as supposed or expected果然,果真,在本文作插入语。如:You are sure enough of yourself to not need or rely on praise from everyone anymore to feel good about yourself. 你对自己足够确信这样你并不需要依赖别人的赞扬而让自己舒服一些。

    hobble /'hɒbəl/:to walk with difficulty, especially because your legs or feet hurt跛行,一瘸一拐地走,如:He hobbled into the room on crutches. 他拄着T形拐杖一瘸一拐地走入屋内。

    compensate /'kɒmpenseɪt/:to pay someone money because they have suffered injury, loss, or damage赔偿,补偿,搭配:compensate sb for sth,如:The firm will compensate workers for their loss of earnings. 公司将补偿工人的收入损失。

    【写作推荐】be good for:对……有用/有益,如:This book is good for children.这本书适于小孩读。

    mumble /'mʌmbḷ/:to say something too quietly or not clearly enough, so that other people cannot understand you咕哝,含糊地说,如:Stop mumbling!别嘟嘟囔囔的!

    Summary writing:(last paragraph)


    A man broke his right leg just before Christmas and was taken to hospital. He wanted to know when he could go home. On Christmas Day he was still in hospital with his leg in plaster, but there was a good chance of leaving hospital for the New Year. In fact, he was out in time to go to a New Year’s Eve party where he drank too much, slipped on a piece of ice and broke his left leg.




    精读:Funny or not?||是否可笑?(完结)



        本文标题:精读29:Funny or not?||是否可笑?(完结)
