Warm It Up---商业即兴50

Warm It Up---商业即兴50

作者: 祥祥布鲁斯 | 来源:发表于2020-05-07 22:02 被阅读0次

    Warm It Up热身

    Before a roomful of minds becomes engaged in the task at hand, get that roomful of bodies active. Once team members are out of their chairs, they should be encouraged to move around. A meeting can begin with some sort of small, fun, unexpected physical activity—a group stretch, a game of musical chairs, or even a “wave” around the room. This isn’t deep neuroscience; it’s simple biology: the human brain works best when it’s pumped full of oxygenated blood, and physical action gets that blood pumping. This step may encounter a little more resistance than some of the others at first, but it’s a cost-free way of fostering team bonding and setting a desired energy level. If the energy or focus wanes during the session, add another warm-up to shake things up as necessary. Physical warm-ups also reinforce the very concept of team: team members who shake together are more likely to be present, supportive of each other, and committed to the process.


    Protect the Team保护团队

    To the team leaders or execs calling for a brainstorming session in the first place, when you find the teams that take to this process and make it work—protect them. If you’ve got a team that embraces the whole process, from warm-ups to follow-through, and is dedicated to making a difference, treat them as prized, go-to thinkers, an elite Special Forces Idea Squad. Give them these tools and the training they need;put them in the best position to succeed; and then protect the environment you’ve created for your team to work in. Respect the process that’s been established. 


    Make sure that team members remain clear about expectations and the rules of the room, and get the people who don’t want to be part of that team out of there (before they can make the forces less special).This ties directly to that all-purpose tool of improvisation: postponement of judgment. We’ve seen that the postponing of judgment is crucial to the “Yes, and” approach to personal creativity and interpersonal communication, and it is especially crucial as a leadership  tool to facilitate productive ideation. Within the specific dynamics of a brainstorming session (the divergent thinking side), postponement of judgment ensures that a team member’s role is simply to contribute and support, not to critique. This concept is expanded a bit during brainstorming to include individuals’ judgments of their own ideas.


    For ideas to flow as freely as rainwater, people must turn off their internal censor and allow themselves to be both vulnerable and spontaneous. This can be a very difficult dynamic to instill in a roomful of thinkers who are not used to it, though once the ideation session is effectively established as a safe zone—a divergent thinking arena in which everyone is asked to speak openly and in which no particular position needs to be defended—it’s amazing how productive the communication becomes.


    Remember that a postponement of judgment simply means that judgment must be deferred to the appropriate time. Let’s be honest here: to drive raw ideas to productive use, the judgment process is insanely important. Moreover team members’ critical decision-making abilities may be in large part the asset that earned them a spot on the team in the first place. However, when people revert to employing their critical-thinking skills too quickly, they miss the chance to recognize opportunities in the unexpected. They also miss the opportunity to show that the ideas and input of others are valued. Leaders of a brainstorming team as well as all team members must remain disciplined about exercising a postponement of judgment and must insist that the team stay equally disciplined. Don’t inadvertently throw out the gold just because it’s covered in mud. Pan gold like ol’ Jebediah and then later sift out the sand and the muck and the mud.


    Brainstorming sessions must be energetic, fun, focused, creative, inspirational, and ultimately productive. Leaders and team members should not allow any negativity to impinge on that. Cognitive psychologists have proven that moods are contagious and positive moods facilitate creativity.10 Keep the attitude positive and the energy high.Remain supportive and protective of the team. Celebrate the last great idea thought up, and look forward to the next.




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