艾松,石竹目,番杏科,伏地生长,茎长达30厘米,叶互生,勺状,短绒毛,约10-20毫米长,花呈黄色,四毫米宽,种子为五角胶囊, 9毫米长,依赖雨水冲刷繁殖。在达赫兰地区,偶尔在有淤泥的浅沙上发现,属一年生草本植物。
新阳爱花草|艾松A creeping plant, superbly adapted for desert life as it hugs the ground to reduce evaporation and maximize water uptake. 一种蠕动的植物, 非常适合沙漠生活, 因为它拥抱地面, 以减少蒸发, 最大限度地吸收水分。
It is super-sensitive to rain. The star-shaped fruit capsules absorb literally the first drop of rain and within seconds the capsule has opened. 它对雨水非常敏感。毫不夸张地说,星形水果胶囊在几秒内打开,吸收第一滴雨。
Subsequent drops splash some seeds out. When the rain stops the capsule closes to protect the remaining seeds until the next rainfall. 随后的雨滴溅出一些种子。当雨水停止时, 胶囊关闭, 以保护剩余的种子, 直到下一次降雨。