绒毛草,石竹目,石竹科(康乃馨), 高:7-30厘米,叶对生,长圆形披针形, 短绒毛, 粘稠,开白色小花,12-22毫米宽,果实/种子:深棕色种子0.6毫米,传播:水、风、可能通过蚂蚁。,传统的用途:放牧,达赫兰沙漠腹地罕见发现。
A shy beauty, unfurling its petals at night to tempt the Striped Hawkmoth, which feeds on its nectar thereby pollinating the plant. 它像一位害羞的美女, 在夜间展开花瓣, 诱惑条纹鹰蛾来采花蜜, 从而为其授粉。
In the heat of the day its petals are furled to minimize water loss. 在炎热的白昼,它的花瓣被卷起来, 以最大限度地减少水分的流失。
When ripe, the seeds are tipped out onto sand as the calyx tube withers and dies. 成熟后, 随着花萼管枯萎和死亡,它的种子被喷到沙子上。
Sands sticks to the leaves and stems protecting it from the abrasion of blown sand. 沙子粘在叶子和茎上, 保护它不受吹砂的磨损。