Num | English | Chinese | Explaination |
1 | Fight tooth and nail | 全力以赴 | 牙齿和指甲一起拼 |
2 | A land of milk and honey | 鱼米之乡 | 遍地牛奶蜜糖的土地 |
3 | January and May | 老夫少妻 | 一月和五月;参见注释 |
4 | Rob Peter to pay Paul | 拆东墙补西墙 | 抢了皮特的钱给保罗 |
5 | Apples and oranges | 风马牛不相及 | 苹果和橙子 |
6 | Narrow escape | 九死一生 | 差点儿逃不掉 |
7 | Money talks | 有钱能使鬼推磨 | 钱会说话 |
8 | Childhood sweetheart | 青梅竹马 | 童年时的爱人 |
9 | Walls have ears | 隔墙有耳 | 墙有耳朵 |
10 | Teach fish how to swim | 班门弄斧 | 教鱼游泳 |
11 | Homer sometimes nods | 智者千虑,必有一失 | 荷马尚有打盹之时(圣人也难免出错) |
12 | A new broom sweeps clean | 新官上任三把火 | 新扫把扫得干净 |
13 | Put the cart before the horse | 本末倒置 | 把货车放到马前面 |
14 | Take the weight off your feet | 歇歇脚 | 给你的脚减负 |
15 | Every cook praises his own broth | 王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸 | 每个厨师都夸自己做的汤倍儿棒 |
16 | A man cannot whistle and drink at the same time | 一心不可二用 | 一个人不能边吹口哨边喝酒 |
17 | Fine feathers make fine birds | 人靠衣装 | 羽毛漂亮鸟才能漂亮 |
18 | Apple of one's eye | 心肝宝贝 | 某人眼睛中的苹果 |
19 | Paint the town red | 狂欢作乐 | 把整个镇子漆成红色 |
20 | Have money to burn | 有钱就是任性 | 烧钱也不心疼 |
21 | Close your eyes to something | 视而不见 | 对某些东西闭眼 |
22 | Shut/slam the door in somebody's face | 拒之门外 | 把门甩在某人脸上 |
23 | Be able to/can do something in your sleep | 精通熟练 | 睡着了都能做某事 |
24 | Rack your brain(s) | 绞尽脑汁 | 使劲用脑 |
25 | Out on a limb | 孤立无援 | 在树枝上 |
26 | Stick your neck out | 惹祸上身 | 把脖子伸出去 |
27 | Turn over a new leaf | 改过自新 | 翻开新的一页 |
28 | A bolt from the blue | 晴天霹雳/飞来横祸/始料不及 | 湛蓝的天空中划过一记响雷 |
29 | Kill the goose that lays the golden eggs | 杀鸡取卵 | 杀了会下金蛋的鹅 |
30 | Two heads are better than one | 三个臭皮匠顶一个诸葛亮 | 两个脑瓜总要好过一个 |
注释:其实这个短语涉及到一个典故,该典故源自英国作家乔叟所著的《坎特伯雷故事集》中“商人的故事”。january 和 may 是该故事中的两个人的名字,前者是一位男爵,他在60岁时娶了一个如花似玉的名叫may的年轻姑娘,所以后人就用 a case of january and may 指“老夫娶少妻”。