I must learn to do myself.
When I am sad.
I don't expect you to give me comfort again.
When I am down.
I don't expect you to give me praise again.
When I feel you are far away.
I don't expect you to give me a burning eyes again.
I must learn to be my own.
Because I know you can't be with me forever.
There are many shades on every journey.
Nothing is black or white.
I’ve been through hell and back,
and I'm grateful for every scar.
Through it all I have learned to laugh and cry and grow.
Because of you I become really me.
Thanks for everything and thanked once you who gave me happiness and suffer rings! ——
我想我是自由的,不该被束缚,不该被琐事拖着,不该被头昏脑胀烦恼着,我要和我爱的人 和爱我的人走很远很远……——