2023-07-18 统计基因组数据fasta文件大小

2023-07-18 统计基因组数据fasta文件大小

作者: 麦冬花儿 | 来源:发表于2023-07-18 22:16 被阅读0次


    [train@MiWiFi-R3P-srv out]$ perl -e 'while (<>) { $x = <>; $num += length ($x) - 1;} print "$num\n";' contig.fa #每两行一个循环,$num += length ($x) - 1表示减去换行符。


    [train@MiWiFi-R3P-srv out]$ genome_statistic.pl scaffold.fa 
    the genome scaffolds number is 907
    the genome contigs number is 912
    the longest length is 166629
    the shortest length is 101
    the genome scaffolds size is 7509212
    the genome contig size is 7509076
    the rate of N is 1.81110880875383e-05
    the rate of GC is 0.584690579773064
    the scaffold N50 is 47014
    the scaffold L50 is 45
    the contig N50 is 47014
    the contig L50 is 45
    the scaffold N90 is 4028
    the scaffold L90 216
    the contig N90 is 4009
    the contig L90 218
    the number of sequences >= 1kb is 498   total length is 7283874
    the number of sequences >= 2kb is 310   total length is 7021242
    the number of sequences >= 3kb is 250   total length is 6879227



          本文标题:2023-07-18 统计基因组数据fasta文件大小
