泽平 的ScalersTalk第八轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day

泽平 的ScalersTalk第八轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day

作者: 郑泽平 | 来源:发表于2023-05-24 19:48 被阅读0次



    L55-3: From theearth: Greetings

    A telescope wouldhave to be as far away as the planet Jupiter to look for life in outer space,because the dust becomes thinner the further we travel towards the outer edgesof our own solar system. Once we detected a planet, we would have to find a wayof blotting out the light from its star, so that we would be able to ‘see’ theplanet properly and analyse its atmosphere.

    In the firstinstance, we would be looking for plant life, rather than 'little green men'.The life forms most likely to develop on a planet would be bacteria. It isbacteria that have generated the oxygen we breathe on earth. For most of theearth's history they have been the only form of life on our planet. AsEarth-dwellers, we always cherish the hope that we will be visited by littlegreen men and that we will be able to communicate with them. But this hope isalways in the realms of science fiction. If we were able to discover lowlyforms of life like bacteria on another planet, it would completely change ourview of ourselves. As Daniel Goldin of NASA observed, 'Finding life elsewherewould change everything. No human endeavour or thought would be unchanged byit.'

    frɒm ði ɜːθ: ˈɡriːtɪŋz

    ə ˈtɛlɪskəʊp wʊd

    hæv tuː biː æz fɑːr əˈweɪ æz ðə ˈplænɪt ˈʤuːpɪtə tuː lʊk fɔːlaɪf ɪn ˈaʊtə speɪs, bɪˈkɒz ðə dʌst bɪˈkʌmz ˈθɪnə ðə ˈfɜːðə wiː ˈtrævᵊl təˈwɔːdzði ˈaʊtər ˈɛʤɪz ɒv ˈaʊər əʊn ˈsəʊlə ˈsɪstəm.

    ɪn ðə fɜːst ˈɪnstəns,

    wiː wʊd biː ˈlʊkɪŋ fɔː plɑːnt laɪf, ˈrɑːðə ðæn ˈlɪtl ɡriːn mɛn. ðə laɪf fɔːmz məʊst ˈlaɪkli tuː dɪˈvɛləp ɒn ə ˈplænɪt wʊd biː

    bækˈtɪərɪə. ɪt ɪz bækˈtɪərɪə ðæt hæv ˈʤɛnəreɪtɪd ði ˈɒksɪʤən wiː briːð ɒn ɜːθ.

    fɔː məʊst ɒv ði ɜːθs ˈhɪstəri ðeɪ hæv biːn ði ˈəʊnli fɔːm ɒv laɪf ɒn ˈaʊə ˈplænɪt.

    æz ɜːθ-ˈdwɛləz, wiː ˈɔːlweɪz ˈʧɛrɪʃ ðə həʊp ðæt wiː wɪl biː ˈvɪzɪtɪd baɪ ˈlɪtl ɡriːn mɛn ænd ðæt wiː wɪl biː ˈeɪbᵊl tuː kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪtwɪð ðɛm. bʌt ðɪs həʊp ɪz ˈɔːlweɪz ɪn ðə rɛlmz ɒv ˈsaɪəns ˈfɪkʃᵊn. ɪf wiː wɜːrˈeɪbᵊl tuː dɪsˈkʌvə ˈləʊli fɔːmz ɒv laɪf laɪk bækˈtɪərɪə ɒn əˈnʌðə ˈplænɪt, ɪtwʊd kəmˈpliːtli ʧeɪnʤ ˈaʊə vjuː ɒv ˌaʊəˈsɛlvz. æz ˈdænjəl Goldin ɒv ˈnæsə əbˈzɜːvd,ˈfaɪndɪŋ laɪf ˈɛlsˈweə wʊd ʧeɪnʤ ˈɛvrɪθɪŋ. nəʊ ˈhjuːmən ɪnˈdɛvər ɔː θɔːt wʊdbiː ʌnˈʧeɪnʤd baɪ ɪt.'

    任务配置:L0 + L4







        本文标题:泽平 的ScalersTalk第八轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day
