

作者: 俊才鑫驰 | 来源:发表于2022-11-27 10:40 被阅读0次

reading social media,especially the videos  on wechat or douying is so addictive, i have to accept this fact.some videos can really enhance your enthusiasm whatever you admit it or not. at yesterday night, i just Swiped the video when i washed my feet and prepared to sleep as usual. and i met two hot news. one school student was missed  and another news is also very hot. then i was totally absorbed in the different videos recommended by the wechat.i remembered i was so angry that i kept responsing the different vidoes. and gave up my independent thinking  and  was totally controled by the software till i felt asleep. 

 in the morning i got up and found that was so ridiculous that i spent nearly 4 hours to watch this video and that video.and kept leaving my comments. as a middle-aged person , i behaved like a 18 years old guy.so later i have already decided  when i prepare for sleeping, i do not swipe the videos.as an ordinary guy ,doing well your own job is already too difficult.do not care too much other things. you are not in that position, do not cross the line.everybody has his ability boundary. just doing well in your ability boundary is enough.



