关于英语写作的,有不少比如:On writing well, 中式英语之鉴等等,那么这本书好在哪里呢?
The Elements of Style下面就讲讲这本书给我印象最为深刻的地方吧
I. Elementary Rules of Usage
1、用逗号:conjunction 引出一个独立从句时;用一个conjunction 连接多个并列成分的时候,每个后面都要加“,” 比如Danny, John , and Mary; 尤其是第二个“,”我们经常会漏掉
2、在formal writing中,不能使用contractions
3、日期的表述:May 12, 1999 =12 May 1999 注意没有序数词!注意标点位置!
4、etc./eg./Ph.D./在句子中通常作为插入语,要enclose them between two commas
5、前后两个句子句式相同,可构成对比时,两个分句可以直接用逗号连接,比如:Man proposes, God disposes. The gales swung apart, the bridge fell , the portcullis was drawn lip.
Pic 1 Pic 2II. Elementary Principles of Composition
1、关于structure:复旦教creative writing的外教在教我的时候,反反复复强调的就是:think clearly before writing clearly, 很多时候词不达意,正是因为没有想好自己究竟要表达的是什么,文章结构同样如此,段落结构亦然。
2、如何让拥有forceful language?
1)慎用qualifier(rather, pretty, a bit), adj., adv.!!!慎用!!!这些词都会冲淡文章的style,让你的文章读起来软趴趴的
2)如果有两个分句的contrast, comparison or coordination, 尽量保证结构的一致,这样更有韵律和力度之美
The book is rather weak in spots. Shakespeare doesn't portray K as a very admirable character, nor does B remain long in memory as an important character in his work.
The woman in the book are unattractive . K is disagreeable, B insignificant.
4)使用主动语态。避免there be, it 开头的句子,或者其他被动语态,还是上例子:
There are a great number of dead leaves on the ground. → Many dead leaves covered the ground.
5)把emphasis放到句子末尾例如:Deceit or treachery she could never forgive.
3、 如何让语言更简洁?
1)减少conjunction的使用,尽量整合为主从句,但是同时也注意simple sentence 和 complex sentence的spacing out
2)减少定语从句和同位语从句的使用,最为深恶痛绝的就是the fact that
一句话:Don't tell, show them.
III. An Approach to a style
01 Write naturally: 也就是不要过分追求语言的华丽,use words that come to you naturally, 也不要affect a breezy or pretentious manner, place yourself in the background, and draw readers' attention to the sense and substance of writing is enough.
02 Don't over explain: 有理有据当然是merit, 过多说理也会偏离重心
03 don't inject opinions: reserve your judgements!
Style is about who you are, about attitudes of the mind rather than principles of composition or a trick of grammar
A. 多用名词,动词,少用qualifier, adj. adv.
B. 多用主动语态和肯定性表达
C. 少用定语从句/同位语从句/过多的简单句,
D. Don't tell, show them.
E. Write natually