

作者: 逸章 | 来源:发表于2020-08-13 21:00 被阅读0次

说明:在使用Source.fromFile时,如果你使用的是scalaIDE, 那么很有可能你会遇到“Exception in thread "main" java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException: Input length = 1”错误,这个时候你需要换用命令行:“D:\scalaproject>scala Main.scala”

$ scalac Main.scala //编译
$ scala Main //运行
带有包名的scala程序自己编译和运行的方法如下: image.png
我自己scalaIDE写的代码是这样运行起来的: image.png


  1. val hello:String = "hello" //这里val声明的都是常量,这里的String可以自动推到出来,可省去
  2. Scala中数字类型也是对象,不区分primitive类型和对象类型
"Hello".intersect("world")                      //> res1: String = lo

val range = 1.to(10)                            //> Range 1 to 10
    for(a <- range)

//第一个也可以加上(),第二个不能加,原则是:a parameterless method that doesn’t modify the object has no parentheses
99.14.toString //> res2: String = 99.14
"99.44".toDouble //> res3: Double = 99.44

3.+(4) 得到的是7,就是3+4。这里+完全被看成是一个函数

In general, you can write a method b as a shorthand for a.method(b)
即1 to 10 等价于1.to(10)


scala> import scala.math._
import scala.math._

scala> sqrt(4)
res3: Double = 2.0

scala> pow(2,3)
res4: Double = 8.0

scala> min(3, Pi)
res7: Double = 3.0

scala> max(3,Pi)
res8: Double = 3.141592653589793


scala> scala.math.pow(3,4)

scala> "hello"(4)
res0: Char = o
scala> "hello".apply(4)
res1: Char = o

is a shortcut for

You can think of a sequence s of element type T as
a function from { 0, 1, . . . , n – 1 } to T that maps i to s(i), the ith element of the

scala> "BonJour".sorted
res6: String = BJnooru


scala> var e = 3;
e: Int = 3

scala> e = 4
e: Int = 4

scala> "crazy" * 2
res6: String = crazycrazy

scala> 10 max 2
res7: Int = 10

scala> scala.math.max (10,2)
res9: Int = 10

scala> val m:BigInt = 2
m: BigInt = 2

scala> m.pow(1024)
res10: scala.math.BigInt = 179769313486231590772930519078902473361797697894230657273430081157732675805500963132708477322407536021120113879871393357658789768814416622492847430639474124377767893424865485276302219601246094119453082952085005768838150682342462881473913110540827237163350510684586298239947245938479716304835356329624224137216

scala> m.pow(10)
res11: scala.math.BigInt = 1024
scala> "hello".take(2)
res13: String = he

scala> "hello".drop(1)
res14: String = ello

scala> "hello".takeRight(1)
res16: String = o

scala> "hello".dropRight(1)
res15: String = hell

scala> "hallo".last
res0: Char = o

scala> "hallo".head
res2: Char = h

scala> new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder().encode(BigInt.probablePrime(100,scala.util.Random).toByteArray)
res4: String = Dtmu+cgWeZJzqNsBFw==



scala> val x = 3
x: Int = 3

scala> if (x > 0) "positive" else -1
res7: Any = positive
scala> if (x > 0) 1 else ()
res9: AnyVal = ()


scala> if(x > 0) {x
     | } else if(x == 0){0
     | } else -x
res11: Int = 0

if(x > 0) x
      else if(x == 0) 0
      else -x

------------------------------ 语句的终结(分号到底要不要),当然如果你想要像Java那样加上当然没有问题
a semicolon is never required if it
falls just before the end of the line(一行的最后一个可以省去). A semicolon is also optional before an }, an
else(结束大括号和else之前也可以省去), and similar locations where it is clear from context that the end of a statement
has been reached.

If you want to continue a long statement over two lines, make sure that the first
line ends in a symbol that cannot be the end of a statement. An operator is often
a good choice:
s = s0 + (v - v0) * t + // The + tells the parser that this is not the end
0.5 * (a - a0) * t * t


x = y = 1 // No

scala> print("The Answer: “");println("world")
The Answer: world

scala> printf("Hello, %s! You are %d years old.%n", "me" ,18)
Hello, me! You are 18 years old.

----三个插值器(interpolator):f s raw

scala> val age = 18
age: Int = 18

scala> val name = "Hello"
name: String = Hello

scala> print(f"Hello, \$name! In six months, you'll be \${age + 0.5}%7.2f years old.%n")
Hello, Hello! In six months, you'll be 1111111234.50 years old.
scala> print(f"Hello, \$name! In six months, you'll be \${age + 0.5}%7.2f years old.\n")
Hello, Hello! In six months, you'll be 1111111234.50 years old.

--With a prefix of raw, escape sequences in a string are not evaluated
scala> raw"a\nb"
res5: String = a\nb

--With a prefix of s, strings can contain expressions but not format directives
scala> s"a\nb"
res6: String =


import scala.io.StdIn
object Hello {
  def main(args: Array[String])
    val name = StdIn.readLine("Your Name: ");
    print(s"Your age:");
    val age = StdIn.readInt();
    print(s"Hello \$name, next year your age is \${age + 1}")

-------while and do同Java
1 to n的作用:returns a Range of the numbers from 1 to n (inclusive)
scala> for (i <- 1 to 4){
| print(i)}

val s = "World"
for(oneChar <- s)

scala> for(i<- 1 to 3; j<- 4 to 6) print(s"($i,$j)")

scala> for(i <- 1 to 100 if i%2!=0) print(s" $i")
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99

scala> for(i<- 1 to 3; j<- 1 to 4 if i != j) print(s"($i,$j)")

--When the body of the for loop starts with yield, the loop constructs a collection of values, one for each iteration
scala> for(i <- 0 to 10) yield i
res7: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Int] = Vector(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

scala> for (c <- "Hello"; i <- 0 to 1) yield (c + i).toChar
res8: String = HIeflmlmop

scala> for (i <- 0 to 1; c <- "Hello") yield (c + i).toChar
res9: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Char] = Vector(H, e, l, l, o, I, f, m, m, p)


def fac(n : Int) ={
    var total =1;
    for(i <- 1 to n)
      total = total * i

 def facRecur(n:Int) : Int = {
    if(n <= 0) 1
    else n * facRecur(n-1);

  def decorate(str:String, left:String="[", right :String="]") =
    left + str + right;

println(decorate("hello", "<<<",">>>"))//指定值
println(decorate("hello", "<<<")) //最考虑右侧的使用默认值,即right使用默认值"]"
println(decorate(left="<-",str="hello", right="->"))


def recursiveSum(args:Int*):Int =
    if(args.length == 0) 0
    else args.head + recursiveSum(args.tail:_*)
def sum2(args:Int*) =
    var result = 0
    for(i <- args)
      result += i;
 println(sum2(1 to 10 : _*));
 println(recursiveSum(1 to 10:_*)); 

一个函数定义如果没有=,则它是一个Procedure,且没有返回值(即Unit),我们使用它只是为了使用它的side effect

def box(s:String) 
    val border = "-"*(s.length + 2)


和Java不同,Scala没有“checked” exceptions—你不需要去declare一个函数或者方法throw an exception.
注意Java里面:“checked” exceptions are checked at compile time,如果需要,则你需要在方法什么上加上throws

throw 表达式有一个特殊的类型:Nothing,在if-else中如果有一个分支的类型为Nothing,则整个if-else的类型为另一个分支返回类型

scala> var x = 3
x: Int = 3

scala> if (x >= 0) { scala.math.sqrt(x)
     | } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("x should not be negative")
res9: Double = 1.7320508075688772

scala> x = -1
x: Int = -1

scala> if (x >= 0) { scala.math.sqrt(x)
     | } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("x should not be negative")
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: x should not be negative
  ... 29 elided

后面会说明:try catch结构里面的catch块里面用的是模式匹配



var m1 = Map("1" -> "one", "2"->"two")                                              
var m2= scala.collection.mutable.Map("3"->"three", "4"->"foure");                                                 
var m3 = Map[String, String]()           
var m4 = Map(("5","five"),("6","six"));

m4("5") //获取对应的value值,如果不存在这个key,则抛出异常             //> res0: String = five
m4.get("7")                                    //> res3: Option[String] = None
m4.get("5")                                    //> res4: Option[String] = Some(five)

m4.contains("6");                 //> res1: Boolean = true

m4.getOrElse("7","no-seven")      //> res2: String = no-seven

//m4("5") = "V"  更新或者赋值会报错,因为Map不可变

val m5 = m4 + (("what","no answer"))

m2                                //> res0: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,String] = Map(5 -> what, 4 -> four
                                              //| e, 3 -> III)

m2 += ("7"->"seven",("8","eight"), "9"->"nine")

 m2 -= "3"


for((k,v) <- m4)
    println(s"(\$k,\$v)")                       //> (5,five) (6,six)                                              
for(v <- m4.keySet)
  print(s" \$v ")                              //>  5  6 
for(v <- m4.values)
  print(s" \$v ")                              //>  five  six 


var m4 = Map(("5","five"),("6","six"))
m4 = m4 + (("what","no answer"))
for((k,v) <- m4) yield (v,k) 

val months = scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashMap("January" -> 1,"February" -> 2, "March" -> 3, "April" -> 4, "May" -> 5)
                                                  //> months  : scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashMap[String,Int] = Map(January -
                                                  //| > 1, February -> 2, March -> 3, April -> 4, May -> 5)
val months2 = scala.collection.mutable.SortedMap("January" -> 1,"February" -> 2, "March" -> 3, "April" -> 4, "May" -> 5)
                                                  //> months2  : scala.collection.mutable.SortedMap[String,Int] = TreeMap(April ->
                                                  //|  4, February -> 2, January -> 1, March -> 3, May -> 5)   



  1. t._3可以用空格替代点号,即写为t _3
  2. 最好使用patternMatch来获取值
val tuple = (1, "hello",3.14)
println(s"\${tuple._1}  \${tuple._2}  \${tuple _3}")

val (one, two, three) = tuple
println(s"\$one  \$two \$three")

val (first, second, _) = tuple   //这里第三个元素我根本不关注
println(s"\$first  \$second")  

第四章 class相关练习



//一个源文件可以包含多个class,他们都是public visibility
class Counter
    private var value = 0 // You must initialize the field
    def increment() { value += 1 } // Methods are public by default
    def current() = value
    var v = 3;

val myCounter = new Counter // Or new Counter()



实践中如何选择呢,建议如下:It is considered good style to use () for a mutator method (a method that changes the object state), and to drop the () for an accessor method (a method that does not change the object state).

Properties with Getters and Setters

  1. Scala 为每个field都提供了 getter and setter methods,如果我们不愿意有些field被访问,需要加上private,另外val类型的变量只有getter没有setter
  2. In Scala, get方法即 对象.field
    set方法即 对象.field = 要设置的值
    其中set方法也可以写为field_=(要设置的值) (注意是方法名,调用时候需要使用括号把参数包裹起来)
myCounter.v        //get方法                   //> res0: Int = 3
myCounter.v=4      //set方法
myCounter.v_= (4)  //set方法  v_= 是方法名称 4是实参
myCounter.v                       //> res1: Int = 4


class Person
        private var pv = 1
        def pvValue = pv  //注意没有括号
        def pvValue_=(v:Int) ={ if (v > 0) pv = v }

var p = new Person                //> p  : what.Person = what$Person@1a86f2f1
p.pvValue                         //> res0: Int = 1
p.pvValue = -2  //等价于p.pvValue_=(-2)
p.pvValue                         //> res1: Int = 1

p.pvValue = 2 //等价于p.pvValue_=(2)

对于get和setter有一点需要提及: With a class-private field, Scala generates private getter and setter methods. However, for an object-private field, no getters and setters are generated at all.
Object-Private Fields

class Counter {
private var value = 0
def increment() { value += 1 }
def isLess(other : Counter) = value < other.value //可以访问other对象的private成员value

但是private[this]修饰的字段则不可以,这就是所谓的Object-Privete Field

class Counter2 {
    private[this] var value = 0
    def increment() { value += 1 }
    def isLess(other : Counter) = value < other.value//这会报错 

Bean Properties

class  Person
        import scala.beans.BeanProperty
        @BeanProperty var name :String = "Hello"


var p = new Person()              //> p  : what.Person = what$Person@1a86f2f1
p.name = "hello1"
p.name                            //> res0: String = hello1
p.getName                         //> res1: String = hello1

p.name                            //> res2: String = hello2
p.getName                         //> res3: String = hello2

p.name                            //> res4: String = hello3


  1. primary constructor(注意不是指无参构造函数)

1.1 In Scala, every class has a primary constructor. The primary constructor is not defined with a this method(注意方法名称不是this,有别于auxiliary构造函数). Instead, it is interwoven with the class definition.

1.2 NOTE: If there are no parameters after the class name, then the class has a primary constructor with no parameters. That constructor simply executes all statements in the body of the class.

1.3 The primary constructor executes all statements in the class definition

class Person(val name: String, val age: Int) {
// Parameters of primary constructor in (...)


class T(var age :Int)


val t1 = new T(4)

2. auxiliary constructors

class Person {
    private var name = ""
    private var age = 0

    def this(name: String) { // An auxiliary constructor
        this() // Calls primary constructor
        this.name = name

    def this(name: String, age: Int) { // Another auxiliary constructor
        this(name) // Calls previous auxiliary constructor
        this.age = age

val p1_0 = new Person // Primary constructor
val p1_1 = new Person() // Primary constructor
val p2 = new Person("Fred") // First auxiliary constructor
val p3 = new Person("Fred", 42) // Second auxiliary constructor

提示: 我们可以通过在primary constructor中使用默认参数来消除auxiliary constructors的必要性
class Person(val name: String = "", val age: Int = 0)

给primary constructor加上private,使得这个class的用户只能使用auxiliary constructor生成对象


import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer;
object Hello 
  def main(args: Array[String])
    val chatter = new Network
    val myFace = new Network
    val fred = chatter.join("Fred")
    val wilma = chatter.join("Wilma")
    var innerObject = new chatter.Member("")//和Java不一樣    

    fred.contacts += wilma // OK
    val barney = myFace.join("Barney") // Has type myFace.Member
    fred.contacts += barney

class Network 
  class Member(val name: String) {
    val contacts = new ArrayBuffer[Network#Member]
  private val members = new ArrayBuffer[Member]
  def join(name: String) = {
    val m = new Member(name)
    members += m
进一步解释: image.png

a. 方法有返回类型时,理解为函数(表达式);
b. 无返回类型时,即procedure,可以省略result type 和=;
c. 无入参时,可以省略方法名后面的括号,但是无返回类型时(省略result type和=),建议带上括号。

第五章 object相关练习

Scala 没有静态字段和方法,这些问题可以通过object来解决:

object Accounts
  private var lastNumber = 0
  def newUniqueNumber() = {lastNumber += 1; lastNumber}
println(Accounts.newUniqueNumber()) //打印1
println(Accounts.newUniqueNumber()) //打印2

The class and its companion object can access each other’s private features. They
must be located in the same source file(必须要写在一个源文件里面)


object Account
  private var lastNumber = 0
  def newUniqueNumber() = {lastNumber += 1; lastNumber}

class Account 
  val id = Account.newUniqueNumber()//注意调用的是object Account的方法
  private var balance = 0.0
  //一个函数定义如果没有=,则它是一个Procedure,且没有返回值(即Unit),我们使用它只是为了使用它的side effect
  def deposit(amount: Double) { balance += amount }

---------------------------------Objects Extending a Class or Trait

abstract class Action(val desc : String)
  def undo():Unit
  def redo():Unit
object DoNothing extends Action("do Nothing")
  def undo {}
  def redo {}

为objects提供一个apply method是一个常见行为,apply方法调用形式为Object(arg1, ..., argN),
通常,这样一个apply方法会返回companion class的一个object

Array(Array(1, 7), Array(2, 9))

new Array(100)(这实际调用的是this(100), 产生含有100个null元素,类型为Array[Nothing]的Array)的区别:


val a1 = Array(3)               //> a1  : Array[Int] = Array(3)
        a1.length                         //> res0: Int = 1
val a2 = Array.apply(3)         //> a2  : Array[Int] = Array(3)
        a2.length                         //> res1: Int = 1
val b = new Array(3)            //> b  : Array[Nothing] = Array(null, null, null)
        b.length                          //> res2: Int = 3

scala> "hello".apply(4)
res1: Char = o


object Hello 
  def main(args: Array[String])
      val acct = Account(1000.0)
      println(s"id is ${acct.id}, balance is ${acct.initialBalance}")
      val acct2 = Account(1000.0)
      println(s"id is ${acct2.id}, balance is ${acct2.initialBalance}")

        id is 1, balance is 1000.0
        id is 2, balance is 1000.0

class Account private (val id: Int, val initialBalance: Double) 
  private var balance = initialBalance
//accompany object,它也可以访问accompnay class
object Account 
  private var number:Int = 0
  def apply(initialBalance: Double) = new Account(newUniqueNumber(), initialBalance)
  def newUniqueNumber() = {number += 1;number}

Application Objects

object Hello 
  def main(args:Array[String])
    println("Hello, World");

第二种方法extends App
把程序代码写在contructor body里面

object Scala2 extends App
  println("Hello, Earth")
  if(args.length > 0)
    println(f"args[0] is ${args(0)}")


object Scala2 extends App
  var yellow = MyEnum.YELLOW
  def doWhat(color: MyEnum.Value) = 
    if (color == MyEnum.RED) "stop"
    else if (color == MyEnum.YELLOW) "hurry up"
    else "go"

object MyEnum extends Enumeration
   val YELLOW = Value
   val GREEN = Value(3,"green")
   val RED = Value(5)
   val GRAY = Value("gray")

第六章 包

You can access names from the enclosing scope:

package a
package ab
object Utils
def percentOf(value: Double, rate: Double) = value * rate / 100

package abc
   class Employer(var salary: Double)
       def giveRaise(rate: scala.Double) {salary += Utils.percentOf(salary, rate)}

package one.two.three.four
class Go {}

******************************************Top-of-File Notation格式(像Java一样定义package)
package one.two.three

object Hello extends App{
println("Hello, World !")

Package Objects

Every package can have one package object. You define it in the parent package,and it has the same name as the child package:


package one.two.three.four

//注意package object名称和后面的package名称一样,这样,在package内部class中就可以直接访问package object中字段或者函数了

package object five
  var NAME = "YAY"
  def f() = "Hello"
package five
  class Five
    var d = NAME //直接访问
    println(f)   //直接调用


package one.two.three
import one.two.three.four.W
object Hello extends App
    println("Hello, World !") 
    var w = new W;

package one.two.three.four

class W {
  private[three] def PIPI = 3.14


Every Scala program implicitly starts with
import java.lang._
import scala._
import Predef._


//像Java里面的 import static语法
  import java.awt.Color._
  val c1 = RED // Color.RED
  val c2 = decode("#ff0000") // Color.decode
  printf(f"$c1 $c2")
  //Once you import a package, you can access its subpackages with shorter names
  import java.awt._
  def handler(evt: event.ActionEvent)
  import java.util.{HashMap => JavaHashMap}
  import scala.collection.mutable._
  var javaHashMap = new JavaHashMap()
  var mutableHashMap = new HashMap
  import java.util.{HashMap => _, _}//把这个包里面的都导入,只是隐藏HashMap类
  import scala.collection.mutable._


val numbers = for (w <- tokens) yield w.toDouble


val numbers = tokens.map(_.toDouble)



