Today is 27th August .It's Tuesday.It's a sunny day.So hot.
Sometimes the best things in life happened against odds.生命中最美好的东西,有时是需要克服很多困难才能遇上的。
Read about Ben's family,.Learn how to describe people.Then tell the class about a person in your family.
We are big family.Mother is short.Father is tall.Simon is fat.Emma is small.Short or tall.Fat or small.I love them all.I am Ben, this is me.
Ben has a sister.Her name is emma.She is two years old.She is small.She has long hair.
Ben has a brother.His name is Simon.He is eight years old.He is tall and fat.He has big ears.
Moving :Bring a picture of your family to class. Tell your friend who is in the picture.
Finish these lessons. We can do these.
I can use who to ask about people.
I can describe people,e.g.He is tall.
I can use he and she to refer to people.
I can write and talk about the person in my family.