This is us经典台词|生活如水,慢慢体味

This is us经典台词|生活如水,慢慢体味

作者: 贝拉的树洞 | 来源:发表于2018-01-26 07:36 被阅读0次

    This is us第二季于去年9月26日正式回归,荧幕前面,多少人翘首以盼,终于再见。还是那些熟悉的演员,还是那些温暖的亲情展现,还是让人心甘情愿一饮而尽的鸡汤文。生活,不就如此么?简单,平淡,而有韵味。



    In my experience, Kevin, there’s no such a thing as “ A long time ago”. There’s only memories that mean something and memories that don’t.


    Everything changes all the time. And Kate, when you’re a mom, you get a front row seat to the best show in town: watching your kids grow up.


    ——But, look, sometimes you got to give people some space, let them come to you. Just got to be patient. 

    ——But i don’t like patience.

    ——Nobody likes patience.


    I’m just tired of waiting for things to feel right. Nothing has felt right in a long time. I thought that maybe i would just do it and it’ll feel right after. Which it doesn’t. At all.


    The happiest moments will also be a little sad.


    Hi there, sweet girl. I wanted to properly welcome you to the world. You are Randall and Beth beautiful. And that is special. You know, i’ve been here before. You think that you’re at the beginning of your journey, right? But you also began a long time ago. Do you know that? ‘Cause i was there, and somebody else was there, too. Somebody really good. And we lost a baby and we thought it was an ending, but it was also a beginning. And life has a middle, too, and middles can be the hardest because that’s when you can get really lost. But middles can be a beginning sometimes. And if you’re lucky, you can have it all.

    And you are the luckiest, prettiest, sweetest baby ever named after a ceiling fan. I thought my journey had come to an end, but i don’t know, maybe we’re both at our next beginning.



    I’m here, Mr. Hill, because you said something yesterday, and it stuck with me. You said you were the most disappointed man in the world. And i’m here to tell you, i fear i am a close second. Because i’m the man who writes terrible stories day after day and i can’t change the endings. And that is a horrible disappointment.

    So, I want to see if we can find you a different ending here. I’m gonna take a chance on you, get you out, get you help. I don’t expect you to be perfect. I know you’ll make mistakes, just like the rest of us. But i will ask one thing of you. I want you to look at my face. I want you to look at this too tired, too old, too fat face. Lock it in your brain. And if you ever start heading toward the ending i don’t want to write, i want you to picture this ugly old mug. Can you do that? Can you find me a different ending to your story?


    Our courtship has been unconventional, but if there is any part of you that wants the big wedding,even though it can be scary and emotional and cliche, i think you deserve that. So, if any of that sounds good to you, then i think that that’s what we should do.

    And i know, listen, i know that everyone that you want to be there can’t be there. But i think that that’s what he would want. In fact, i know it is because i asked him. Will you, please, marry me?



    Certain things are harder for us. Family portraits, for instance, are not our strong suit.



    He caught some tough breaks, suffered some losses. And that’s when he really showed himself to be a star. He fought through the adversity and the heartache. And he found success on another path. He is a living, breathing example of outer and inner strength.



    He [Kevin] tries so hard to be strong, and he needs painkillers to get through it. And even when he tries to tell people how pathetic he is. They just, they don’t hear it. They just cheer.


    The hardest part, Karl, about seeing someone you love in pain is not being able to do anything about it, except try not to make it worse.


    When i woke up this morning, i forgot for a split second. I was just looking at you and thinking, “wow, she’s having our baby.” And then i blinked, and i remembered. And i slid out of bed as quietly as possible because i thought that if there was a chance that maybe you were dreaming and forgetting, too. Well, I didn’t want to wake you from that.

    Now, i will be your entire support system through all of this. I will hold your head in my lap and i will stroke your hair and i will tell you that everything is gonna be okay until the cows come home.

    But what i will not do, what is not fair for you to do is to tell me that i wasn’t a part of this. Now, it didn’t happen to my body. I get that. I have no idea what that must be like for you. And i’m trying to be strong here ‘cause that’s the gig, but it happened to me, too. And it hurt.






        本文标题:This is us经典台词|生活如水,慢慢体味
