

作者: 潍攸 | 来源:发表于2019-06-14 16:34 被阅读0次

最近在准备雅思口语考试,在雅思口语评分中有一项标准就是能使用一些习语表达,类似于中文的成语,比如大家都知道的“all work no play makes Jack a dull boy”,以下是我从各处搜刮的习语,感觉应该够用了:

1. throw in the towel=give up 放弃

we should never give up until our dream come ture=we should never throw in the towel until——

2. role of thumb 拇指规则,经验之谈

you should better take some medicine when traveling,it is my experience.= it is a role of thumb to take some medicine when traveling.

3. can't judge a book by its cover 不能以貌取人

4.hit two birds in one stone 一石二鸟,一举两得

5. let our hair down= have relax 放松

we not only can let our hair down in the countryside,but can also can broaden our horizon.it really hits two birds in one stone.

6. dig in your heels/ stick to your guns 坚持不懈

7. let your freak flag fly 脱颖而出,让别人刮目相看

8. go the extra mile 额外的付出,更多努力

if you want to let your freak flag fly, then you must go the extra mile 

9. play it by ear 随机应变

10. running on fumes 身体透支

I'm exhausted= I'm running on fumes 

11. be over the moon= be chuffed to bits= very happy extremely happy

12. hear on the grapevine 道听途说

13. costs an arm and a leg= very expensive 超级贵

if you travel on hot season, then you will find everything can cost an arm and a leg

14. burn the midnight oil 熬夜

15. at the eleventh hour 最后关头

16. twenty four seven 时时刻刻,每时每刻

students must study  twenty four seven in order to pass the exam.

17. move heaven and earth = make endeavor 竭尽全力

18. hast makes waste 欲速则不达

19. build castles in the air 白日做梦

20. keep up .up with Joneses 攀比

we shouldn't satisfy all demand of children, or they tend to keep up .up with Joneses.

21. fall by the wayside 半途而废

we shouldn't fall by the wayside, instead, we must stick to our guns.

22. back to the square on 从头再来

if I make some mistakes while I practising violin, then I have to back to the square on

23. written in the stars 命中注定

I don't know how it happened, it just liked something written in the stars.

24. light a fire under someone 鼓励某人

25. up to one's neck 忙的不可开交



