

作者: xiaoke_donkey | 来源:发表于2021-08-20 07:24 被阅读0次
    英文 中文
    I've had this thing for my roommate since day one, 从第一天开始我就对我的室友有感觉
    and I can't tell her. 但是我不能告诉她
    Wouldn't it be easier to just ask her out? 约她出去不是更容易吗
    Are really as shallow and callous as you seem? 你真的像你看上去那样浅薄无情吗
    Oh, you want to go out for a drink later and 你想等下去喝一杯然后
    hear about my secret pain? 听听我的隐痛吗
    I can't. I'm seeing someone. 不行我在和别人约会
    Save yourself the misery, man. 老兄别再折磨自己了
    She's off the market. 她已经名花有主了
    What? But she's not. I mean, if she was... 什么她没有啊我是说要是她有
    I live with her-- I would know it. 我和她住一起我会知道的
    And the longer this little fling goes on, 你们的小火花持续的时间越长
    the more favors you get over the others-- 你就会比别人受到更多的偏袒
    who are fighting tooth and nail just to make it through this program-- 他们也在拼尽全力完成这项工作
    when those people start finding out what's going on... 等到这些人发现情况的时候
    What is this that we're doing here? 我们在这儿做什么呢
    You need a definition? 你还需要一个定义吗
    The next time I see you favoring Meredith Grey in any way, 下次我再看到你用任何形式偏袒梅瑞狄斯·格蕾
    I'll make sure she doesn't see the inside of an O.R. for a month. 我保证她在一个月内进不了手术室
    Okay, anyone who says you can sleep when you die, 好吧谁要是说你死的时候可以睡觉
    tell them to come talk to me after a few months as an intern. 让他去当几个月实习医生后再和我说
    Of course, it's not just the job that keeps us up all night. 当然让我们彻夜不眠不只是工作
    You have to get up now. 你现在得起床了
    What? 什么
    Oh, my God, what time is it? 我的天几点了
    It's 5:20, 五点二十
    and I have prerounds. 我还要查房
    And you have to leave before they see you. 还有在他们看到你之前你得离开
    Oh, come on, now. 拜托现在
    Why don't you just let them see? 为什么不干脆让他们看到我
    No! 不行
    - Please! - No. No. -拜托-不行不行
    You get any sleep? 你昨晚睡着了吗
    Oh, she could oil the bedsprings as a courtesy 她本可以出于礼貌给床垫弹簧上点儿油啊
    or at least buy a padded headboard. 或者起码买个软点的床头板吧
    So, who's the guy? 那么那男的是谁
    You think it was just one guy doing all that work? 你觉得折腾那么久才只有一个男的吗
    Do you mind if I don't think about that? 我要是不那么想你介意吗
    Oh, jealous? 噢嫉妒了
    I'm not jealous. 我没嫉妒
    I am. 我嫉妒
    But at least I know she'll be having a long day at work. 但是至少我知道她要工作漫长的一天
    Well, at least we know brain surgery 好吧至少我们知道他并不只会
    isn't his only skill. 做颅脑手术
    They can't be-- he's her boss. 他们不可能他是她上司
    We're late. 我们要迟到了
    He's all of our boss. 他是我们所有人的上司
    She has been scrubbing in a lot lately on his surgeries. 最近她经常参与他的手术
    No, Meredith wouldn't sleep with him just to-- no. 不梅瑞狄斯和他上床不会只是为了不
    If she's not ashamed of it, why is she keeping it a secret? 她要是光明磊落何必一直保密呢
    Maybe she didn't. 也许她没有保密
    Maybe it just happened-- 也许只是就那么发生了
    you know, spontaneously, last night. 你知道顺水推舟的就在昨晚
    - Hi. Good morning. - Morning. -嗨早上好-早上好
    It sounded like you were having pretty radical sex last night, 听起来你昨晚好像享受了一场完美性爱哦
    all night long. 一整晚哦
    Who was the guy? 那男的是谁
    No one you know. 你们不认识
    We're late. Let's go. 要迟到了我们走吧
    I mean, if life's so hard already, 我说要是生活已经那么艰难
    why do we bring more trouble down on ourselves? 我们为什么还要自找烦恼
    What's up with the need to hit the self-destruct button? 按下自我毁灭按钮会怎么样呢
    Yikes, wouldn't want to meet you in a dark alley. 哎呀我可不想在小黑巷碰到你
    Right back at you. 我就在你后面
    A run? You run? 跑步你跑步
    Every day, babe, every day. 每天都跑宝贝儿每天
    Not suffering enough? 还没被折磨够吗
    What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. 没能击败你的事物让你更坚强
    Don't go acting all indefatigable. 别表现得那么不屈不挠
    You're dragging like the rest of us. 你和我们一样了无生气
    Oh, what is that-- professional weakness, Dr. Yang? 哎呦喂这是谁啊软弱专家杨医生吗
    - It's called the flu. - Yeah. -这叫流感-是啊
    I need a major rush to make it through this day. 我要超级繁忙地熬过今天
    I need a kick-ass surgery. 我要一个超棒的手术
    Ooh, you a bad boy last night, George? 乔治昨晚你是个坏小子吗
    That would be Meredith. 梅瑞狄斯才是
    You a bad boy, Meredith? 梅瑞狄斯你是个坏小子吗
    Do tell. 说嘛
    Nothing to tell. 没什么可说的
    That says it all, huh? 那就说明了一切是吧
    Sorry, I have a sex life. 抱歉我有性生活
    Don't apologize. 别道歉
    Embrace it. 享受之
    Share it. 分享之
    Count me in. 记得和我分享
    Yeah. Next time, just let me know 对下次直接告诉我
    if I need to go to a hotel so I can get some sleep. 是不是要去旅馆住我想睡个好觉
    - Am I missing something? - You were just a little loud. -我错过什么了吗-你就是有点太大声了
    Do they know it's Mcdreamy keeping them up all night? 他们知道是美梦先生让他们彻夜不眠的吗
    I hope not. 希望不是
    I already have Bailey riding me. 我已经有贝利折磨我了
    I don't need my roommates thinking I'm getting special treatment. 我不需要我的室友们认为我得到特殊优待
    O'malley, Yang, Karev-- go on to clinic. 欧麦利杨克莱夫去诊所
    O'malley, patients are waiting. 欧麦利病人们等着呢
    You two come with me. 你们两个跟我来
    Izzie, you're hanging with me today. 伊兹你今天跟着我
    Good morning, Dr. Shepherd. 早上好谢博德医生
    Dr. Bailey. 贝利医生
    Late night, Grey? 格蕾昨晚熬夜了吗
    No, caffeine just hasn't kicked in yet. 没有只是咖啡因还没起作用
    If you were at all religious, 你们要是都信教
    you would want to start praying it kicks in soon. 就祈祷它赶快起作用
    There's a consult in the pit. 急诊室里需要会诊
    Girl with a fever and abdominal pain. 是个发烧伴腹痛的女孩
    After that, 那之后
    Nicholas in 3311 needs his meds. 3311床的尼古拉斯要他的药
    Mr. Moeller's I.V. fell out, 莫勒先生要开始输液
    and he's a hard stick. 他是个不好对付的家伙
    Post-ops in 1337, 3342, 需要术后治疗的有1337床3342床
    3363, and 2381. 3363床和2381床
    381... 381.
    3342, 3363, 有33423363
    and 23... 还有23
    Why are you still standing in front of me? 你怎么还站在我面前
    You look more like me than you right now. What's the matter? 你现在看上去不像你像我怎么了
    Nothing. 没什么
    Help! I need immediate help. 帮帮忙我现在急需帮助
    What's the problem? 什么事
    My damn boyfriend swallowed my keys. 我该死的男朋友吞了我的钥匙
    I didn't want her to leave. 我不想她离开
    Locate the lady's keys. 找这位女士的钥匙
    I think she got some bug 我觉得她和她朋友
    on her trip to Mexico with her friends. 去墨西哥的旅途中发生问题
    I told her not to go to a third world country, 我告诉过她不要去第三世界国家
    but does she ever listen? 但是她听过我吗
    She's been weak ever since, and she's lost weight. 之后她精神不好体重也轻了
    Apparently. 很明显
    And this morning, she passed out in the shower. 今天早上她在淋浴时晕倒
    When was the trip? 什么时候的旅行
    A couple weeks ago. 几周前
    I'm really fine. I just have a fever. 我真的没事只是发烧而已
    Okay, well, will you lie back for an exam for me? 好的能躺回床上让我做个检查吗
    No, please, I don't need an exam. 不拜托我不需要检查
    Just give me some antibiotics, send me home. 给我点抗生素让我回家就好
    Well, maybe it is just a fever, 也许这只是发烧
    but they called down for a surgeon, 但是既然请了外科医生会诊
    so I have to give the okay to let you go. 所以我必须确认正常了才能让你走
    So just let me do the exam. 那让我做检查吧
    Do the exam. 做检查
    This is crazy. I'm fine. 这太疯狂了我很正常
    For god's sake, Claire, 看在上帝的份上克莱尔
    I don't want to spend my entire day here. 我不想一整天都待在这儿
    You know, actually, Mrs. Rice, 实际上莱斯太太
    this might be easier if we had some privacy, 让我单独检查可能会更容易一些
    so would you two mind leaving the room? 二位能不能回避一下
    That's fine. 没问题
    Digby. 迪戈比
    Digby Owens. I have an appointment. 迪戈比·欧文斯我有预约
    Excuse me, sir-- uh, you're bleeding. 打扰一下先生你在流血
    You mind if I-- 你介意我
    Sure, sure. Have a look. 当然当然可以看一下
    - That's a gunshot. - Yeah. -是枪伤-是的
    We got a gunshot wound. We got to get him down to the pit. 我们有个枪伤患者把他带到急诊室去
    Sit. Mr., Uh - 请坐您贵姓
    Digby. All right, 迪戈比好了
    but it isn't an emergency. I scheduled it. 但这不是紧急事件我预先安排过
    What, the gunshot? 安排什么枪伤吗
    Yeah. My buddy shot me. 对我哥们打的
    - Buddy? - Yeah, just as a favor. -哥们吗-对就是帮我个忙
    - On purpose? - Hell, yeah. -故意的吗-该死对
    He wasn't trying to hurt me or nothing, but you know... 他不是想伤我或什么但是你知道
    But why? 但是为什么
    I like the scars. 我喜欢伤疤
    Look, everyone in town has tats, 看城里每个人都有纹身
    but my art is about commitment. 但是我的艺术是关于承诺
    So, this your art, huh? 所以这就是你的艺术吗
    Damn straight. 非常正确
    Damn stupid. The bullet went all the way through. 非常愚蠢子弹一路流下
    Bounced off my ribs. 伤到了肋骨
    I have another one still in my shoulder. 我还有一个在肩膀里
    Nice, huh? 很好看是吧
    You could hang it in the Louvre. 你可以把它挂在卢浮宫
    I have an ethos. 我有个信念
    Why do anything 除非你愿意
    unless you're willing to go one step further than anybody else? 某件事情技高一筹不然你为啥还要去做呢
    What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. 没能击败你的事物让你更坚强
    Exactly. 没错
    And pain is the great divide. 并且疼痛是一道很好的分界线
    My coach used to say, 我教练说过
    it's all about how we process pain. 所有一切都是看我们如何处理伤痛
    Football? 橄榄球吗
    Wrestling, Iowa state. 摔跤爱荷华州队的
    Iowa? 141. 爱荷华吗141磅级别
    157. 157磅级别
    You got to be more than 180 now. 你现在一定超过180磅了
    I'd like to see you get back under 145. 我倒想看看你减到145磅斤以下的样子
    Excuse me, but thinking of you men in tights makes me want to... 抱歉但是想象你们穿紧身衣让我
    puke. 想吐
    There's a flu going around the hospital. 医院里有流感传播
    Somewhat ironic. 有点讽刺
    Don't push so hard. 轻一点
    Can you lift your shirt? So I can examine your stomach? 你能掀起衣服吗我好检查你的腹部
    Where did you get these? 这些是在哪儿弄的
    Claire... you've had surgery recently. 克莱尔你最近做过手术
    These scars are still pink. 伤口才愈合没多久
    Don't tell my parents. 别告诉我父母
    You did this in Mexico so your parents wouldn't know? 你去墨西哥做手术就是为了瞒着父母吗
    What did you have done? 你究竟做了什么手术
    And you noticed her foot twitching? 你注意到她的脚痉挛
    Come on, Jamie. 过来杰米
    - My foot. - Oh, yeah. -我的小脚丫-是啊
    About three months ago? 大约三个月之前是吗
    Just a little. 只有一点点
    We took her to county hospital, and she got the C.T. scan, 我们带她去县医院做了CT扫描
    which showed her-- 显示出她
    Brain abnormality. Here, you can put it. 大脑异常这儿你可以放这儿
    And the twitching has gotten worse? 然后痉挛加重了吗
    A lot worse. They don't have the proper equipment back home 加重很多县里没有先进的设备
    to figure out what's wrong. 可以诊断出是什么问题
    You did a-- you did a good thing. 你做得你做得很对
    - Yes, your mommy. - Show Mommy and Daddy. -对你的妈妈-给妈妈和爸爸看
    Okay. You did a good thing by coming all this way, 好的幸好你们专程过来了
    Mr. and Mrs. Hayes. 海耶斯先生和太太
    You sit tight, Jamie, okay? 杰米坐好了好不好
    I'm going to bring in Dr. Shepherd to see you. 我去找谢博德医生来看你
    Okay? Dr. Shepherd. 好不好谢博德医生
    He's the brain specialist. 他是脑科专家
    My mommy and daddy. 我妈妈和爸爸
    Doctor? Is he good, this Dr. Shepherd? 医生谢博德医生他厉害吗
    At just about everything. 他无所不能
    I assume the lady needs her keys 我估计这女士需要钥匙
    to leave this guy's sorry ass behind. 好不去理会这男人的道歉
    Yeah. 是啊
    Well, help her out. 帮帮她
    He needs a bronchoscopy. 他需要气管镜来取出来钥匙
    See one, do one, teach one. 看一个做一个教一个
    You've seen one. It's time to do one. 你看过一次了现在做一次
    Alone? 单独吗
    Seriously? 真的吗
    Thanks. I mean, 谢谢我是说
    the vote of confidence in my skills and all-- 在我的技能和其他所有的信任投票里
    I didn't think anyone was noticing how hard-- 我不认为有人注意到我多么刻苦去
    - Izzie? Go. - Yeah. -伊兹快去啊-好
    - You paged? - Where are we? -你呼叫我-进展如何
    I did the consult, did the I.V., the meds, 会诊静注拿药
    the post-ops, everything. 术后处理全部完成
    How's your pit patient? 急诊室的那位病人怎么样了
    She's febrile and has peritoneal signs. 她在发热并有腹部伤疤
    You all right, Dr. Yang? 你没事吧杨医生
    Fine. 没事
    On my way back to clinic. 这就回门诊
    I think she had some sort of illegal surgery done in Mexico. 我认为她在墨西哥做了某种非法手术
    Botched abortion? 蹩脚的堕胎手术吗
    No, she has four laparoscopic scars on her abdomen 不她腹部有四个腹腔镜伤疤
    and won't say what they're from. The parents are clueless. 还不肯说是怎么来的她父母还蒙在鼓里
    - Oh, she's a minor. - 17. Freshman in college. -哦还没成年呐-17岁大一学生
    - You order up for a C.T.? - Yes. -你订好CT了吗-订好了
    So, while she's there, 趁她做检查的时候
    the nurses couldn't get a foley on Mr. Gry. 护士没法给格莱先生插导尿管




