

作者: iGlobalist | 来源:发表于2017-11-18 19:58 被阅读0次

    25 Years After the Fall

    Dec. 23, 2016


    From U.S. News & World Report

    A quarter-century later, the collapse of the USSR still provides a lesson for U.S.-Russia relations.

    (AP Photo/Misha Japaridze)

    Dec. 25 will mark the 25th anniversary of the collapse of the Soviet Union, an event that current Russian President Vladimir Putin labeled "the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century" and that many in the West acclaimed at the time a historic victory that would end the threat of a global nuclear war.

    Twenty-five years later, analysts are either despairing of the distressing state of relations between the United States and Russia, or outraged that the new administration might be giving away the store to accommodate Putin. The anniversary is a good time to take stock of where we have been over the last quarter-century and where we might be heading.

    The Cold War had actually ended several years before 1991, when Mikhail Gorbachev announced unilateral arms reductions at the United Nations in December 1988, followed by his decision not to militarily intervene in the collapse of communist regimes across Central and Eastern Europe. Glasnost and Perestroika had become household words, and the Soviet leader's call for a "Common European Home" seemed to herald a new dawn in relations between Russia and the West. But it was the implosion of the USSR itself that marked the definitive and stunning end to the Soviet period of Russian history and ushered in hopes for a new narrative.

    A quarter-century later, the euphoria that was felt at Christmas of 1991 has long since dissipated. The post-Cold War story has not had a happy ending for U.S.-Russia relations, which are at their lowest point since the early 1980s. But rather than act surprised, we should recognize that the seeds of the downfall were set in motion early on from both sides.

    Despite the bear hugs between Bill Clinton and Boris Yeltsin, there was never a total embrace of the new Russia by the United States. The United States hedged against Russian revanchism from the start. While providing assistance to the Yeltsin regime, U.S. policymakers feared the possibility that Russia could re-emerge as an enemy if nationalists took power; after all, the Soviet Union had been America's main adversary for four decades. Powerful anti-American currents remained at the top levels in Russia, particularly among the military, the intelligence services and parliament, and U.S. officials were leery that Moscow could veer in a different direction.

    As for Russia, Gorbachev and Yeltsin both believed their country would have a privileged place in that "Common European Home," helping to manage affairs as a great power on the continent. But Russian weakness made that concession unnecessary, and a population that was never prepared for the steep fall from the country's previous global role was an easy mark for future tales of humiliation and disrespect. Putin came to power nearly 17 years ago promising to reverse the decline. Always chafing at what he viewed as U.S. efforts to impose its will on the rest of the world, in recent years he has seized openings in Ukraine and Syria to push back.

    Russian aggression in Ukraine in 2014 signaled that reassuring NATO members such as Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland would become the top alliance priority, after many in the West believed the Russian threat had disappeared years earlier. And the military involvement in Syria to prop up the Bashar Assad regime demonstrated that Russia was capable once again of acting beyond its borders to serve interests opposed to those of the United States.俄罗斯2014年对乌克兰的入侵表明,在许多西方国家认为俄罗斯威胁早在数年前就已消失之后,确保爱萨尼亚、拉脱维亚、立陶宛和波兰等北约成员国感到安全将成为北约的首要任务。在叙利亚支持阿萨德政权的军事干预活动表明,俄罗斯有再次越出国界的能力,去采取行动维护同美国相互冲突的利益。

    Does the talk of bromance between Putin and Donald Trump signal we are on a path to reverse the downward spiral, particularly with the nomination of ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson, who has been doing business in Russia for years, to be secretary of state? Don't bet on it for too long. Trump may give Putin what he wants in Europe and the Middle East, but if he does, he will undoubtedly feel betrayed down the road when U.S. and Russian interests diverge, as they invariably do.

    The main lessons from the past 25 years are to keep expectations realistic regarding the extent that partnership is possible and to avoid telling the other side what its interests should be. There is nothing wrong with an incoming administration wanting to improve the relationship; after all, President Barack Obama did the same eight years ago. But the Trump administration should not seek better relations at the expense of defending NATO allies, upholding the right of Ukraine to choose its own future, championing democratic values or ignoring the plight of civilians in Syria.

    U.S. and Russian interests are not the same, as we have seen over the past 25 years, and a realistic relationship should be built on that central insight.



