zircon 内核使用C++的原则

zircon 内核使用C++的原则

作者: hemiao3000 | 来源:发表于2020-05-24 17:45 被阅读0次



C++ in Zircon

A subset of the C++14 language is used in the Zircon tree. This includes both the upper layers of the kernel (above the lk layer), as well as some userspace code. In particular, Zircon does not use the C++ standard library, and many language features are not used or allowed.

Language features

- Not allowed

  • Exceptions
  • RTTI and dynamic_cast
  • Operator overloading
  • Default parameters
  • Virtual inheritance
  • Statically constructed objects
  • Trailing return type syntax
  • Exception: when necessary for lambdas with otherwise unutterable return types
  • Initializer lists
  • thread_local in kernel code
    - Allowed
  • Pure interface inheritance
  • Lambdas
  • constexpr
  • nullptr
  • enum classes
  • templates
  • Plain old classes
  • auto
  • Multiple implementation inheritance
  • But be judicious. This is used widely for e.g. intrusive container mixins.
    - Needs more ruling TODO(cpu)
  • Global constructors
  • Currently we have these for global data structures.

Linux Kernel 尝试过C++,最后失败告终。有这些原则我看到了C++在内核发扬光大的曙光。

Exception, dynamic_cast 多少年了我都不愿意用,经历的血泪太多了。没有太多复杂对象,Operator overloading 也没有什么用武之地。借C++编译器的强大让代码组织方便一点没有坏处。

设备的支持,去掉了pixel,只剩下: acer12, hikey960, nuc, rpi3。下个月入手一台intel nuc看看内核,也能作为日常使用。





      本文标题:zircon 内核使用C++的原则
