
作者: 古城路揸fit人 | 来源:发表于2019-10-13 21:33 被阅读0次

    什么是二维表(twoway tables)




    sysuse nlsw88, clear
    tab union //一维表
    tab union sex //二维表


    tabout race south collgrad using table39.docx, ///
    replace style(docx) font(bold) c(freq row col) ///
    f(0c 1 1) layout(cb) landscape title(Table 39: ///
    Example of rotation with docx output style) ///
    fn(nlsw88.dta) open

    **c(freq col) ** is the contents option, which determines the cell
    contents: frequencies and column percentages

    f(0c 1) is the format option and sets the cell numbers as zero decimal points with commas for the frequencies and one decimal point for the column percentages

    font(bold) turns on bold formatting for the variable labels and the
    second row of the heading;

    twidth(11) sets the width of the table to 11 centimetres

    title(Table 1 etc) is placed above the table

    fn(Source etc) is a footnote placed below the table
    准备工作要设定var lab,每个值lab

    sysuse nlsw88, clear
    la var union "Member of a union"
    la def union 0 "Not a union member" ///
    1 "Union member", modify
    la val union union
    la var south "Location"
    la def south 0 "Does not live in the South" ///
    1 "Lives in the South", modify
    la val south south
    la var race "Race"
    la def race 1 "White" 2 "Black" ///
    3 "Other", modify
    la val race race
    la var collgrad "Education"
    la def collgrad 0 "Not college graduate" ///
    1 "College graduate", modify
    la val collgrad collgrad
    la var married "Marital status"
    la def married 0 "Single" 1 "Married", modify
    la val married married
    gen wt = 10 * runiform()
    gen int fwt = ceil(wt)
    gen inc = 1000 * runiform()
    gen income = cond(inc < 300, inc + 360, inc +200)
    la var income "Income"
    gen sex = cond(wt<5, 1, 2)
    la var sex "Sex"
    la def sex 1 "Male" 2 "Female", modify
    replace sex = cond(wt<0.5, ., sex)
    la val sex sex
    gen pregnant = cond(wt>8.5, 1, 2)
    la var pregnant "Currently pregnant"
    la def pregnant 1 "Pregnant" 2 "Not pregnant" ///
    , modify
    replace pregnant = cond(sex==1, ., pregnant)
    la val pregnant pregnant
    la var industry "Industry"
    la var occupation "Occupation"



