1 he had once tried it , but had chanced to strike the Riviera during one of its carefully unadvertised cold spells .
👉 the chances are 用于口语表达,表示大概是,很可能是,可以替代:its likely that....
eg: The chances are that I will be looking for a new job soon.
造句:The chances are that he will not come her this afternoon.
👉Spell (某种活动、天气等的)一段短暂时间,一阵
»a spell of warm/dry weather
»a cold / hot / wet / bright, etc. spell 一段寒冷、炎热、多雨、晴朗等的日子
造句:There has been a long cold spell in Manchester, which gives me a chill
I do not like the long spell of dry weather.
spell 可以替代period, 这个小词汇很好用!!!!
2 表示除了的词汇有:
apart from, except, besides, on top of, rather than, save --save,可以做介词也表示除了,口语很少用,比较正式
3 Sometimes they tired him,
tire 可以做动词,他们把我累着了
造句: If writing the dissertation tires you, watch a movie to chill out.
that had quite exhausted him
Five minutes walk tires/exhausted me.
The trip to Poland has tired/exhausted me physically. --I was exhausted by the trip.
无穷无尽 可以用exhausted
4 there’s a lot of flu about
there’s a lot of flu [flu: ] about 流感很流行。 flu influenza [ ˌ ɪnflʊ ' enzə ] 的简略语,流行性感冒,是口语。 about (疾病)流行;是副词。
5 ‘Ah, that accounts for it
解释的通 = make sense
6 been there, done that.
7 rank and fire (团体、公司等的)普通成员,普通职员
1 everywhere (注意where 的 e的读音)
2 Breathing , breath /brɛθ/ 需要区别这两个的发音,很容易读错
3 usual
4 cambridge /ˈkembrɪdʒ/ 发的是ei的音
5 timidity /tɪˈmɪdətɪ/ 注意重音位置
6 Measles /'mizəlz/