

作者: 蓬举举 | 来源:发表于2021-04-01 23:28 被阅读0次



    hESCs vs hiPSCs





    选择option profile,即设置处理数据的预设值,以便分析在合理的时间内运行。









    质控结果 质控过程的一些选项设置


    前处理结果 移除14262个探针 前处理设置的选项 归一化方法:BMIQ





    Track Hub data was generated for export to various genome browsers. Note that you need a server that is capable of serving the tracks to the genome browser via URL. Below, instructions are provided to view the tracks in the UCSC genome browser. Of course the files can also be viewed in other browsers such as the Ensembl genome browser.

    Track Hub数据被生成以导出到各种基因组浏览器。

    Convert the bed/bedGraph files contained in the bed/bedGraph directories (see table below) attached to this report. You can use the UCSC tool bedTobigBed/bedGraphTobigWig for this task. More information (e.g. where to obtain the tool) on how to convert can be found here. Make sure the resulting bigBed/bigWig files are moved to the corresponding UCSC track hub directory (see table(s) below).


    450k bed文件 倒数第二列是甲基化水平 RRBS bed文件 WGBS bed文件

    Bed files for each sample contain the locations of methylation sites and regions the methylation level (in the score column).


    探索性分析结果 探索性分析设置选项

    Dimension reduction is used to visually inspect the dataset for a strong signal in the methylation values that is related to samples' clinical or batch processing annotation. RnBeads implements two methods for dimension reduction - principal component analysis (PCA) and multidimensional scaling (MDS).


    MDS 根据样本组别分 MDS 根据性别分 PCA图 根据样本组别分


    In this section, different properties of the dataset are tested for significant associations. The properties can include sample coordinates in the principal component space, phenotype traits and intensities of control probes. The tests used to calculate a p-value given two properties depend on the essence of the data:

    If both properties contain categorical data (e.g. tissue type and sample processing date), the test of choice is a two-sided Fisher's exact test.

    If both properties contain numerical data (e.g. coordinates in the first principal component and age of individual), the correlation coefficient between the traits is computed. A p-value is estimated using permutation tests with 10000 permutations.

    If property A is categorical and property B contains numeric data, p-value for association is calculated by comparing the values of B for the different categories in A. The test of choice is a two-sided Wilcoxon rank sum test (when A defines two categories) or a Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance (when A separates the samples into three or more categories).

    Note that the p-values presented in this report are not corrected for multiple testing.

    Associations between Principal Components and Traits

    The computed sample coordinates in the principal component space were tested for association with the available traits.


    差异分析结果 差异分析使用的参数

    In the following anlyses, p-values on the site level were computed using the limma method. I.e. hierarchical linear models from the limma package were employed and fitted using an empirical Bayes approach on derived M-values.



    Differential methylation on the site level was computed based on a variety of metrics. Of particular interest for the following plots and analyses are the following quantities for each site: a) the difference in mean methylation levels of the two groups being compared, b) the quotient in mean methylation and c) a statistical test (limma or t-test depending on the settings) assessing whether the methylation values in the two groups originate from distinct distributions. Additionally each site was assigned a rank based on each of these three criteria. A combined rank is computed as the maximum (i.e. worst) rank among the three ranks. The smaller the combined rank for a site, the more evidence for differential methylation it exhibits. This section includes scatterplots of the site group means as well as volcano plots of each pairwise comparison colored according to the combined ranks or p-values of a given site.




    id: site id

    Chromosome: chromosome of the site

    Start: start coordinate of the site

    Strand: strand of the site

    mean.g1,mean.g2: (where g1 and g2 is replaced by the respective group names in the table) mean methylation in each of the two groups

    mean.diff: difference in methylation means between the two groups: mean.g1-mean.g2. In case of paired analysis, it is the mean of the pairwise differences.

    mean.quot.log2: log2 of the quotient in methylation: log2((mean.g1+epsilon)/(mean.g2+epsilon)), where epsilon:=0.01. In case of paired analysis, it is the mean of the pairwise quotients.

    diffmeth.p.val: p-value obtained from linear models employed in the limma package (or alternatively from a two-sided Welch t-test; which type of p-value is computed is specified in the differential.site.test.method option).

    diffmeth.p.adj.fdr: FDR adjusted p-value of all sites

    Differential methylation on the region level was computed based on a variety of metrics. Of particular interest for the following plots and analyses are the following quantities for each region: the mean difference in means across all sites in a region of the two groups being compared and the mean of quotients in mean methylation as well as a combined p-value calculated from all site p-values in the region [1]. Additionally each region was assigned a rank based on each of these three criteria. A combined rank is computed as the maximum (i.e. worst) value among the three ranks. The smaller the combined rank for a region, the more evidence for differential methylation it exhibits. Regions were defined based on the region types specified in the analysis. This section includes scatterplots of the region group means as well as volcano plots of each pairwise comparison colored according to the combined rank of a given region.







