B6. Overview-3

作者: 橡果 | 来源:发表于2017-01-07 10:37 被阅读2次

| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
|DV No. |DV数目;| R |R|
|Tag Name(位号名)| DV位号名;| R| R|
|Tag Comment (位号注释) |位号注释; |R| R|
|Measurement (测量值)| DCS中的DV测量值; |R |R|
|Value Accepted(接受值)| TRUE:新的DV测量值被接受; FALSE: 新的DV测量值未被接受; BAD:表示尚未初始化。| R | R|
|Disconnect(断开)| TRUE- DV禁止使用; FALSE- DV启用使用。| R |R|
|Bad Value(坏值) |TRUE i- 测量值的质量是坏的; FALSE- 测量值的质量是好的。| R |R|
|Essential(必要的)| TRUE –必要控制; FALSE –非必要控制。| R |R|

| POV| | | |
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
| POV No. | POV数目;| R | R|
| Tag Name (位号名) | POV位号名; | R | R|
| Tab Comment (标签注释)| 标签注释;| R | R|
| Measurement(测量值)| DCS中POV的测量值;| R| R|
| Bad Value(坏值)| TRUE: 测量值的质量为坏; FALSE: 测量值的质量为好。 | R| R|
| Disconnect(断开) | TRUE- POV禁止使用; FALSE- POV启用使用。| R| R|
| Essential for Control(必要控制)| TRUE –必要控制; FALSE –非必要控制。| R | R|
| Value Accepted(接受值) | TRUE: 新的POV测量值被接受; FALSE: 新的POV测量值未被接受; BAD:表示尚未初始化。 | R | R|
| POV Estimation(POV估值)| 估值;| R | R|
| POV Innovation(POV更新)| 实际测量值与预测值间的误差。 | R | R|
| POV Estimation(POV估值)| 估值; | R | R|

| CALC| | | |
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
| Kind(种类) | 计算类型;| R | R|
| CALC No.| 输入或输出数目;| - | -|
| Tag Name(位号名) CALC 位号名; R R
| Tag Comment(位号描述)| CAL描述;| R| R|
| Value(值)| CALC测量值;| R | R|
| LoLimit | CALC低限; | R| R|
| HiLimit | CALC高限。| R | R|
| Button(按钮)| | |
| Apply(应用)| 输入上述条目的参数后,新输入的数据以蓝色显示。 单击Apply(应用)按钮,新输入的数据被保存并发送给控制器执行。颜色变为黑色。| R/W| R/W|
| Undo(撤销)| 在单击Apply(应用)按钮前,取消一个新输入的参数。然后上一个参数显示为黑色。 | R/W | R/W|
R : 只读, R/W : 读,写或执行, -未定义。


如果在YC_ReachableAct和UA_ ReachableAct向量中具有值+ N或-N,即至少具有1个CV或1个MV,则priority(优先级)是活动的。

树节点名称 Priority Nr(优先级) 描述
Blending (混合) 111 混合约束。
Ramping (斜坡) 112 稳态和斜坡约束。
[Priority#] (优先级) 1-100 常规MV/CV优先级。
[Optimisation] (优化) 101 经济优化。
[Unconstrained] (无约束) 0 未约束变量。


| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
|DV No. |DV number |R |R|
|Tag Name |DV Tag Name |R|R|
|Tag Comment |Tag comment |R|R|
|Measurement |Measured value of DV from DCS|R|R|
|Value Accepted|TRUE: new DV measurement has been accepted. FALSE: new DV measurement has not been accepted BAD: indicates ‘Not yet initialized’.|R |R|
|Disconnect |TRUE- DV is disabled for use FALSE- DV is enabled for use|R|R|
|Bad Value|TRUE i- quality of measurement is bad.FALSE- quality of measurement for is good.|R|R|
|Essential|TRUE - essential for control.FALSE - not essential for control.|R|R|

POV No. POV number R R
Tag Name POV Tag Name R R
Tab Comment Tag comment R R
Measurement Measured value of POV from DCS R R
Bad Value TRUE: quality of measurement is bad. FALSE: quality of measurement for is good. R R
Disconnect TRUE: POV is disabled for use FALS: POV is enabled for use R R
Essential for Control TRUE: essential for control. FALSE: not essential for control. R R
Value Accepted TRUE: new POV measurement has been accepted. FALSE: new POV measurement has not been accepted BAD: indicates ˉNot yet initializedˇ. R R
POV Estimation Estimated Value. R R
POV Innovation Difference between the actual measurement and the prediction. R R
POV Estimation Estimated Value R R
Kind Calculation Type R R
CALC No. Input or output number - -
Tag Name CALC Tag name R R
Tag Comment CALC comments R R
Value CALC measurement R R
LoLimit CALC Low limit R R
HiLimit CALCHigh limit R R
Apply After entering parameters of items described above, the newly entered data are displayed in Blue. Click Apply button. The newly entered parameters are saved and be send to Controller for execution. The color then changes Black. R/W R/W
Undo Cancel a newly entered parameter before the ¨Apply〃 button is clicked. Then previous parameter is displayed in black. R/W R/W

R : Read Only, R/W : Read, Write or Execute, -Not displayed


At each control period, the panel is rebuilt according to the following dynamic mechanism:
A priority level is active, if there is at least 1 CV or 1 MV with the value +N or -N in the YC_ReachableAct and UA_ ReachableAct vector.
On the overview panel the following nodes can appear in the MV and CV lines in the following sorting order.

Tree Node Name Priority Nr Description
Blending 111 Blending constraint
Ramping 112 Stable and Ramp constraint
[Priority#] 1-100 Regular MV/CV priorities
[Optimisation] 101 Economic Optimization
[Unconstrained] 0 Unconstrained variables



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    本文标题:B6. Overview-3
