
作者: 双阳054李旭丹 | 来源:发表于2019-04-28 21:52 被阅读2次


    Thanks to Ms. Liang for giving us a wonderful lesson. Through Ms.  Liang's patient explanation, I have a deeper understanding of English teaching.


        ​For classroom teaching, the fundamental basis lies in the curriculum standards. Different people have different understandings of the curriculum standards. For me, I think the curriculum standards are for teachers. Only by truly analyzing the requirements of the curriculum standards can we know more clearly what standards are required of students and teachers selves.


      My student group is primary school grade five. Students in this class lack of interest in English learning, English foundation is weak. In teaching, oral practice should be strengthened.


    Based on my understanding of curriculum standards, I designed my teaching procedure like this:


    ⅠTeaching aims

    1.Knowledge objects

    To help the students master the new words and sentence structures. To enable the students perform the dialogue by using the key points.

    2.Ability objects

    To develop the students abilities of listening, speaking and reading by practicing the dialogue. To train the students’ability of working in pairs.

    3.Emotion objects

    To arouse the students’interest in class activities. To train the students’team spirit by working in groups.

    ⅡKey points and difficult points

    The teachingkey and difficult points are the new words about months and the sentence structures:

    -When is your birthday?

    -My birthday is in ...

    ⅢTeaching procedures

    Step 1 Warming up / Revision


    2.Sing a song: Happy Birthday.

    3.Revision the words we have learn before.

    Step 2 New words

    Show students a calendar and ask about “Which month is it?”. Then let students talk about the knack that how to remember these words(May, July, September, December...).

    Flash cards to enhance the memory of the new words, pay attention to the pronunciation.

    Step 3 Sentence structures

    Listen to the radio and think about these questions:

    1.When is Dad’s birthday?

    2.When is Mother’s birthday?

    3.Whose birthday is it? And when ?

    After listening, ask some students answer the questions and show the new sentence structures:

    -When is your birthday?

    -My birthday is in ...

    Step 4 Role play

    Practice this dialogue in groups, then show it in the front of our classroom. Pay attention to students’tones when they act.

    Step 5 Practice

    Make a small talk with your classmates by using the sentence structure to introduce your own birthday. Pay attention to students’expressions.


    Ask about your parents’ birthdayby using the new words and sentence structures.

    ⅤBlackboard design

    When is your birthday?

    New words:


    Sentence structures:

    - When is your birthday?

    -My birthday is in ...



