Lord Goring (史雅倩)

Lord Goring (史雅倩)

作者: zss201607 | 来源:发表于2018-05-01 22:30 被阅读0次

                  The True Ideal Husband

    After watching the movie An Ideal Husband, which talks about love and what is an ideal husband. I was deeply impressed by the ideal husband who is really entitled to. Although  the director paid more attention to Robert  Chiltern, I still vote for Lord Goring. While  in my opinion the ideal husband is not the  hero in the movie, but the second leading  male character:Lord Goring. As far as I am concerned, Lord Goring is a man who lives  in the Vanity Fair but holds his own view  about fashion, power, money love and  society; who possess intelligence, wealth,  background but have no greed for more fame and gain; who does not care his future  career or other’s opinion on him, but is  willing to protect his friend from scandals.    To begin with, Lord Goring is very calm  and intelligent when facing difficult. In the  movie, faced with the threats of Mrs.

    Cheveley, Robert was so nervous and scared that he wanted to give in immediately.

    Lord Goring (史雅倩)

    In order to prevent his past disgrace and

    scandal from being exposed to the public, he decided to compromise with Mrs. Cheveley on lending his support to the Argentine speculation, which is actually “a commonplace Stock Exchange swindle”.

    Lord Goring (史雅倩)

    On the contrary, as Robert and his wife’s

    friend, Lord Goring firstly advised Robert

    that he should tell his wife the whole thing,

    because he thought that women have a

    wonderful instinct about things.

    Lord Goring (史雅倩)

    Then he changed Robert’s some views

    about money, power and life,

    Lord Goring (史雅倩)
    Lord Goring (史雅倩)

    and told him that confession would be of no use and it would ruin one’s future life. He

    suggested that Robert should fight Mrs.

    Cheveley and live the truth. He broke the

    difference and conflicts between Robert and Robert’s wife Chiltern, and helped Robert

    solve the intractable affair step by step.

    Secondly, Lord Goring is a kind person who is willing to try his best to protect his friends. After he knew the news about his friend

    Robert’s scandal he understood Robert’s situation and persuade him to get rid of

    threat and fight it instead of laughing at him. He is a close friend of Chiltern’s, so he

    talked to her face to face about Robert’s

    difficult situation, stress and impotence in

    work sometimes. Although he finally failed

    to tell her the truth about her husband’s

    past scandals, but he told her intimated

    friend Chiltern that no matter what happen

    for any reason, if she melt difficulties she can turn to him for help, and he would do his best to help her.

    Lord Goring (史雅倩)

    I think those are really warm, courage and

    helpful words for people when they meet

    problems. Then at that night he received

    Chiltern’s letter about asking him for help he cancelled every business affairs even his

    loved girl’s invitation and told his servant

    that is the most important thing and asked

    him not open door for any other people

    except Chiltern and Robert.

    Lord Goring (史雅倩)
    Lord Goring (史雅倩)

    He talked with his friend Robert about the

    scandal thing and let Chiltern wait beside

    the house. He opened the door of the

    house on purpose and let Chiltern can hear

    them when Robert talked about how much he love her and how important she is.

    Lord Goring (史雅倩)
    Lord Goring (史雅倩)

    He intended to break the difference and

    conflict between the couple. Unfortunately,

    the servant allowed Mrs. Cheveley come in

    the house instead of Chiltern. When Robert met Mrs. Cheveley he mistook Lord

    Goring’s intention and leaved angrily.

    Although, he was misread by Robert he still

    remembered his mission and he pretend to

    fall in love with Mrs. Cheveley so as to get

    the important letter and help Robert.

    Lord Goring (史雅倩)
    Lord Goring (史雅倩)

    He made a bet with Mrs. Cheveley on his

    freedom to get the letter,

    Lord Goring (史雅倩)

    which really supports me to believe that

    Lord Goring is the best kind of friend who is willing to help friend without regarding

    himself. We can also learn that he really

    believein his friend and support his friend in any case.

    Thirdly, I think he is a pure and highminded man who live in such a hypocritical and

    secular society, but still hold his own opinion about fashion, fame, love and everything.

    According to the movie and foregoing

    paragraphs we can learn that Lord Goring

    is a man who is intelligent, calm, wealthy,

    and observant, so he possess every qualities

    to be a successful figure in politics stage, but actually he did not. In his father’s opinion he is a useless person who only enjoys joy,

    sex and alcohol and without regarding

    marriage and career;

    Lord Goring (史雅倩)

    in his friend’s opinion he is the idlest man

    in London who lead a leisure and free life.

    Lord Goring (史雅倩)

    While in my opinion he is a charming man

    who holds his own opinion about everything and loathes the complex and dark political

    society. He thought that to love oneself is

    the beginning of lifelong romance. He also

    thought “fashion is what one wears oneself. What is unfashionable is what other wear”

    Lord Goring (史雅倩)

    ; he argued that everything is dangerous,

    thus life is worth living, and “life is never

    fair, and it is a good thing for most of us it is not”.

    Lord Goring (史雅倩)
    Lord Goring (史雅倩)

    The movie ended with the marriage of Lord Goring’s. His wife said that she did not like an ideal husband, she love a man who can

    be whatever he chooses,

    Lord Goring (史雅倩)

    and Robert responded if everyone married

    a woman he deserved, he would be


    Lord Goring (史雅倩)
    Lord Goring (史雅倩)

    We can learn that Lord Goring hate the

    model of an ideal husband who spares no

    effort to earn money and fame; who had to be judged by the world; who has to hide the true self and pretend to be a perfect man.

    I think this movie is more interesting than I

    expected. It is not only talks about politics; it pays more attention to love and self-improvement. Love can forgive and change a person and help a person become better. According to Lord Goring I understand what an ideal husband is at that time, and I think

    he is a very cool and successful man.



        本文标题:Lord Goring (史雅倩)
