OpenStreetMap Data Case Study

OpenStreetMap Data Case Study

作者: 7point5 | 来源:发表于2018-02-26 20:55 被阅读0次

OpenStreetMap Data Case Study

Map Area

Isle of Wight, England

The Isle of Wight is an island in south England I always want to visit. I am looking forward to digging out some interesting information as well as helping out improving OpenStreetMap.

1. Problems Encountered in the Map

  • irregular street names (Leeson Roadhttp://wightpaths.co.uk/rowmaptiles/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png)
  • inconsistent street name spelling ('King Edwards Close', 'Littletown lane')
  • inconsistent attribute spelling
  • incomplete postcode

1.1 irregular street names:

When I ran an audit of the stree names, I used a defaultDict(int) to check the street types. If the name has a white space in it, i added the last part to the defaultDict. For those has only one word for their street names, I add the whole name into the defaultDict. I found an unusually long one, i.e. normally it is a short word like street or road. To correct this type of errors, I inserted a re function and split function into the shape_element function to separate the street name and kept the correct name before export the data.

'''re and split functions i used to correct the data;
item is a node of the document'''
pattern = re.compile(r'.*http')

if item.attrib['k'] and item.attrib['k'] == 'addr:street' and pattern.search(item.attrib['v']):
    item.attrib['v'] = item.attrib['v'].split('http')[0]

1.2 inconsistent street name spelling

Some street names only has the first letter capitalized ('Littletown lane'). I unified the format by using split() and upper().

'''key is the value for attribute 'k' in <tag>;
value is the value for attribute 'v' in <tag> '''
if 'addr:street' in key and ' ' not in value:
    value = value[0].upper() + value[1:]
elif 'addr:street' in key and ' ' in value:
    value = ' '.join([i[0].upper() + i[1:] for i in value.split(' ')])

1.3 inconsistent attribute spelling

During auditing tag attributes, it turned out that some tags' k attributes are spelt as 'addr:Street' whereas some others are spelt like 'addr:street'. This could potentially cause trouble when analysing data with different types of spellings. To fix it, I used .upper() before sepeparate the colons(:) between certain k tags.

1.4 incomplete postcode

UK postcodes are alphanumeric. Each post code is divided into two parts separated by a single space: the outward code and the inward code respectively. 4 postcodes were found with only outward half, e.g. 'PO39'.

After chekcing the addresses with incomplete postcodes, it turned out that those addresses are neighbourhood in which they reside. Thus they should be updated with the same postcodes (PO39 0EX).

'''check the geo info of the locations with incomplete postcodes'''
sqlite> SELECT id, key, type, value FROM node_tags
WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM node_tags WHERE key = 'postcode' AND value = 'PO39') ;
'''update postcodes'''
sqlite> UPDATE node_tags SET value = 'PO39 0EX'  
WHERE id IN (select id from node_tags where key = 'postcode' and value = 'PO39') 
AND key = 'postcode';

2. Data Overview

This section contains basic statistics about the dataset and the MongoDB queries used to gather them.

2.1 File sizes

isle-of-wight-latest --------- 127 MB
data.db --------------------- 138 MB
nodes.csv ------------------- 47.6 MB
nodes_tags.csv ------------- 19 MB
ways.csv -------------------- 5.9 MB
ways_tags.csv -------------- 20.7 MB
ways_nodes.csv ------------ 144.6 MB

2.2 Number of documents in the osm file

def file_check(osm_file):
    data = defaultdict(int)
    tree = ET.parse(osm_file)
    for item in tree.iter():
    return data

'osm': 1,
'bounds': 1,
'node': 588853,
'tag': 259899,
'way': 101359,
'nd': 759141,
'relation': 1691,
'member': 20227

2.3 Number of nodes

sqlite> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM nodes;


2.4 Number of ways

sqlite> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ways;


2.5 Number of unique users

select count(distinct(uid)) from (select uid from nodes union all select uid from ways);


2.6 Top 10 contributing users

select user, count(1) as num 
from (select uid, user from nodes union all select uid, user from ways)
group by user
order by num desc
limit 10;
"Mappernerd"    374511
"iwhs"  122522
"dmgroom_ct"    81467
"dmgroom"   18411
"Andy Street"   9933
"jpennycook"    7831
"Rondon237" 6705
"DrMark"    6445
"UniEagle"  6395
"Gostman"   5028

2.7 Number of users only contributed 1 post

select count(*) 
from (select user, count(1) as num
from (select uid, user from nodes union all select uid, user from ways)
group by user
having num = 1)


3. Additional Data Exploration

3.1 Number of tag types

select count(*)
from (select *
from (select key, value from node_tags union all select key, value from way_tags)
group by key)


3.2 Top 10 appearing tag types

select key, count(1) as num
from (select key, value from node_tags union all select key, value from way_tags)
group by key
order by num desc
limit 10
"building"  53454
"source"    28232
"highway"   21093
"natural"   14638
"barrier"   14490
"name"          12105
"city"          9622
"street"    9144
"access"    5825
"housenumber"   5129

3.3 Number of building types

select count(*)
from (select *
from (select key, value from node_tags union all select key, value from way_tags)
where key = 'building'
group by value)


3.4 Top 10 building types

select value, count(1) as num
from (select key, value from node_tags union all select key, value from way_tags)
where key = 'amenity'
group by value
order by num desc
limit 10
"yes"   22528
"residential"   18364
"house" 8861
"chalet"    2178
"apartments"    323
"garage"    291
"hut"   207
"commercial"    153
"terrace"   124
"barn"  78

3.5 Number of data provided by The National Public Transport Access Nodes (NaPTAN)

select count(*)
from (select *
from (select * from node_tags union all select * from way_tags)
where type = 'naptan'
group by id)


3.6 General information of naptan locations

select key, count(1) as num
from (select * 
from (select * from node_tags union all select * from way_tags) 
where id in
(select id
from (select * from node_tags union all select * from way_tags)
where type = 'naptan' 
group by id) 
and type = 'regular')
group by key
order by num desc
"name"  1334
"source"    1328
"highway"   1321
"shelter"   82
"operator"  12
"note"  11
"bench" 9
"local_ref" 9
"alt_name"  8
"railway"   4
"network"   2
"physically_present"    2
"wheelchair"    2
"covered"   1
"fixme" 1
"seats" 1

3.7 The naptan location without a name attribute

select *
from (select * from node_tags union all select * from way_tags) 
    where id in
        (select id
        from (select *
            from (select * from node_tags union all select * from way_tags) 
            where id in
                (select id
                from (select * from node_tags union all select * from way_tags)
                where type = 'naptan'
                group by id
        group by id
and id not in
(select id
from (select *
    from (select * from node_tags union all select * from way_tags) 
    where id in
        (select id
            from (select * from node_tags union all select * from way_tags)
        where type = 'naptan'
        group by id
where key = 'name'
"533813619" "source"    "regular"   "naptan_import"
"533813619" "Street"    "naptan"    "East Street"
"533813619" "Bearing"   "naptan"    "SW"
"533813619" "AtcoCode"  "naptan"    "230000007750"
"533813619" "verified"  "naptan"    "no"
"533813619" "Indicator" "naptan"    "Adj"
"533813619" "CommonName"    "naptan"    "Cineworld"
"533813619" "NaptanCode"    "naptan"    "iowgjgt"

3.8 The naptan stop that needs to be fixed

tag attributes:

select key, value
from (select * from node_tags union all select * from way_tags) 
where id in
    (select id
    from (select *
        from (select * from node_tags union all select * from way_tags) 
        where id in
            (select id
            from (select * from node_tags union all select * from way_tags)
            where type = 'naptan'
            group by id
        and key = 'fixme'  
"name"  "Bannock Road South"
"fixme" ",ay not be in use"
"source"    "naptan_import"
"highway"   "bus_stop"
"Street"    "Bannock Road"
"Bearing"   "S"
"AtcoCode"  "230000005890"
"verified"  "yes"
"Indicator" "towards Blackgang"
"CommonName"    "Bannock Road South"
"NaptanCode"    "iowdtmg"

lat and lon info:

select lat, lon
from nodes
where id in
    (select id
    from (select *
        from (select * from node_tags union all select * from way_tags) 
        where id in
            (select id
            from (select * from node_tags union all select * from way_tags)
            where type = 'naptan'
            group by id
        and key = 'fixme'  

lat: 50.597754
lon: -1.2654259

3.9 Number of locations required to be fixed with name or street information

select count(*) 
from (select *
    from (select * from node_tags union all select * from way_tags)
    where id in 
        (select id 
        from (select * from node_tags union all select * from way_tags)
        where key = 'fixme' or (key = 'note' and value like '%fixme%'))
    and key in ('name', 'street')
    group by id


3.10 Number of nodes with name or street information

nodes with a name:

select count(*)
from (select id, key, value from (select * from node_tags)
where key = 'name')


nodes with address (street information):

select count(*)
from (select id, key, value from (select * from node_tags)
where key = 'street')


nodes with either a name or address:

select count(*)
from (select id
    from (select id, key, value from (select * from node_tags)
    where key in ('name', 'street'))
    group by id


4. Facts and suggestions

  • There are 507 unique users contributed to the area.
  • 66 users (13%) have only submitted 1 posts.
  • Top 3 users contributed 98.2% of overall entries.
  • Top 3 user contributed 63.6%, 20.8%, 13.8% of overall entries respectively.

After viewing the data and posting some entries myself, it came to me that editing an entries could cost at least 5 minutes (including checking the right input). A fair amount of users might find the procedure to contribute time-consuming.

I would suggest OpenStreetMap to breakdown the fields of data, highlight the priorities (e.g. name and address are prior to whether or not smoking is allowed inside the building), preload location information (e.g. city and province can be preloaded if locations nearby both have same values of city/province).

Expected Enhancements

  • Preloading verified information can reduce the time cost of inputting single POI data.
  • Preloading verified information can keep certain fields in a consistant format.


  • Preloaded data can be inaccurate when the POI is at the edge of two areas (e.g. city boarder).
  • Verified information can be incorrect due to human error and system errors.
  • Previously verified information can change due to causes like changes the municipal administration plans.

5. Conclusion

After wrangling and reviewing the dataset, I found out that the data was contributed by a small numbers of users mostly. As a result, the data might not be all accurate as not all inputs can be reviewed by others. In addition, most locations have different levels of missing data. Although enlarging the size of data and enhancing the accuracy are both important, OSM should consider encourage more entires to be submitted before enhancing the accuracy as it is easy to get a large amount of data if they cooperate with other GPS processors or introduce more users to participate.



    本文标题:OpenStreetMap Data Case Study
