

作者: 是肉丸子啊 | 来源:发表于2018-12-21 15:02 被阅读0次


    1⃣️  oops这类的non-lexical sounds有很多,举几个栗子:

    表示思考:Um /əm/, Uh /ʌ,ə/

    表示肯定:Uh huh: /ə'hʌ/

    表示开窍: Ah hah /ɑː'hɑː/ (Ah hah moment)

    表示惊讶钦佩: Wow /waʊ/ (wow factor)

    表示尴尬或差点出事故等:oops /ʊps/,oops-a-daisy

    表示疼痛: Ouch /aʊtʃ/

    表示不满不赞同:Tsk 可以读成“啧”也可以读成/tɪsk/

    表示恶心:Ew /ɪuː/, Ugh  /ɜː / /ʊx / 

    2⃣️  向右转

    △ make a right turn/turn right

    3⃣️  get to很好用:

    △ 开始 (感觉到、认识到、成为); 达到...的地步(程度)

    You'll like her once you get to know her.

    △ 得到做某事的机会

    I’ll send you when I get to my computer. 

    △ get to sb,对某人产生影响,使生气

    The pressure of work is beginning to get to him.

    4⃣️  问路 

    △ Could you tell me.../ I was wondering.../ Do you happen to know

    5⃣️  打的:

    △ get/hail a taxi/cab

    6⃣️  几点了?

    △ Do you know what time is it? / Do you have the time?(注意一定要有the,没有的话就变成“你有么有时间”了)/ (BrE) What time do you make it? / (NAmE) What time do you have?

    △ 今天读A street cat named Bob正好遇到一个time相关的表达:

    not give sb the time of day 对某人厌弃不理睬 e.g. ① His normal policy was not to give them the time of day. ② Most people just didn't give me the time of day. 

    7⃣️  the/your best bet 最好的办法

    If you want to get around London fast, the Underground is your best bet. 如果你想在伦敦快速地转转,最好乘地铁。

    8⃣️  It'll 书写是不规范的

    9⃣️  tell 拓展

    Tell me about it. 你说得对,的确。

    Tell me another. 不见得吧,我不相信,别瞎扯。

    tell tales about sth/ on sb 揭人短处,说长道短 (名词telltale就是小时候没事儿就给你“告诉老师”那种人啦哈哈)


    1⃣️  b不发音

    climb, lamb, thumb, comb, bomb, tomb, plumber, doubt, debt, subtle...

    2⃣️  t有很多allophone


    ℹ️  The devil is in the details. 

    2⃣️  不要惧怕“努力”。



