Don't Live In The Shadow Of Others.
Try To Be Yourself!
Why are you looking for another job ____ you have got such a good one already?
A. if B. when C. that D. as
答案是B. 填 when.
在传统英语教学中,大部分老师会这样给学生讲解:when在这里相当于considering that;since(既然如此;考虑到……)有表原因的意味。在逻辑上,该题的意思正是:既然你已经获得这么好的一份工作,那为什么还要找另一份工作呢?说到这里,题目就讲析完了。学生们会频频点头,认为此题已经pass了。接着,老师就开始讲下一个题目了。
实际上,学生们到这时差不多还是傻子(只不过连他们自己都不知道罢了)。为什么这么讲呢?因为我们传统的英语教学只是就题论题,一个题目挖的是什么空,就只考虑那一空。比如:在上题中只去解释出题者所挖之空的意义,而几乎不去考虑整句的情境。这样做的结果是:如果把选项换成since或now that之类同样表原因(既然)的连接词,学生会怎么想呢?很可能你会说这些选项都正确,因为它们都有“既然”的意思。下面让Dongge告诉你:上述高考题即使给出诸如since或now that这样的选项,也只能填when! 为什么?因为“Why……when……?”是一超级情境句式。用Dongge的话讲,即“既然有后者的事实……存在,那为什么还能有前者的事实……发生呢?”意思是说后者的事实存在应该阻碍前者的发生。那么我是怎么感悟到这一超级情境句式的呢?从阅读中来!在浩如烟海的阅读中去探索发现,去感悟总结!当然前提是阅读材料必须是原汁原味的语言。下面是Dongge的激情例释:
1. 既然吸烟者明明知道抽烟有害健康甚至会危及生命,可他们为什么还要生命不息,吸烟不止呢?
Why do those smokers insist on smoking, when they must have known that habit will harm their health or even kill themselves?
2. 既然现在是上课时间,你就应该在校上课,怎么会在超市闲逛呢?
Why are you hanging around the supermarket when you are supposed to be at school?
3. 在《威尼斯商人》中,伯爵对冷酷自私的夏洛克说过这么一句话:“夏洛克,既然你不怜悯别人,怎么能指望得到别人的宽恕呢?”
How can you expect for mercy when you show none?
在上例中,我们发现句式的反问质疑部分没有用“why”而是换成了“how can you”。你有感觉吗?你为之激动吗?
4. 再看2006年山东卷英语高考第31题:How can you learn anything ____ you never listen? (既然你从来不听讲,你怎么指望去学到什么东西呢?)
A.in case B.even if C.unless D.when
5. 一次有学生问我一篇完型填空,“……Where is the sense in going by boat ____ a plane costs no more and is quicker?……” (既然坐飞机去花钱一样少而且速度更快,那么坐小船去还有什么意义呢?)
A. that B. once C. when D. as
你有触电的感觉吗?你知道我当时有多么兴奋,多么激动吗!因为我又一次发现上述句式的反问质疑部分又变为: “Where is the sense in …… when …… ?”
“Where is the sense in……?”来源于“There is no sense in doing……”. 类似的例子还有 “There is no point in doing……”可是你发现了这样的令人兴奋的结果吗?即“There is no point in doing……”的反问要用 “What is the point in doing……?” 记住Dongge一句话:“学习英语没有‘为什么’,只有‘是什么’。”“是什么”就是你要去发现native speaker使用英语语言的习以为常的模式规则,而没必要深究这一规则(或者说习惯)背后的逻辑道理。就是说当你发现了“是什么”的时候,你就已经有了重大收获和进步,把它熟记在心,灵活套用于类似的情境中即可。根本不需要也没必要去问“为什么”。(尽管我也可以讲透“为什么”)。那么上述句型自然也可表达为:“What is the point in doing …… when ……?”
再后来我在CHINA DAILY上读到一篇美国教授撰写的文章,谈论中国教育改革创新的问题。文章最后一句话发人深省:
6. How realistic is it to ask most current teachers to implement a creative and innovative education curriculum when most of them are skilled and feel more comfortable with the existing one?” (当大部分教师对现有课程资源已驾轻就熟时,去要求他们实施创新课程,还有多大现实意义呢?)
在我们开篇所引出的超级情境句式中的反问质疑部分又被换成了“How realistic is it …… when ……?”
Why …… when ……?
How can …… when ……?
Where is the sense in …… when ……?
What is the point in …… when ……?
How realistic it is …… when ……?
例如,高三学生有一次写书面表达,谈论出国留学的利与弊,有一个学生这样写到:The other day I announced that I would go abroad for further studies right after my college education. My decision evoked the immediate objection of my family: Why? Why should I borrow a huge sum of money for overseas studies when I might receive the same education at home at relatively low cost? My answer is: in addition to knowledge, I can gain experiences that those who stay at home will never have.
讲到这里,我特别要强调“输入积累&输出应用”的相辅相成的良性互动关系。即:当你通过足够量的阅读(当然指的是权威的native speaker写的材料)已领悟到令你激动的某一情境句式时,你会迫不及待地模仿套用该句式去表达类似的情境。很多学生以为到了这一步便大功告成。其实不然,学无止境,试试看在今后的阅读输入中能否辨识你所总结出的情境句式,看看在新的阅读过程中能否惊喜地发现旧的已被你掌握的表达模式?如果发现了,什么感觉?百分之百的兴奋与亲切!这就是Dongge关于阅读的感受之一——亲切之感。试想,如果亲切指数越高,阅读的信心指数就越高;你就会体会到英语学习带给你的兴奋与快乐!哇噻!我在以前领悟到的情境表达方式今天又得到了验证。随着你不断的阅读,这样的令你兴奋与亲切的验证体验会源源不断,接踵而至,你想挡都挡不住。但是辩证地讲,每一次新的阅读,在你拥抱亲切感的同时,一定会或多或少伴随有一定的“陌生感”,但是接下来你的超级悟性一定会把“陌生感”转化为“兴奋感/成就感”,从而建立新的“亲切感”。………… 在如此循环往复的学习过程中,你的英语思维便牢固地建立起来了。
例如,在近年某期ENGLISH SQUARE上,我读到这么一段对话:
------ When the Internet is able to link you to anywhere in the world with a few clicks , why bother writing by hand?
------ Well , a written letter carries your heart’s feelings. Just think about the smiles on your parents’ faces when they see your handwriting .
能想象我当时的兴奋与激动吗?看到我刻意染红的When……why……?了吗?然而更令我惊喜的是在扑面而来的亲切之中闪动着亮点!Why……when……?的语序颠倒了!当然还有一个更重要的兴奋点——通过本句又学会一超级反问句式:Why bother to do/doing……?
It doesn’t make good sense to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good.
1.How did it come about that he is so badly off when he earns such a good salary?
2.Why do voters want to see politicians attempt the common touch when it is such a transparent fraud?
最后再给读者奉献一段气势如虹的排比句,(摘自美国哲学教授Philip Jcunningham 的文章),看看你能否识别出本讲的超级句式,体验一把阅读中的亲切感。
Given the precedent of Iraq ,how can the US and Britain chastise China for not chastising Iran when the US and British have a documented history of meddling both in Iraq and Iran ,including the overthrow of governments ,installation of pro-west puppet governments and exploitation of oil ?
How can the US State Department and NSA,in coorperation with Google ,assume the high ground in complaints about mail-prying and information control in China when Google itself has become one of the world's biggest invaders of personal privacy and human rights with its Orwellian surveillance capabilities ,aggressive data-mining and creation of individual files and advertising profile ,based in large part on the science of reading other people's mail?
How can US lecture China on the proper way to handle militant Muslims in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous reigon ,when it is bombing and shooting militant Muslims on a daily basis in Iraq ,Afghanistan and Pakistan?