1.Well,it's not the passion,it's the concern that worries.
2. 20 years ago,very few people have heard about “cancer”the word ,but now almost most of the families.my friends have people that cancerous.
3. So if we work so hard put all the.money in a hospital buy medicine it would be a disastrous? why should we working?
1.It's been proven by history ,all mankind makes mistake.历来如此,人非圣贤 孰能无过
2.I lost my temper at myself 我对自己发火了
3.He might have a good reason ,if he is not available.如果他缺席国宴,那一定是有原因的
4.We don't shy a way from discussion about human right.我们不会对人权问题遮遮掩掩避而不谈。
5.Death comes to all without distinction人皆有一死
1.It's not the face of the liberty,but the way in which liberty is exercised that ultimately detemines whether liberty itself survives.
valentine story(good look like own)
someone the heart see what is invisible to eye 有时眼睛看不到的,心灵却可以看到
—— H.Jackson.Brown
All mankind love a lover 凡人皆爱情侣
Who ever loved that loved not a first love sight 对真生的所爱,谁不是一见钟情
—— 克利斯多夫.马洛
Nothinf else is more painful then this in the world 最痛苦的事莫过于此