The Ph.D grind-博士磨难-读后感

The Ph.D grind-博士磨难-读后感

作者: 记录小能手 | 来源:发表于2020-11-29 19:56 被阅读0次



    1.科研中学会与他人合作、交流,在合作中学习 / Ally with insiders

    I had an easy time publishing papers whenallied with expert insiders such as Scott and Joel during my secondyear, Tom during my MSR internship, and Je↵ during my fifthyear.

    I didn’t have time to present all five projects during my oral defensetalk, so I chose to present three projects, one that I did with each memberof my thesis committee: IncPy with Dawson, ProWrangler withJe↵, and Burrito with Margo. Most Ph.D. students publish paperswith only their advisor, so it was a rare honor to get to talk aboutresearch that I did with all three of my committee members.


    2.带着目标做事更容易有产出 / Outputs trump inputs

    In contrast, related work literature searches for my dissertationprojects were much more effective because my reading was tightlydirected towards clear goals: identifying competitors and adaptinggood ideas into my own projects.

    My Ph.D. training has taught mehow to effectively find the most relevant information for what Ineed to accomplish at each moment.



    This final grad school adventure would not have been possible withoutme actively seizing opportunities that I was fortunate enough tohave been given. If Robert hadn’t told me about the San Jose workshoptwo years ago, if I hadn’t submitted and presented my IncPypaper there, if Margo hadn’t liked my paper and introduced me to Elaine, if I hadn’t kept in touch with Elaine, if I hadn’t spontaneously said hello to Margo again at last summer’s conference where I presentedCDE, if she didn’t send me a gracious follow-up email, andif I didn’t take a risk with my unusual counterproposal to her, thenI would have still been back at Stanford struggling to find one lastproject and thesis committee member.



    I took a pragmaticapproach to my brainstorming since I wanted her to be excited aboutmy project and to strongly support its inclusion in my dissertation. Thus, I read some of her recent papers and grant applications to get a sense of her research philosophy so that I could cater my ideas towards her tastes. By now, I understood the importance of aligning with thesubjective preferences of senior collaborators (and paper reviewers),even when doing research in supposedly objective technical fields.


    5.知道何时该放弃 / Know when to quit

    Quitting Klee at the end of my third yearwas my most pivotal decision of grad school. If I hadn’t quit Klee,then there would be no IncPy, no SlopPy, no CDE, no ProWrangler,and no Burrito; there would just be three or more years of painfulincremental progress followed by a possible “pity graduation.”


    6.迷茫的时候要更加努力,更加聪明的努力 / Grind hard and smart

    Every time Ireflected back on the inefficiencies, failures, and frustrations that I hadendured during my first three years of grad school, I would grow moreenraged and push myself to grind even harder; I was motivated by anobsessive urge to make up for supposedly lost time. Of course, thoseearly years weren’t actually lost; without those struggles, I wouldn’thave gained the inspiration or abilities to create the five projects thatcomprised my dissertation.



    I talked to Dawson about my conflicting feelings, and he was quite supportive, soI accepted the internship offer.



    In theory, technicalpapers should be judged on their merit alone, but in reality, reviewerseach have their own unique subjective tastes and philosophical biases.So I drastically rewrote my introductory pitch with the aim of gettingmore amicable reviewers and then resubmitted to a second-tier conferenceto further improve its chances of acceptance. My plan worked,and the IncPy conference paper was accepted—albeit with lukewarmreviews—on my second submission attempt in early 2011.


    After the initialsuccess of CDE, I no longer cared if my graduation was delayed bya year or more due to lack of additional publications; I got so muchsatisfaction from knowing that a piece of software I had invented couldimprove many people’s computing experiences.

    It was fun at times, but moreimportantly, it was fulfilling. Fun is often frivolous, ephemeral, andeasy to obtain, but true fulfillment comes only after overcoming significantand meaningful challenges. Pursuing a Ph.D. has been one ofthe most fulfilling experiences of my life, and I feel extremely lucky tohave been given the opportunity to be creative during this time.




        本文标题:The Ph.D grind-博士磨难-读后感
